I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 431: interest

   Well done in heaven, then you. Do you want to learn martial arts? Start practicing now. When you grow up, you may be able to protect your parents from bullying. "Gently rubbing towards the little head in the sky, Yu Xingye said with a relieved smile.

   The reason why Yu Xingye practiced secretly was also because Uncle An's family did not support martial arts. After Am Jin was born, Uncle An insisted on teaching An Jintian to study literature. Uncle An once told them that as long as they live happily, they will be satisfied, not to mention that Uncle An hopes that Yu Xingye and An Jintian will accompany him when he is old.

   Well, I like martial arts the most, I have to learn some cool moves. "When speaking, An Jintian already waved his fist excitedly. Hey.

  Martial arts is not about keeping calm. It may cause you pain or even death. As you said earlier, martial arts are meant to protect the people you want to protect. "He really decided to let An Jintian practice martial arts, think about a battle

Suffering and success, the night of Yuxing will also let An Jintian see the consequences of martial arts practice. He must lead An to the sky and embark on the correct way of martial arts practice, otherwise, he will only imitate Tian Anjin, and Ignore the careful care that Uncle An's family has been taking care of him.

   Starry night, I understand. ""Seems to understand the true meaning of Jade Star Night, An Jintian said solemnly.

   Okay, do you know?

   Yu Xing smiled again and patted the space ring on his right hand at night. Under An Jin's curious gaze, he took out three slightly old martial arts secret books. "These are my brother's three most cherished martial arts secret books. From now on, I will give it to you. You must study hard. You can't be lazy. Always remember what you said and practice martial arts." To protect them The person to protect. "

   An Jintian excitedly accepted these three secret books, and alternately looked at the words on the cover of the secret book: "Mixed Yuan Power Method, Volume Power Method, and Cannon Style Foundation".

   Yu Xingye is willing to hand over the three secret books left by his parents to Am Jintian for learning. This is also a reward for Uncle An’s family to take care of him. She saw Ruo Jintian’s eyes suddenly picked up the secret book, and then said: "This is a precious thing my parents left to me. I give it to you. You must take good care of it, except you and you. Outside of your parents, you don’t allow anyone to mention it, okay?

   Well, I swear to my brother here that this matter will never be mentioned to outsiders. If there is a violation, the sky will thunder. "An Jintian raised his right hand innocently and swore without hesitation.

   Oh, it’s not too early. In the secret book, if there is anything you don’t understand in the future, you can ask me or my parents. "Once again, gently rubbing his head into the sky, Yu Xingyelu.

   Okay, thank you, Star Brother Night, I will live up to your expectations, then I will go.

   As soon as he entered the sky, he sent out the door, closed the door, and looked at the soup on the table, Yu Xingye had a deep smile.

   The martial arts meeting the next day was much more lively than yesterday. Because of the wonderful fights that took place yesterday, people who don't like martial arts also got together in the discussions with relatives and friends.

Uncle An and his family, as usual, accompanied Yuxing to the fields at night. Yu Xing walked all the way to the Biu meeting in the evening, which attracted the attention and discussion of many people, ignored many comments, and sat safely at night. Come down.

   But the uncle’s family is different. Yu Xingzhiye’s reputation immediately made their faces a lot more. Facing this kind of thing, there is no need for everyone to like it and no one wants to be envied.

   Like to be talked about and envious of the scene, An Jia is proud of Yu Xing Ye Ye, learning that Yu Xing Zhi Ye handed over the martial arts novels left by his parents to An Jintian to practice and made them feel that their efforts were not wasted.

  Because they came late, only the last two rows of seats are available for them to choose. Just find four seats to sit together, just sit together

   In order to be able to exert better strength, the night of Jade Star who just sat down started to close his eyes and moisturize his soul.

   Just as Yu Xingye closed his eyes, Uncle An suddenly touched him with his hand. Out of curiosity, Yu Xingye opened his eyes.

   Listen, as soon as you become famous, your affair will come. "Uncle Amber sounds very interesting, his eyes fixed on the seat next to Starry Night. At this time, Fu Mei and An Jintian also looked at the seat opposite him.

   "Have an affair?"

   Yu Xingye looked down at her sight, only to see a pure girl facing Ruo him, her body beside her.

   just turned around, just glanced at the girl vaguely, Jade Star Night has been deeply attracted.

   "You. Hello, you. Looking for me?" The girl is not shy, but Night of Jade Star is the first one to be ashamed.

It’s said that the girl just looked at the flat front, unhurried and slow: "If you can win another game, I will come to you." "After that, the girl stood up again and walked to the other side of the platform. .

   The sudden behavior of the girl is not only a spectacle of the starry night, but also makes it impossible for uncles and others to guess.

"Xingye, I can see that she should be looking for you, but don't be distracted by it. As long as you get this piss, things will naturally be exposed." He stroked his chin thoughtfully, Uncle An was worried .

   "Yes, your Uncle An is right. As long as you win today's game, she will come back to you." Fumei is also very concerned about her problem.

  Uncle An~www.wuxiaspot.com~Aunt Fu, you can rest assured that I will try my best anyway. "

   When the three of them talked, all the positions on the platform suddenly burst into cheers.

At this time, Wugui reported that Tang Wu brought the cheers of the crowd onto the battle platform, but he did not immediately stop the noise and cheers of the crowd, but waited for the sound to gradually stop and then raised his right hand to signal everyone to stop. Speak.

Gentlemen, yesterday’s knockout match was very exciting. Please don’t get angry with the players who were eliminated in the last match; if you win, don’t be too arrogant; therefore, if you can sum up the advantages in the next match"15 "Zero" combat experience, this will also improve your strength

In order to make up for the hearts of the people who lost in the Bizerte yesterday, Tang Wu encouraged Tang Wu to start reporting the list of appearances: "In the first senior game, Wei Spurs and Wang Bing were invited to the competition stage, the guards, the Mirage mirror, and Wang Bing. Phantom Mirrors.

   According to reports, two young people from different directions came off the stage amidst the noise.

   Wang Bing and Wei Spurs walked gently to Biwu Terrace, without serious expressions or nervous expressions on their faces. On the contrary, they were very excited. Initially, both of them had the meaning of a duel. Now with this arrangement, just as they meant, this time, the two of them can have a fair and pleasant fight.

   Most of the people here also know the determination of these two men, which is why everyone is looking forward to this battle. Among them, Shen Xiaoyue, also included in the newspaper Xiao Dajin, also included in the small lobby newspaper.

   Hoarse voice! Master of the city, "you said, "The horse guards and Wang Bing finally met. Who will get a better reward in the end?" Shengwu was also very interested.


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