I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 454: in the past

Sunan secretly smiled and said, how could he not want to run away? If he could run away, how could he still stand here and talk to black people? That's why he can think clearly about "Gum King" but not clearly. One of the reasons. This guy thinks he is a fool.

In order not to bury Zhao Qingshan with him, he deliberately sold his personal love to bribe him. If Zhao Qingshan can't peel off a layer of skin today, will he stop and open his mouth?

"Brother Zhao, you see, I want to sacrifice my life for evil and follow the race, but I really don’t want to give up Brother Zhao, so I want to take Brother Zhao away. When I get to the local government, I’m used to doing it. Big brother. If there are not a few little brothers who walked to Difu shamelessly, it would be too shameful, and I would not dare to leave. Alas, Brother Zhao might as well accompany me to the ground and join hands with the brothers, huh, who is the frontline In the war, a Lang Qiankun broke out, isn't it great?"

Zhao Qingshan’s face became wild. Sunan was trying to eat his iron heart and make it difficult for him. He thought that he didn’t make things uneven with his three-inch tongue, but he stunned the boy with his rhetoric. How good is this,?!

So he lowered his head and thought for a while, rolled his eyes, and made another plan. He jumped ashore in tears, and said breathlessly:

Brother Ye said that Wang had long thought of the county seat, and he hated that there was no way to look at it. He heard that Ma Feng Bole was dead, and he died when he saw his confidant. When Brother Ye and Brother Ye Nian saw, how could they stand by and let Brother Ye break into the house alone? If your brother and I and the children at home hold hands, there is a desire to follow!

Speaking of this, even Sunan was moved, but Zhao Qingshan turned around and said that the king's heart was dominated by him. Today, there is too little land to become a hegemonic cause, and the Demon Clan is in trouble. However, when people are in trouble, the chaotic road of magical dance is unknown. I can’t stand all the creatures and souls killed by evil races. So I established a great ambition to defend the world and return to the road to Qingming. I am not a private person from thousands of kuns to Ming. I hope that my life force will be slowly reflected. The world is shared by others, and heaven can learn from it!" Zhao Qingshan said here, using his own claws to cut the copy and let the blood flow out. , Swear to heaven, with clear eyes and serious expression.

Who are you?" Sunan asked softly

The young man in white still has no expression on his face. He lifted his foot and walked slowly towards Sunan. This is not to say that he is facing an enemy. When he reached a place ten feet away from Sunan, he stopped and stared at Sunan slightly. "Zhao Yuxin, I used to be behind the mountain, he said.

Huh? Sunan didn't understand what he meant by saying this. Does staying behind the mountain have anything to do with him?

Zhao Yuqi looked at Sunan’s feeling of sleepiness, and then said: "It’s not easy to find someone in Houshan. Like you, I know the situation of Houshan disciples is very good. You can stand up, but you chose the wrong path. .

The magic road is not a decent road, you should not take this road, the other is that you should not offend the people of Skyrim Peak, so I can’t be nice to you.

After listening to Sunan for a long time, オ realized that this guy had the same experience as him, but now it is different. How did Zhao Yuxin say that this seemed to imply sympathy and helplessness? This made Sunan very uneasy. Su Nan said: "It turns out that brother is pitying me. If you want to do this, just tell me why you are saying this, as if you are helpless? Zhao Yuxin smiled casually: "No matter what you think, you can't today. Get out of here alive, otherwise I can't explain to your teacher.

Sunan put the sword back into the scabbard behind him and pointed at Zhao Yuxin with his finger. He said without hesitation: "Everything is nonsense. In the end you don't want to see the real seal in your hands." "Oh," Zhao Yuxin mocked. "This is slow enough. I admire your style, but what I want to tell you is that if you don't have enough strength, being slow will only make you die faster.

Zhao Yuxin said that the second half of the sentence contained a trace of cold words that made a group of people unknowingly step back behind him;

Everyone has their own sense of pride, no matter how low-key people are, geniuses are even more so. They can't tolerate the attitude of others in front of them, because it will make them seem ordinary, and Zhao Yuqi is no exception.

Sunan used Zhao Yuxin's words to express the spirit of murder, but he didn't care. Since both sides are enemies, not friends, since they are enemies, he is not in the mood to praise the enemy at this time, and he will not do whatever he wants to destroy your Majesty.

The whole body surged frantically, reaching the remains of his limbs. Facing Sunan, an opponent who was restored to be taller than himself, he was not sure at all. No dust is two small kingdoms higher than him. He also paid a huge price to kill it before it was dangerous and dangerous.

Now, facing an enemy one level higher than him, this is not a problem that can be solved by the power of the real Yuan alone. The cultivation of Yuan Dynasty is equivalent to the natural environment of martial arts. When we reach this state, we begin to come into contact with the way of heaven and earth and natural reason. Such people can use the power of heaven and earth to use the power of heaven and earth.

It can absorb the vitality between heaven and earth and replenish its own consumption at any time. It can be said that there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of energy. You can use powerful spells at will, which is terrible.

Zhao Yuxin stared at Sunan coldly, and finally said slowly: "For example, we used to be a disciple of Houshan. I gave you a chance. If you can take over my three tricks, I will let you live half a life. Months, half a month later, I committed suicide by myself.

Zhao Yujie didn't want to listen to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Big Brother, this Sunan is practicing spells. He must be killed today. Otherwise, once he is allowed to escape, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Zhao Yuxin suddenly turned to Zhao Yujie coldly and said, "Why, do you doubt my ability?

What can I do? Will you teach me? Don't forget your identity. Although Master’s love for you doesn’t mean that Skyrim Peak is in your charge, but you know that there are never few geniuses in this world, but there are not many days to grow up, because many geniuses have been scouted again. Why do you think this is?

Zhao Yujie was afraid to stand there and tremble, and he didn’t answer well. Even if Wu killed him here, no one knew. He went back and said that he was undefeated by the words of Sunan Feng, because his restoration was fixed to make Feng Yu scared. Fengzi won't take the risk to deal with this still-grown Tian オ.

Zhao Yu’s example Zhao Wujie was undefeated in his profound vision, and then said: "On the one hand, because many geniuses see themselves too much, it is difficult to do it, but this is not the most important reason. , The real reason is that many people don’t want to see geniuses grow up, do you know what I mean?

Hearing that Zhao Wangjie became more frightened, Zhao Yuxin said that he was threatened by naked trees. If he is not worthy of the stage, he will unexpectedly become a failed genius

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