I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 452: Astronomical phenomenon

At this time, the young man in black went up the mountain, came to the back mountain, bent down, and said respectfully: "Uncle Master, the talented night master of the astronomical phenomenon has discovered that there are three major disasters together. I don’t know the law of cracking. The disciple came to ask Uncle Master to solve the problem.

   The old man did not answer in a hurry, but looked down at the sky from time to time. Ruan Wenyu frowned when he saw that there was no answer. He knows the abilities of his uncle teacher. He usually answers the difficult questions he encounters.

This time I was silent for so long unexpectedly. It seemed that I had encountered difficulties. It also indirectly showed that the disaster was not small. He was a smart man. A little abnormal behavior can infer many useful things, so he Secretly worried.

After a while, the old man raised his head and said to the outside: "Kui Xing is standing in the south, grabbing the giant Viscount to go to Gemini. It's too white. This star stops at three points south of the two instruments, referring to the fantasy of a fairy, according to my estimation. This is the land of the evil family in Taihuang Mountain. This evil should appear in the evil family. You can notify the boss to join the other five schools to stop, otherwise it is possible;.

   The old man stopped here and added: "But I did this after looking at the sky. This is futile. You can only do your best.

  "Yes, my uncle." Ruan Wenyu replied, and was about to leave, suddenly remembering one thing, he asked: "Uncle, you only solved a disaster, dare you ask the other two people."

   This time the old man did not remain silent for a long time and said: "There are three major disasters. This is the first time. The other two disasters. The celestial phenomenon is unknown and the heaven is hidden. I don't know why the law is being fought. You should step down and let me take a closer look.

   Ruan Wenyu was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "The apprentice is dead, don't talk too much." Ruan Wenyu hurriedly backed away, but the old man disapproved, and continued to look up at the sky, frowning from time to time.

  In the center of Xianjiang Prefecture, this is the center of the entire continent, integrating the general trend of the world into one, full of vitality, excellent people

The fairy gate is here, but at this moment the fairy gate is a nervous expression. The fairy head of the fairy gate is eager to sit in the hall, looking out from time to time, as if waiting for something, although he does not know the innate But he can also peep into the mystery of heaven and earth once or twice, so he can't see such an abnormal celestial phenomenon.

   After a while, a disciple came in. Fairy Feizi was very happy and hurriedly asked: "How is it? What news does your master have?"

  The disciple replied anxiously: "The teacher and the ancestors are closed and cannot meet.

What? "Xianfeizi can't sit down anymore. He got up from the top of the Yulilong chair and said angrily: "How can he lock up the old man at such a critical moment?" He turned hurriedly. Turn around.

  At this time, the first person on the right stood up and said, "Don't worry about the owner, because the owner chooses to close the door at this time. This must be a critical moment. (Nuoqian Zhao) I will ask before it is too late.

   Only Xianfeizi heard it, so he stopped and asked his disciple: ""Before the master closes the door, what can you tell him?

   The disciple said: "Yes, I heard from the gatekeeper that the master had explained before closing the door. This time the misfortune may be inevitable.

   It is up to the boss to decide. He has seen a breakthrough. This time, the closed door may have another breakthrough. At that time, the big essay can be a small essay. Don’t worry, please rest assured.

  Really, are you sure you heard it right?" the fairy asked excitedly. "Really, the disciples guarantee their lives. "The disciple replied. Cactus smiled. "Well, let's go down. "The disciple retreated, when another person stood up and said:

   Brother, Master has reached the peak of the middle Kaiyuan period. If this breakthrough, wouldn't it be the late Kaiyuan period? In this way, I will be more invincible, and I can rule for several years. Maybe Master can break through the fairy garden and raise the sky and open the first tens of thousands of unattended flights. The mainland can be smooth, and all misfortunes can be eliminated.

   Another person also stood up and said, "Brother Cheng said a lot. This is the blessing of my fairy dream.

Shan Feizi is also a great pleasure, constantly nodding his head and saying: "My brother said very well. In the past few hundred years, the rest of the school has been disrespectful to my fairy fantasies, and just used this disaster to defeat them. Weakened their strength and prevented them from forming an alliance in private to seek my hegemony.

When    was talking, suddenly a disciple went outside to report, only to hear that the disciple said to control the door, and Tianyiting spoke to others. Oh? Please come in" Xianfei Road;

   Yes, boss. "The disciple retreated and invited someone.

   After the disciple left, Xianfeizi looked at the people below and said, "What do you think of your brothers and sisters?

The man sitting on the right stood up again and said, "Brother, I am afraid that the Tianji Pavilion came because of this disaster. They specialize in this way and know the mysteries of the world. Let us listen to everyone's opinions before making a decision. .

   Xian Feizi nodded and said, "If you can make sense to your brother, we will listen to others and do well.

   Later, I saw a person coming in from outside the temple. It was Nguyen Van Yuk who bent down and said, "I have met my boss, teacher and uncle.

   Xianfei waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, my nephew, I don't know what you are doing here.

   Nguyen Van Yuk said: "I sent my boss to look at the night sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found that a catastrophe was brewing, so I was sent to tell you that we violated the law of mutual slaughter.

   Xianfei's son nodded and said, "I also feel that the astronomical phenomenon is abnormal, but I don't know what is difficult. Where did it come from?

   Ruan Wenyu said: "I have sent my teacher and uncle to speculate that this literary trouble originated in the land of little fairies in the Taihuang Mountains, so we invite everyone to send paws to Wanxiangmen to make a decision."

Fairy? That is also a demon race, knowing that they will not die, want to find our people's arrogant business, this time we must restore their memory, their nephew can be resurrected, that is, we will soon go to Wan The fairy gates gathered to discuss major events

   Wan Wenyu nodded and said, "My little niece is leaving." He turned and left. Ruan Wenyu left, sat on the right side, and said, "Boss, the evil family hides in the forest. These two places are the strongest places in the Taihuang Mountain and the Devil Forest. Three fairy owners robbed the land with six thunders. This disaster should be the cause of the Devil Clan in Taihuang Mountain. It is best to take the opportunity to get rid of the evil clan and let them die on the mainland forever.

Another said: "Indeed, since the end of the First Taigu World War, the evil family has not given up, waiting for a chance to win the world of our people, especially the worst war more than 100,000 years ago. My clan spirit is this Once it was just for recovery, but the evil clan once again did not give up. This disaster must be dealt with.

  Xianfei’s son nodded and said: “The devil family is endless, and the people’s hearts are difficult to settle. This time it is difficult to lose a good opportunity to get rid of them. I’m going to take a walk in Taibalo Mountain to see what’s going on.


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