I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 410: Xiancheng

   This is a great contribution to the entire human race. What have they done in the lives of those who have converted in their lives? They used a lot of precious resources to extend their lives, and then magical powers destroyed part of the world.

  In ancient times, the ancient monks who exorcised and killed witches for the survival of mankind are worthy of respect. They are human heroes, but today's Fairy Gate is definitely not, especially their practice of harming the human world. In fact, gods can't hang up a little side, this or what kind of fairies do school is completely the practice of ancient devil.

   But everything is possible. If a person can influence and guide his world to the direction of human development on the earth, then a person's own resources and energy are much better than the restoration of the earth world. Maybe I will never be able to reach the top of this continent alone. But with this idea, they themselves can lead the entire Dahan 403 and lead the entire human race to the top of the entire continent!

   It is not that the king's land is underground, but the king's ministers lead the coast of the earth. Zhao Jie couldn't help thinking of these two words. If he could become the ancient emperor on the earth, wouldn't he be on the top of the continent?

  As a prince in the Han Dynasty, I, Zhao Jie, will take on the heavy responsibility of the Han Kingdom for my father in the future. Think about the ancient emperors of the Hua family. What are the ancient emperors of the Hua family? They are gifted by heaven. They bring the herdsmen in the sky to enhance the power of the people, enrich the country, and build an emperor without heaven? What is the master of the people, pioneering The merits of the world create the earth and become the great cause of the times! I believe that Zhao Jie can do it.

   This dream is too earth-shaking, this dream is too earth-shaking. This dream will completely change the world and create a new era.

   Zhao Jie was in high spirits.

   It’s just that there are some thoughts that you can’t tell anyone, even the father who loves them the most.

  Father, believe in children, we can do it. Because everything is possible!

   Xia Xiang took Zhao Jie back to the imperial city, put aside all state affairs, and accompanied Zhao Jie for three days. Zhao Jie knew that his father was making up for himself and making up for the debt he owed him before. To be honest, Zhao Jie really wanted to stay with his father like this.

   Zhao Jie has a great dream. He knows deeply that if he wants to change a world, he must fully understand the world. He decided to find the eldest brother as soon as possible, walk into the fairy gate, and truly understand the world of the fairy monk

   In accordance with Xia Xiang's reluctance to say goodbye, he left the capital of Emperor Han Dynasty, Zhao Jie, Xia Hua, and Murong Zixia Party, and went straight to the Qinglong Fairy Gate of Nanxian County Wuyi Mountain.

  Along the way, people were greeted in Jinyu's branch. It turned out that the elderly from all over the country met each other through Murong's purple Chardonnay. In addition, this Murong Zixia is also familiar with a place in Nan County. Although Zhao Jie wanted to walk around, he didn't take Hanwang's car, which drove directly into the depths of Nanxian County. But this road was properly arranged by Murong Zixia, and the speed was not slow. Ten days later, when you reached the border of Nanxian County, you could see distant clouds surrounding Hanxian Mountain Wuyi Mountain.

   In the entire Han Dynasty, the best feng shui is Xianshan Wuyi Mountain. The spirit of this place is so strong that monks often practice in such a place, and it takes half an effort. In fact, the fullness of the local spirit not only has an impact on the monks, even the mortal plants in this area are also spiritually nurtured throughout the year, which is very unusual. This is the origin of the soul.

  A good place will naturally attract more people. With the prosperity of the Qinglong Fairy Gate on Wuyi Mountain, the entire Wuyi Mountain area and the entire southern county town have become particularly prosperous. As soon as Zhao Jie entered Nan County, he felt very clear.

   This southern county is very prosperous, much better than the north, even in Zhongxian, Zhao Jie did not want to express his views.

  "In terms of prosperity, your Highness, Nanxian is definitely the head of the Han. It is rich in spirit, pleasant climate and spring in all seasons. This is a fairyland. I can't help it.

   In addition, it is very close to the mountain of the demon race, which has a lot of production and trade, and it is very profitable. At that time, he was lucky to be loved by God, so he has been in charge of the Jade Chamber of Commerce here for ten years.

   screen Rong Zixia responded.

   Your Royal Highness, such a tight and glorious place is also the blessing of my great man. Gu Tianzhong said.

   Yes, Your Highness, when the Jinyu Chamber of Commerce (Qian Wang Zhao), the profit of this southern county always ranked first, ha. Even if most of Nanxian's industry is directly owned by the Lvlongxianmen, our big man can only profit from the logistics of the Chamber of Commerce, but it is not as desolate as the north.

   Hearing what Murong Zixia said, Zhao Jie's heart didn't come out of a sink, nor did he materialize anything, so he nodded slightly.

   saw a turn on the road, Zhao Jie looked ahead in surprise.

   I only saw the blue sky, the hundred abbots were boundless, and the head was invisible. Above the high wall, there were a lot of runes floating in the source, as if there was some kind of guarded city wall! A towering city appeared in front of Zhao Jie.

   Even the Hanxiang imperial city, the Hanxiang imperial city, is smaller than it. Zhao Jie really thinks that there should not be such a big city in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Look, Your Highness, this is the fairy city of Qinglong Chengmen. In the initial general situation, each big fairyland gate is for its own sake. For convenience and demand, some fairy cities are often built around the fairyland gates of oneself. These fairy cities are directly under the control of the fairy gates, and the world empire cannot intervene. There are many monks in this fairy city and commercial overpass.

Because this fairy city also has the intention of a defensive barrier at the fairy gate, this fairy city was built to be particularly powerful. In addition to the tall walls, the protective array of the fairy gate can be opened at any time. Because of its rich spirit, it is very close to the fairy gate and may be close to the stage. This fairy city has attracted a large number of experts eager to enter the fairyland. Some fairy families will often come to Xiancheng to look for opportunities, not to mention profit-driven businessmen. Therefore, once this fairy city is completed, it will soon become prosperous

   Below this Wuyi Mountain, the Qinglong Fairy City is a fairy city built in the Qinglong Fairy Gate.

   There are many small towns away from this immortal city, but compared with this tall city wall, it seems small and dilapidated.

"His Royal Highness, although this fairy city is very wide, the rent in this city is very high. Our branch of the Jinyu Chamber of Commerce in the city has to pay one-third of the land rent. Even people who enter the city have to pay one silver dollar a day. That's why People cannot afford to live.

   Many people choose to live outside of this city, and it slowly formed towns and markets of various sizes.

   Only the spirits of Xiancheng gathered and took away the souls of these places, so many monks chose to stay outside the city for a few days and then go to the city for a few days

   Speaking of this Murong, Zixia is very enthusiastic about this fairy city, and she is busy to introduce her.


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