I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 453: tribe

As long as I'm here, you can't think of it! "Zhao Yujie didn't give in at all. He didn't chase after him. Tan Tu is stronger than him in strength. Even if they catch up with him, they can't get any cheap. And Tan Tuxiang is too young after all. He can't surpass him so quickly, he can only rely on physical strength and hard work.

At this time, Zhao Yujie hurried to Sunan and said, "Sunan, how are you?

Sunan grinned reluctantly and said, "It's okay, but the movements just consume too much of my body. I will recover for a while."

Zhao Yujie just let go and said: "This time there is really a lot of loss to Sunan. Please accept the worship of Mo Dee.

Zhao Yujie is going to find Sunan. Sunan hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: What is Brother Mo? I owe you my life. This is a reward. You don't have to feel that you owe anything. Besides, Brother Mo and I should take it for granted that we should fall in love at first sight. If Mo Ge is polite to me, he will see others. "

Zhao Yujie also wanted to say what he wanted to say, but when he heard Sunan say that, he thought about it again and thanked him again. Since he is a friend, why should he be so polite? So he said: "Sunan recovered his body for the first time here. My people have lost too much. I want to see.

"Well, you quickly see who you want to treat. This is very important." Sunan came back;

Okay," Zhao Yujie nodded and walked towards someone far away. Sunan knelt on the ground and began to answer Zhenyuan’s questions. This time the action is not a small burden on his body. Gang オ is almost exhausted. Luckily Yes, at the critical moment, the hexagon no longer rotates, otherwise he would **** himself to death today.

440 "The strange thing is, what is the difference between the sixth in command today and my past practice? Is there any problem with this?" Sunan thought in his heart, because he had restored the real RMB.

"There is no change in my body. If you want to say that there are only traces of black gas in my meridian, is it because the dead black gas has changed my palm so much?" Sunan raised his hand and looked at The festering part of his hand began to recall the situation after the black poison gas entered her body.

This black gas is emitted from the animal bones of Tengmu. It has a strong destructive and phagocytic nature, especially for the real yuan, which is very fast.

The six paths I returned to the sky were also to increase the offensive power by absorbing a large amount of heaven and earth and my own true essence, and this ray of black energy should have some similarities, and the two may form great changes in the future.

"In this case, if I learn to use this witchcraft, then my strength will not be greatly improved. Even if I see Zhao Yuxin again, I at least have the ability to fight back, and I don't have to run away." After that, Sunan had a problem in his heart.

It’s impossible to teach this witchcraft by himself, but isn’t it Zhao Yujie? He happened to be a man in the south. He should know some witchcraft methods and just solicit opinions in time.

After an hour, Sunan returned to Zhenyuan, stood up, and walked towards Zhao Yujie, who was far from the water. Many people died this time.

When Zhao Yujie came back, he had been playing for a long time. He has always been the leader, that is, Zhao Yujie's uncle Murray. At this time, he was dying. It seems to be too heavy. Sunan stepped forward and asked Brother Mo, how?

Zhao Yujie said to Sunan with a sad face: "My uncle imitation is too heavy. I need a few precious elixir to save his life, let alone whether he can find these elixir, even if he finds my uncle, he He will also lose, he will have to be an ordinary person in the future...

Sunan frowned slightly. There should be many spiritual medicines in the famine in the south, but everything is deep. Foreign countries have long been lit by monks. How good is this. He used to have many magic medicines, but he ate them. As a thing to restore true energy, not many things know whether it is useful or not;

"Brother Mo, don't think about this first. Release is very important. I don't know what kind of panacea I need. I have some more here. Can you see if it works?" Sunan said as he took it out of his body. Give all the panacea to Zhao Yujie.

Well, this is. "Zhao Yujie stood up in surprise and looked at the seven or eight elixir in Sunan's hands. "Sunan, where did you get so many elixir?

I just don't know if it is useful. "Sunan Mountain returns to goodness and kindness, Zhao Yujie twitches his face, and wants to ask: "Where did I find it? I also want to pick some plants." "But I can't help but ask. It's important to save people now.

He nodded quickly: "It's useful. I have several tribes. They should probably add up. But I still need a kind of psychoactive medicine, which can only be found in the jurisdiction of the Limu tribe. If you take care of the tribe for me, I will come.

As soon as Sunan heard the Limu tribe hurriedly asked: "Brother Mo, your tribe now needs a major imitation death. Tell me what panacea you need and where the Limu tribe is stationed, I will bring it for you.

Zhao Yujie hesitated for a while, nodded, and agreed: ""Then Teng Mu is now imitated very heavily by you, so be careful not to be dangerous. The elixir that I need is called Zijinling, and it is easily recognized by the needle-like purple leaves. Starting from the Mu people two miles west of my tribe, Sunan’s power can get there in just an hour.

Mo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please wait a moment, I will be there soon. "Sunan arched his hands and ran down the mountain. He couldn't wait. He was worried about how to get Tengmu's witchcraft. Now he can't let go. The more he thinks, the more excited he will be, and he will even speed up unconsciously.

After an hour of extreme speed, Sunan saw a mountain range. It is the tallest and largest of the surrounding mountains, and it is full of trees and houses made of stones.

Sunan knew that this was the Zuomu tribe of Tengmu, and carefully sneaked into the mountain. He didn't plan to find purple gold spirits around his road. This panacea might be rare elsewhere, but it shouldn't be too much in Limu tribe. Robbing the temple is why they may not find it in the end. Before approaching the top of the mountain, Sunan heard a cry of killing and couldn't help wondering: ""Strange thing, why the two tribes I visited today were attacked and killed by others.

Sunan quietly hid behind a big rock and looked at the scene, stunned, because he saw three people fighting together, one was **** Tengmu, the other was Tan Tu, and the last one didn't know.

But it seems that the Limu tribe is relatively low and does not threaten Tan Tu at all. Sunana said: "The strange thing is that the two people fought together one or two hours ago. Maybe Tengmu was severely imitated by me. Tan Tu seemed to take the opportunity to kill Tengmu to annex the Dimu tribe.

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