I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 397: chase

  Ah" yelled, Xu Yifa's body fell down and blinked. It was still not clear. Sunan gave Xu Yifa a drop of water, shook his head, and continued to climb up.

   There are about ten thousand 653 steps. At this time, Sunan seems to have reached the top of the sky. Sunan saw the stone steps pouring into a rolling black curtain, and more people saw the wicker leaves slender like smoke and the black gray burst separated from the black window emperor. Drift down. Sunan gently touched the black screen with his hands. The black screen Mu Yihu was blocked by a barrier and touched it with extra force. The black screen will have slight ripples, the ripples will be flat, it will resonate in another place, until the endless gap, the black screen should have thunder and rumble.

Lin (bdef) Fei doesn’t know what this black emperor is, will it really be a barrier to heaven? I remember that in the ancient East China Sea, there were huge trees in the East China Sea, dragons and phoenixes built nests, and unicorns and black turtles ran on the journey, just like Her father and professor wrote in the "Mountains and Seas" written by the ancient East China Sea.

   The ancient emperors climbed huge mulberry trees back and forth in the world and the immortal court, and ruled all the people. Sunan looked at the dark curtain and said: "Legend is that the fairy can change and reverse the spring and autumn. If I learn the magic of the fairy, I will resurrect my mother. Sunan, who is already hungry and exhausted, thinks. Sunan looks ahead. The unknown dark curtain, the secret way broke through the dark curtain.

Sunan carefully stretched one arm into the black curtain and stirred slowly, feeling that his arm was a little stagnant on the black screen. His hands were repeated and repeated inspections did not feel wrong, so he bit his teeth and reached the top. , Plunged into the black window emperor. Sunan tried to breathe in the black window emperor. He was thick in the air, but breathed reluctantly, then climbed up. About 500 steps, Sunan was still in the dark curtain, but he couldn't breathe here. His mouth and nose seemed to be blocked by cotton balls.

   Sunan closed his breath, walked three hundred steps and then went up again, still unable to breathe here, Sunan's heart was worried, so he rose to level 200, still having difficulty breathing. Sunan's heart was startled, but he could no longer hold his breath. He made the cotton ball as thick as a cotton ball, and those black and bright thick things entered Sunan's body. After a while, Sunan developed a phantom party and unknowingly let go of his hand.

The body gave dozens of commands. Fortunately, Sunan bit through the tip of his tongue, and was relieved by the operation under the cool breathing of his body. After climbing up, Sunan did not dare to open it any more, and walked straight up three hundred. Step, try to breathe, but it's okay here. After another hundred steps, the eyes are bright, as if piercing the boundless black window emperor. Su Nan saw that Ying's bright heart knew that the dark curtain was about to come out, so he hurried to the light.

   Less than a hundred steps, and then climbed up for a while, the light in front of him was confused and reflected some colorful colors, Sunan drank a cup of black drink, pierced Hei Mu, he stretched out his head and looked around.

Red makeup and green trees, busy bees and butterflies, dark invasion, fresh ripe fruit, more sesame flowers embellished, cranes sing and dance, first see a brilliant golden light in front of Xu Jitang, but sparkling, flapping the water on the shore, the pavilion in the middle The corridors of terraces and pavilions, curtains and beads, there is a bright golden light in front of them, but it is sparkling waves, the sound of water on the shore, and at the same time, the corridors of pavilions and pavilions, bright curtains, milky white beads, distant blue walls, green Tiles, carved beams and paintings, eaves like dragons. I can't believe this is a world full of wonderland

Sunan skipped the fragrant melons and fruits, passing through the tentacles and holes, but did not touch them. The fruits flashed past like a broken mirror, but saw some bright light slip through the fingers. . Sunan couldn't help being taken aback, looking up at the ripe fruit, still shaking with the wind on the branches, stirring people's hearts, but unable to pick them off.

Fairy fruits need fairies to eat. Is this true? "Sunan tried it a few times, but just like Gang オー, he took a breath and walked to the front of the big lake, "If you can’t pick fruits, just drink something to quench your thirst. ". Sunan walked to the lake and held up a handful of water, but just like Gang オ, the water turned into a light from between his fingers.

Ah, if it is a fairyland, if there is a fairyland," there was a big laugh from behind, Xu Yanfa also put his head in the middle of the window emperor, looked around, smiled, and caught a glimpse of Sunan standing by the lake, just sneer. . He jumped up and pounced on the melon and fruit.

   When Sunan saw that Xu Yanfa was still alive, he didn't know. He had to escape to the corridor by the lake and ran more than ten steps. He heard Xu Yanfa roaring behind him, and Sunan looked back and saw Xu Yifa turning his sword towards those fruit trees Qionghua. Let him show a sense of disillusionment in the position of more than ten feet. Sunan knew that Xu Yanfa would not be able to quench his thirst. Then, Sunan saw Xu Yi vomiting blood, and heard him roar in the distance: "This is not a fairyland," and then saw Xu Yan fell to the ground with chills, motionless.

Sunan ran forward for a while and saw Chu Yanpang still lying there motionless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and thought, "Is he angry at his own death?" Sunan was thinking, Xu Yanfa stood up unexpectedly. , Ran to the southern part of Jiangsu, and the two sides started chasing again. Bi Jing, Sunan is only the acquired Dacheng Kingdom. Compared with the Dacheng Kingdom that Xu Yanfa entered first, it is not a star, but at the end of the corridor. He was caught by Xu Yanfa.

   Sunan saw Chu Yan's hair at this time, his eyes were blood-red, and Besson's teeth were clenched tightly, staring at him like a ripple, without being shy-, staring at him.

   Yuangao, do you think this is a fairyland?" But Chu Yan asked in a whisper.

   Sunan was afraid of his conspiracy, just to protect his mind and guard against defense, shut up, and did not answer.

   Xu Yifa raised his finger and said to Sunan, "No, I know this is what you are going to do.

Chu Yan's hair showed white teeth. He smiled and said to himself that more than ten years ago, there was a big family in Qianguocheng, Kunzhou, Tai'anfu. A young master did not like poetry collections, but liked dancing and holding a stick. Hercules makes friends. In the autumn of that year, the young master took a group of idlers to hunt in the mountains, passing by a farmhouse, the young master went to the farmhouse to drink water, but made fun of the peasant girl, the young master and the peasant girl's feelings, and had a love alliance.

However, when the young master walked into the hospital, he saw the old peasant died in his yard and the young man was robbed into the house, but he saw a middle-aged Taoist stab his beloved girl in the chest with a sword. The young man fought and killed the Taoist priest. However, it turned out that the Taoist priest was a patrol disciple of the former Qingyun County Da faction. The incident was exposed. The door of the extended family was destroyed. The only young master escaped in hiding. The young master vowed to take revenge. He swayed around the world and finally found one. The fairy book.


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