I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 437: Wandering

The beauty nodded deeply, Zhao Qingshan said, this Xiaojiao would really guess the saint', such a thoughtful little girl is really hard to find, so the beautiful woman has a decision in her heart, saying: "Xiaojiao, You are a snake demon, your body contains the blood potential of the ancient people of Cologne, but I see the dark clouds in your eyes are not stable, this is the call of the great culprit," he said, "Xiaojiao, you are a The blood potential of the basilisk, cologne nation is unlimited," he said. But I see the dark clouds in your eyes are not stable. This is the call of the culprit. "I can't bear the regret of seeing you fall into the void of death in this vast mountain range


Zhao Qingshan was frightened, and hurriedly asked, "Please show me the way." In fact, Zhao Qingshan scolded this beauty a thousand times in his heart: "Wonder, if you want the king to speak out, you must also find these excuses. This king was born. Inheriting the atmosphere of the devil, 500 years of practice has been a great demon robbery by the five thunders. Where is the culprit? What dark clouds are in the eyes of high school students, Baha! Don't you know what the king sees?"

   When the beauty heard Zhao Qingshan talking like this, she frequently stretched out her hands and said: "I am missing a mount now. I don't know if you want to like it?

  "Mountain?" Zhao Qingshan almost burst into tears. "I have a generation of evil, the demon master in the future, how can I be ridden by others? This is too undecent. If this point disappears, how can I live in this too barren mountain? However, the real person is a like and evil Then, the great evil can be stretched out. Only in this way can we realize the way of the Lord, the little devil, the king of votes, has done this. She Sunan, beside him, smiled in his heart." Zhao Qingshan, if you are smart, you can pick up a rock and hit your own foot and you will lose everything.

The beauty saw Zhao Qingshan lowered her head and thought that Zhao Qingshan didn’t want to, so her face cooled, cold light flashed in her eyes, and the air dropped again, saying, “Why, don’t you want to? Is your mount shameful? Or do you think I don't deserve to be your master?

Zhao Qingshan has a 083 spirit up and down all over his body. It just noticed the changes around his body. He glanced at the beauty's eyes secretly, barely scared him to death, and hurriedly bowed: "Why don't you dare to follow, Xiaojiao is too happy, yes. Being your mount is the blessing of Xiaojiao’s restoration in her previous life. It’s too late to be grateful and I don’t want to. Master, Xiaojiao is your person from now on. Xiaojiao is very capable. It can not only help her master fly, It can also help the master guard the cave and clean the bridal chamber. When the master closes the door, he can also help you keep the door, um.

   Zhao Qingshan thought deeply about his own value, and wanted to see how useful he was. She thought for a while, and hurriedly said, "In addition, Xiaojiao can also

   helped his master solve those who offended his master Tianwei, but his master disdains it, such as him. "When Zhao Qingshan spoke, he pointed at Ruo Sunan with his paw, trying to kill Sunan in an attempt to make meritorious service.

When the beautiful woman heard Zhao Qingshan say this, her face changed, and she said, "Well, you know your face, but since you are a servant, it is not what you should tell you how to deal with It's time.

   Yes, Xiaojiao has a big mouth, so she won't dare next time. "Zhao Qingshan should be continuous, it's cold everywhere.

   Sunan also shed a cold sweat for Zhao Qingshan. Although Zhao Qingshan chased him for tens of thousands of miles, they are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If Zhao Qingshan is really killed, he is not dangerous. "This evil is really moody, and the divine will cannot be casually speculated. In the future, Zhao Qingshan may eat with her in pain. Next, I have to deal with myself. How should I imagine how to say it?" It shouldn’t be difficult for an inch-long tongue to escape life. Zhao Qingshan is a good example worth learning.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman turned her gaze to Sunan. Sunan immediately increased her pressure and became nervous unconsciously. At this time, she only had a sense of God to explore herself, and she did not give herself time to scan his body inside and outside. Inside and outside, his back was soaked, Zhao Qingshan was full of joy, and if he had more than one face.

   Why? He is indeed a martial arts practitioner. He has not seen a person practicing martial arts for many years, and now martial arts has declined in the human world. "The beautiful woman sighed

   This beautiful woman set off a huge wave in Sunan's heart. This demon girl saw my practice and the way I practiced at a glance. I am worried that if she wants to kill me, I will die now. If she does not do this, it means that I will not die for the time being. In addition, she meant that she had seen martial arts practitioners before.

   Either from ancient times to the present, or she has martial arts practitioners in this era.

   The first one may not be very big. If she lived from ancient times to the present, it would be too long. At least more than a hundred thousand years ago, she should have flown to heaven long ago. The latter may be larger. Those sects can occasionally dig out a few ancient Dongfu, etc. How can they also learn some martial arts?

   There must be people practicing martial arts in the school, but these people, like me, know little about martial arts. Few ancestors can feel themselves. The progress is slow and not high, so it is rare to see that the subject of practice is magic. "

When the beauty saw Sunan like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she explained: "I am not an ancient person. Although martial arts is declining, it is not that I have not practiced. When I went out to play thousands of years ago, I was just like you. , But at that time, his practice was much higher than mine. Even now I can’t be his opponent. As for you, oh, it’s too early.

   Sunan didn’t answer, but he was secretly afraid: “It turns out that some people practice martial arts, and they are far ahead. They just don’t know if this person is dead or early) and he went to heaven.

   Okay, the nonsense is over. It's time to focus on it. I ask you, do you think I will kill you?" the beautiful woman said suddenly;

Sunan came back and found that she was still wandering in front of the ghost gate, but she ran away, scolded his fool, and quickly found a way to deal with it: "This demon is also a proud person. If she wants to kill me, she will tell me a lot. Nonsense?

   You would also ask me such a stupid question, if you want to kill me, you have already done so. Characters of the demon class will care about the death of a small human being, and this must have some purpose. This shows that I am also very valuable to her, even more valuable than Zhao Qingshan. Well, I don't know the value yet, but it is enough for me, but more problems will lead to killing and feeding, it is better not to know.

   Sunan opened his mouth and said, "No.

   Oh? Why do you think so?" The beautiful woman wanted to know that suddenly she looked cold and said:

   The more you think, the less I will meet your expectations, and the more I will kill you today. "She turned her head and said to Zhao Qingshan: "Xiaojiao, you have always wanted to kill him, today I give you a chance to kill him, let me see your value, otherwise it is useless to ask you.


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