I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 465: skill

On the other hand, it should be related to their blood. Their blood contains a lot of power to strengthen the body. Legend has it that the ancients used dragon blood to soak their bodies to make them invincible. Although they are rumors, they are not unfounded. They can try. In addition, I have five-element orthopedic magic, specializing in body witchcraft. This technology is progressing slowly, and this time is just an attempt. "

   Sunan did not waste it when he said and did it. He hit a deep pit on the spot, then brandished a sword to cut the blood vessel of Yuan Lishan's body. Soon after Yuan Lishan died, his heart was still beating. At this time, the blood was pressed out and flowed into the hole dug in Sunan in advance. After a while, the pit was full.

   Sunan didn’t care about Ding Qiang, a hermaphrodite monster, took off his clothes and went into the pit for plastic surgery for five yuan. At first, Sunan was very disappointed that there was no exercise, but he did not want to give up. "It may be because the time is too short, or the effect of this blood is too small, etc.

   Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, Sunan's body began to become hot. Sunan is very happy. If Sunan Ji wants to calm down, he also urges everyone to concentrate on practicing. A stream of heat flows from the surface of the skin to the body, and then into the muscles of the body, as if there is a worm in the body, and finally the whole body is painful like burning heat.

According to the route required by the Wuyuan orthopedics technology, Sunan hurriedly guides these heat currents, so that they can shuttle through the body according to a certain rule, passing through the sea of ​​qi and heart, strengthening the muscles of the body’s internal organs and six brains. .

   In this way, he ran back and forth four or five times. When Sunan wanted to strengthen it for the sixth time, he found that the blood outside his body no longer boiled as before, gradually calmed down, and the heat flow inside his body no longer decreased.

   Why? What's going on? Why not? Is some kind of magic consumed? It's too fast. Such a large hole was quickly used up. Sunan was unhappy and looked at Yuan Lishan's body. The bleeding seemed to be over. Oh. Sunan looked up at heaven and sighed, "There are fewer good things." Only then did he realize that the sky was bright. I don't know that night has passed, I yelled loudly.

   He jumped out of the river and washed the blood on his body. Putting on his shirt, he almost forgot that Ding Qiang would become a Bailan during the day. He is naked and doesn't look good.

Oh, please, oh, no, what Ding Qiang saw, Bai Lan will know, yesterday I took off my clothes in front of Ding Qiang and jumped into the blood pit. This does not mean that Bai Lan saw it too, I think I His name was ruined by this demon who was not a man or a woman.

  ? No, Ding Qiang couldn't see clearly last night. It must be so. He could not see clearly. "Sunan comforts himself, even he knows that night will not hinder the lifestyle of practitioners, not to mention that the night of monsters has better eyesight than during the day.

   Sunan pretended to meditate by the river and began to check the results of his overnight practice. This kind of inspection can make him happy. After a night of quenching, his body took a big step and became stronger.

Without any real element, the air can be blown out in one night, the meridians of the body will become harder, so that you can accommodate more real ト elements in the same category under the same situation, so that you can transcend or invert .

In fact, the biggest threat in the process of monasticism is not from the monks of the same generation but from the older generation. They have practiced for a long time and have generally improved. Although they agree that they will not be shot under normal circumstances, they are only aimed at the school gate. School disciples.

   People like Sunan are most likely to be killed by the older generation. If ordinary people don’t sin against others, their life expectancy will be very long. This kind of scattered maintenance is safe and there is no threat. They are busy in two ways. One is talented and doesn’t take others seriously. .

   This kind of sky is usually a short-lived person. Others will not let him grow up. Say: insecure, threatening; there is another kind of person, such as Sunan, who is unqualified, but offends the school. He lives in fear of displacement all day. When he slept, he would have nightmares, dreaming that he was caught and tortured by thousands of people.

Waking up can be scared into a cold sweat, secretly swearing that he will never sleep again, running around has become such a person’s duty and housework, otherwise he will die, no, the human world cannot be confused with monsters, how can it be done? A word of "tragic"!

   In order to prove his thoughts, Sunan took out Yuanshi and started practicing. As a result, after half a day, he felt that his real renminbi was stronger.

This discovery made him ecstatic, and felt that this was a good way to increase his strength in the future, so that he could continue to practice the five-element orthopedics technique in the future, so that he was better than martial arts at all levels, and he could go further and survive. Also bigger.

He said: "The human body is really full of mystery. It seems that the South specializes in the sorcery of the body. They have indeed figured out a way to develop the human body's potential. Most people who have sought Taoism throughout the ages have been practicing martial arts. This is also a way to develop the human body’s treasure house. This path should be right. Life is the most amazing thing in the world except time and space.

   There is nothing wrong with this path. Now the monks are practicing Taoist methods, and they should also use the natural power of heaven and earth to achieve the fruits of Taoism ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The so-called walking the same path, reaching the extreme should be the same but the path is different.

   It's like witchcraft, magic and monsters in the South, all of which are the same fact, but I prefer martial arts. This kind of training road requires very low academic qualifications, and everyone has the opportunity to pursue eternal life. It is fair. "Southern Sunan secretly thinks.

   Although the eight-dollar break is very powerful, it is not my own ability. In fact, I don't know how many years it will take to fully understand it. It is estimated that when I understand, this method will help me little.

Before that, I had never given full play to its power. At the critical moment, I had to use the boxing method I created to save my life, but this boxing at the cost of losing my life is too domineering, even in my current life. Yuan has grown a lot, and I cannot use it unscrupulously, which is equivalent to drinking poison to quench my thirst. I must have died in my own hands early in the past.

We have to come up with a new offensive technique, because the human body is full of mystery. Many martial arts techniques use special meridians to gain destructive power. It seems that the secret of the human body has not been developed. There are many unexpected routes. I must Study the human body in the future to create your own skills.

He said: "First of all, I am not in a hurry to practice the strategy of improving the soul. Now that the meridians are wide and the body is strong, I can increase my strength first, continue to collect the grass of the soul, make more monster blood, and practice the five-element orthodoxy." So, for me, it is not too late to gather enough saints to practice this magic formula. In any case, enhancing the power of the soul is not a one-time thing. If it is slow, it will be round, and such things will have to take time. "

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