I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 413: Treasure hunt

In fact, as early as the Beigu Jinyu Chamber of Commerce, Aunt Daying would be the first chamber of commerce and solemnly handed over to Lin Fei for the first time. Now the entire Jade Chamber of Commerce is completely under Lin Fei's power.

"His Royal Highness, you have an idea for Xiangchen. Your Highness, it's time to build the Prince's House for yourself.

Xia Zhonghua said suddenly. Prince’s House Yes, your Highness, as my great prince, it is not enough to have him from the Jinyu Chamber of Commerce. The prince must have a group of people who are completely himself and completely loyal to His Royal Highness. The minister had long wanted His Royal Highness to build this prince's house. For Xiangchen's simple ability, it also depends on you.

In fact, as the person entrusted with jade, Xia Zhonghua always arranged for Lin Fei. After Lin Fei woke up, he had the idea of ​​forming a prince's government. The same is true for other empires. When adults prepare for future succession, the princes will establish their own *.

"Okay, but how should the prince's house be built? Lin Fei asked.

"Y95000-Uh, the location of the construction site must be considered in advance for this building." I think you'd better have a prince's house in Nan County. First of all, this is the place where Xianmen is located, and nearly 100,000 Dashan talent resources gather. Second, if you can successfully enter the fairy gate in the next period of time, you must be in the fairy gate. It will be more convenient to build the Prince Palace in Nan County. Third, this is far from Kyoto, and it is also the worst control in your country, so we do business here and will be of great help to you in the future, Mr. Mo said softly.

"According to the teacher's opinion, Xia Zhonghua, this king orders you

To build my Dahan Palace today, Mu Rong Zixia, Zhao Fu and you two, the king ordered you to mobilize all the resources of Jinyu Enterprise to help Xia Zhonghua.

Yes, Your Highness, there is a valley west of Xiancheng, where the spirit is very lush. Earlier in the day, Jade Queen saw a manor built in a valley where we could settle and develop in the prince’s house.

Murong Zixia stood up and said.

Your Highness, send a message to the northern prince and let him **** the black rider. Xia Zhonghua continued.

He said: "This is not a very busy business. I will first tell my father about the construction of the prince's house, and then call my father according to his order. Then we will leave a few capable people in the north. "We have been in the north for five years," he said. "Bi Jing, we have been in the north for five years," he said. The foundation there cannot be abandoned.

Lin Fei thought of Shen Sheng

Watch your precious apprentice think carefully, don’t miss the water. Morao nodded approvingly.

Yes, Your Highness, what can I do for you?"

Xia Zhonghua, don't talk about this matter. You must plan a government for my teacher in the prince. No matter what my teacher needs, no matter what, you must feel satisfied.

More importantly, the construction of the house has not been smooth sailing. First, my teacher's residence was built, and then slowly expanded according to specific needs. You can refer to the way my mother ordered the construction of King City.

"I'm waiting for Ruo to build a house in this southern county." The first thing we have to consider is the Qinglong Immortal Gate. Xia Hua's family will also ask you to contact my brother as soon as possible. One is to tell me that I have arrived in Xiancheng, and the other is to tell my brother about the construction of Prince Edward's house to see if he needs it. See if there are any violations. We must prepare in advance and carefully consider the problem.

Lin Fei said.

Yes! Xia Zhonghua will definitely make every effort to build the Prince's House. Seeing Lin Fei's words so well, Xia Zhonghua couldn't help but think of Yu at that time, and was very pleased and bowed to Lin Fei.

Uncle Gu! Get up, watching Yue'er grow up, Lin Fei will come to bother you again, Lin Fei hurriedly help the Hua family rise in the summer.

As an old uncle, Xia Zhonghua was already in tears. For a long time, Lin Fei exhaled for a long time, and slowly opened his eyes. As the Vermilion Bird became the third change, Lin Fei's eyes flickered like yellow lights.

Old Mo also calmed down at this time, smiling at Lin Fei. The oil refinery has the biggest problem recognized, and the refinery attaches great importance to its reputation!

Since we spend a lot of time and energy on the refinery throughout the year, apart from the limited number of days, we can make great achievements on the road to the refinery, except for the number of talents who have made great achievements on the way to the refinery In addition to the limitations, we still have a high level of repair, because they spend a lot of time and energy to refiners. Due to time and energy, most oil refineries do not perform well.

Due to the common sense of inferiority and spiritual hardship of cultivators, the normal standard of living of cultivators is much lower than that of monks. Therefore, cultivators who choose a refined method pursue another lifestyle on the premise of desperate life. Let your reputation flow through the times and refineries!

It is precisely because many of the best weapons require extremely long refining time, the most exaggerated of which is the gentle cultivation of the Immortal Sect. In order to ensure the success rate and effect of the magic weapon, in order to ensure the success rate and effect of the magic weapon, there is a word that has been continuously improved for hundreds of years. This has caused problems for the low-end refineries that usually live in. It is often a high-level magic weapon that allows masters and apprentices to relay generation after generation!

In this case, how precious is an apprentice who can inherit his inheritance, a refiner who longs for immortality!

Speaking of this, since ancient times, due to different development directions, this refinery has been divided into many types. The most famous of these are the fire of the Shenzong oil refinery, the washing water chain of Chengmen in Penglai in the East China Sea and the sun fire of the Zongmen in the extreme west. And many genres such as Xiandao and Mengwen.

Apart from making full use of the art of alchemy, what is better than being an ancestor of an alchemy school? What is the foundation of the school's development?

Apprentice! Genius apprentice!

Therefore ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the real world, the refinery is the most important master and apprentice inheritance! This is completely different from the fairy!

Of course, many amateur refineries are not inside. But as long as you are a professional and refined person, you will definitely inherit the masters and apprentices, and regard the school as the most important thing in life! For an elderly refiner, finding an outstanding person can inherit the mantle of his disciple More important than anything important!

There is also a theory in the industry that this behavior of finding good seedlings is called "treasure hunting."

Mo Lao just wanted to start a new school, eager to become the ancestor of the intensive school, the ancestor of the professional refinery! Maybe the people of Xixian see Lin Fei’s talent for fire control, they will be jealous, even greedy, Will want to swallow, as his own incarnation, but Old Mo will only laugh.

Jade, I didn't expect you to have such a good insight into flame incarnation! You are the natural son of a refiner!

Old Mo said, taking out a piece of white jade slip.

Jade, you put jade on your forehead and print it before God. This jade is simple, and the master's polisher can control the fire.

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