I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 165: Wake up

   After so many things on this day, the sun gradually set down the mountain.

   Zhang Meng, Du Zijian, Liu Fulu and others, because the monster genes are not strong enough, Sunan arranged for them to wait in place for Chekoka's response and not participate in the subsequent actions.

   The bright moonlight wine fell on the bodies of the two beasts, and three vague shadows were projected on the ground.

   Yinghuo Suzaku Beast seems to have some kind of hostility towards Qiongqi Tianshu, deliberately half of his position ahead of time, put Qiongqi Tianshu behind, and rush forward on its own.

   Although it is said that the Qiongqi Tianshu only knew the correct route, the Yinghua Suzaku Beast could rather express its dissatisfaction with the Qiongqi Tianshu in this way.

   Sunan knew that this was because the white tiger beast had eaten it in the hands of Qiongqitianshu. As one of the four great beasts, the Yinghua Suzaku beast naturally wanted to help his old partner.

   These monsters raised by Sunan are all spiritual, and Sunan naturally knows their true thoughts deep in their hearts.

  The White Tiger Beast is the first pet to be upgraded to Tier 4 among the four great beasts, and Sunan is also preparing to upgrade the Tier 3 to the White Tiger Beast.

   However, fighting against the white tiger beast must find the morale that had been spent in Qiongqi. Of course, Sunan was very willing to provide them with a fair duel.

   Jie Qiuling sat on the body of the Yinghua Suzaku beast, looking back at Sunan from time to time.

   Sunan's thin face stared at the front, his face solemn, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. This caused Yi Qiuling to follow Sunan's emotions and start to worry.

   Time flies quickly, and their destination will arrive soon.

   In the darkness, a dazzling light came from a cave on the side of a certain mountain.

  What is that?" Yi Qiuling, who was sitting on the Yinghua Suzaku, pointed to the bright cave and asked in surprise.

   Sunan did not answer her question, but flew directly towards there.

  【Qingqi Tianshu】Always follow this Sunan, this cave is precisely because of the arrival of the Qiongqi Tianshu】beginning with a peculiar light.

   The Yinghua Suzaku beast was unwilling to be left behind, fluttered its wings and flew directly past the [Qingqi Tianshu] and followed behind Sunan. At the moment, Yi Qiuling, who was sitting on the Yinghua Suzaku, could finally see the surroundings for four to weeks after he approached.

   It turned out that this is a vacant place in the north of the Himalayas. The towering walls are hidden in the clouds, and the sky is not visible all year round.

   The holy mountain is nearly hundreds of kilometers away from here. This cave is very hidden. Even if you look carefully, you may not find the entrance of the cave.

   Perhaps it was the sense that the golden energy in Qiongqi Tianshu's body was emitting a golden light from the eyes of an object in the gossamer cave.

   This golden light illuminates the entire cave, as if a bright lamp in the dark night guides the direction of the two.

   The bewitched Vermillion Bird couldn't wait, eager to rush into the cave. Jie Qiuling sitting on its back is in the same eager mood as it is

   However, Sunan stopped at the entrance of the cave and examined it carefully.

   Seeing the master stop suddenly, the Yinghua Suzaku, one of the four great beasts, immediately converged, glided sideways and flew to the rear right of Sunan, and forced the Qiongqitianshu behind.

   Sunan didn’t have time to take care of two vindictive pets. All his attention was on this strange cave.

   I saw that the entrance of the cave was very large, and the cave was also extremely deep. Looking in from the outside, the deep passage can't even see the end.

   If it weren't for the golden light flashing in the cave, I wonder if this is another space-time passage to other universes.

   Qiongqi Tianshu is at the back of the group, and the words on it follow the golden light in the cave.

   However, Qiongqi Tianshu was very calm at this time, and did not have the excitement and violent reaction when he approached the half-sacred stele just now.

   And Sunan stopped at the entrance of the cave because he felt a monster with powerful energy inside the cave was moving rapidly toward the entrance of the cave.

   Its goal is Sunan and others who are standing at the entrance of the cave at this moment.

   Sunan waved his hand, and the Yinghua Suzaku beast with Ruo Yi Qiuling flew back ten meters away and landed on the cliff nearby.

  Qiangqi Tianshu also received Sunan’s order, but it only moved back three meters to free up the space for Sunan to display freely.

   The monster in the cave has also rushed out of the cave at this moment, revealing a hideous face.

   When the members of the Bhutanese Presbyterian Church arrived, Sunan and Yi Qiuling had already left here.

   Long and fierce, Du Zijian and Liu Fusheng also rushed towards the meeting point designated by Chekoka. Only the half-smooth sacred stele remained on the scene, as well as large and small potholes.

   The scene was obviously a **** battle. This terrifying battle scene made the members of the Presbyterian Church feel frightened.

   However, the greater panic is still behind.

   "Chang Lao" "One of the members of the Presbyterian Church was snorting and not knowing what to say.

   Tell me if you have anything! How is Wu Qiuling? Have you found her? "The elder is a middle-aged man in black, dressed in a black shirt, and he looks powerful.

   "We did not find the lord!" The man lowered his head and said in frustration

   But we found the remains of the holy stele! "There is not much surprise in this sentence. The elders immediately noticed that something happened in the middle.

  What's wrong with the holy stele?" "The elder's complexion sank and asked coldly.

   The sacred monument was shattered, leaving only half of it!" As soon as that person finished answering, the elder in front of him suddenly disappeared from him.

   Hearing that the sacred monument was destroyed, of course the elder could not sit still, and ran directly in front of the sacred monument.

   The sacred stele he saw at this moment was not much different from that of Sunan and Yiqiu Lingshi. At a glance, he could tell that the damage occurred a long time ago.

   Soon, another completely impossible thing was discovered by the elder.

   "Wait! Where are the words on the holy stele?"

   Elder Ti was there. As the guardian of the sacred monument, the Bhutanese shouldered a heavy responsibility. However, the sacred monument was destroyed and the words on the sacred monument disappeared strangely.

   These things put together, Yan Shi makes people feel confused after receiving the signal from Yi Qiuling. The elders rushed to the scene with the people from the Presbyterian Church, but never thought that the scene was already in a mess.

   At this moment, a figure walked out from behind the crowd. This man was very old and bowed, with his head down, no one could see his face clearly.

   This is the person Jie Qiuling said. He persuaded the Presbyterian Church to let Jie Qiuling set off first to find the holy

   The whereabouts of the monument. In fact, he is looking for Sunan and hug Sunan's thigh.

   His careful wife asked for this half of the holy beer, perceiving the coldness of the holy stele, but could not sense the energy of the holy stele. There was an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

   The elder was a little frustrated, the holy beer was destroyed, the writing on the holy stele disappeared, and the lord did not know where to end. The three things combined are enough to shake Bhutan.

   When he saw that the man was stroking the stone tablet with his hand, he immediately stepped forward respectfully, preparing to salute and inquire.

   The man just brushed the dirt on his hands slightly, staying there without saying a word, accepting the elder's salute calmly.

   Look, this. The elder lowered his head, leaning against that person's ear and asked cautiously.


   I only said one word, and stopped speaking. Although the elder still felt uneasy after hearing this, he arranged for the people of the Presbyterian Church to camp and rest on the spot, waiting for dawn.

   The man was far away from the crowd, and only made a pile of falling fire in front of him. Like a blanket attached to his body, he sat motionless like an old monk in meditation.

   Elder, are we really waiting here? The members of the Sect Master’s Presbyterian Church approached the elder and whispered.

   Shut up! "The elder said fiercely, throwing a piece of wood into the fire, and there was a loud crack in the fire.

Elder    unwillingly raised his head and looked at the man, he found what he had already made. I had to shook my head, not knowing what I was thinking at the moment

   There is a burnt wooden stick beside that person's feet. On the stone beside him, the character "Qin" is written with charcoal wood. Of

   The monster that rushed out of the cave in the northern foot of the Himalayas came fiercely.

   This monster has a huge body like a snake, but it curled up into a ball like a huge cannonball~www.wuxiaspot.com~Crossing towards Ruo Sunan.

   Sunan's black wings drew an arc in the moon sky, and swiftly avoided the monster's attack.

   However, its speed is too fast. It was like a bowling ball thrown hard, flying backwards with great inertia.

   The back of Sunan was naturally the "Qingqi Tianshu" who had just been promoted to the eighth rank. Seeing Sunan flashing past, the monster continued to hit the [Qingqi Tianshu].

  Qiang Qi Tian Shu itself evolved from [Undead Qiong Qi]. It not only has a new ability to interpret the book, but the whole body has undergone a reborn change.

  零七七"I saw [Qingqi Tianshu] facing the monster silk that shrank into a ball and struck like a cannonball, without any timidity, but directly faced it and prepared to face it!

   The inscriptions on the [Qingqi Tianshu] began to appear, attached to the surface of the [Qingqi Tianshu] like a flame, and the [Qingqi Tianshu] wrapped in golden armor was like a huge golden tripod.

When the monster hit [Qingqi Tianshu], there was a loud sound of "" in the sky. It was really like a crash on the bell. The sound resounded through the sky, and it was particularly ear-piercing in the dark sky. .

   Sunan's wings could feel the tremors in the air in the air, not to mention that Yi Qiuling, who was sitting on the Yinghua Suzaku beast, was almost knocked over by this air wave.

   Fortunately, the Yinghua Suzaku beast stabilized its figure at a critical moment, flapped its wings in the opposite direction, and firmly fixed Yi Qiuling on its back.

  The holy mountain a hundred miles away

   The originally peaceful and quiet Presbyterian camp was suddenly awakened by the huge noise.

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