I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 381: Mana

The group of twelve people on the shore quickly divided into three groups, looking for their intended route.

   Hospital, combat meeting room.

General    a purple Chezhang walked to Lin Chang, stood in front of him, stood at attention and saluted: "The alloy team has entered the East China Sea Fairy Island, and the bird team will arrive within 20 minutes.

   Lin Chang took Ruoyan in his hand and said, "Order the First Army to be prepared. If there is an accident, they are a reserve force. Don't let that **** escape back to Xiandao East China Sea!

   Yes! "The purple chapter number ceremony, then turned and walked away.

   The East China Sea Fairy Island is very big, so the Alloy team is very happy to enter here. The trees here are very high. Except for the trees, (agfh) is the big East House.

The captain of the    alloy team and the third assault team quickly arrived at the young rao residence according to the directions on the map.

   The captain raised his right fist and motioned to the group to stop. The two soldiers behind him took guns.

   report, no fish.” The radio on the captain’s ear sounds like a sniper team.

   "The first and second surprise group report" the captain ordered. "Group no mice were found.

   No mice were found in the second group.

   After hearing the reports of the two teams, the captain of the alloy team heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the academy's intelligence was accurate.

  Mom's "There was a surprised voice on the radio.

   What's wrong?" the captain asked, pressing the radio.

   "No, it's okay to hug the sound from the radio, and then: "Outside is a door, inside is a hole in the air, this is really a hole in the air.

   "After the search is over, shut up and gather." The captain whispered.

   Then, there was the sound of birds singing from the sky, and several giant birds flew across the canopy.

   The bird is here. "A weak voice came from the captain's radio.

   received, the alloy team is ready to break in. "The captain took out the goggles from his waist: "All eyes!

   has established a defense system adjacent to a commando.

   The second assault team has established a defense system. "Two groups were heard on the broadcast.

   come in! "The captain, then turned around with a gun, and two soldiers from the third assault team quickly entered the young Rao's residence.

   The three people passed a dark road and then walked out of the cave.

   flashed past, the captain and the third commando with goggles still staring at the opposite vision.

   It’s hard to imagine the real mansion in the East China Sea is so beautiful, blue and white clouds in the mansion, there is water in the mansion, the clear water swims happily in the fish, and there are pavilions and pavilions in the distance, like an alien landscape of Taoyuan.

This is a **** mansion" The soldier murmured beside the captain. After all, the captain of this alloy team is a professional special soldier who has undergone a lot of training and can participate in countless battles, so he saw the photos in front of him. Surprised, but not at a loss like the soldiers of his Zhou Kingdom.

   The quiet atmosphere in the house, the sound of running water, and the sound of birds play music outside.

Captain    was surprised to think that the other two groups of soldiers had actually seen such a scene.

   The photo of a professional soldier breaking into one of the most modern equipment in the world looks incredible, but this is what it looks like now. The captain of the alloy team and two soldiers advanced in three to three camouflage searches. They remain vigilant, and all their experience in many tasks tells them that the quieter the place, the greater the danger.

   "Cover!" As if Tang heard three prayers, footsteps came from behind the rockery.

   "Akin, if you die outside in vain, our curse will follow the sound of the voice, a man, a woman and two practitioners come over~.

   "Is there any other way? We can only ask Master Shao Yang for the antidote male doctor while walking

  The alloy captain leaned against the wall and whispered: ""Leave them alone, hide them

   Received! "There is a sniper team on the radio.

Captain    and two soldiers clung to the wall, listening to the footsteps getting closer. The captain drew the pistol from the holster tied to his leg and slowly tightened the silencer.

   Wait? Voice? "The male doctor stopped suddenly and listened carefully.

Where is   ? "I heard the voice of a female practitioner.

The captain of the    alloy team danced in his heart, holding a pistol in his hand, and drew a combat knife in his other hand.

   Of course it is the voice in your stomach! "The male doctor laughed suddenly. Jin, you hate it!" the female practitioner shouted with a smile.

   Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching again, the captain took up the sword and prepared to kill them as soon as he spotted them.

   These two practitioners are not professional soldiers after all, so they did not notice that three armed friendship cold men just walked past the door.

   They are far away. "The sound of a sniper came from the radio. Go forward." The captain waved and continued to search with the two soldiers. Most of the practitioners of the Hidden Fairy went to Mingzhou Port, Xuanchan, and Baiyunxia Liangcheng, so there were only these two practitioners in the East China Sea, and the same was true of previous shelling. Obviously did not cause any imitation to outsiders here

  According to the preliminary plan and the map provided by the college, the three quickly arrived at a room deep in the building.

   The relationship between these two Rao is not pure. "There is the voice of a sniper on the radio. "Does the practitioner want to fall in love, too?" Another voice came from the radio.

  The practitioner is also a person. "It must be very hot on the radio." Hu, shut up and keep the channel clean. "Captain Alloy whispered a few words, and then the radio went quiet.

   The academy’s intelligence department is so powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They quickly found this box with the help of the kiosk, and the captain pressed the radio: "The package is received.

   The mission is completed.

   The birds received it. I will pick you up right away. Please get ready. The cannon will cover the entire island in five minutes.

   "Let's go, we can go home" Captain Alloy handed the box to his Zhou Guo players, walked out of the room, looked at Kong, and sighed that Tang's Kong was so beautiful.

   More than 33, Xu Shaoyang naturally didn't know that these twelve soldiers who did not belong to this era broke in. He naturally didn't know that they took a box, and he didn't even know that the hidden gods had such a box.

   At Mingzhou Port, Ding Yuan looked at the sky and slowly said, "It must have been taken away.

   Dai Binghan has no expression on his face. He has nothing to do.

   "If I leave with the killer, maybe no one in the East China Sea can stop these people from walking." Ding Yuan also said.

   Dai Binghan is still silent. A few years ago, the Qingyi Taoists had no magic power, so it would be impossible to know about the Immortal Island in the East China Sea.

   Ding Yuan looked at Binghan: "After all, I have my own way." Just Binghan raised her brows slightly: "That's useless. Ding Yuan smiled, nodded, and said nothing more.

   There is an emperor in the Chang'an Palace, but everyone in the city knows that there are two important people here.

   One of them is Li Chengqian, the leader of the Tang Dynasty, and the other is Li Chengqian who has lived in this painting for a long time. He has always lived in the bottom of Chang'an City, so he is there.

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