I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 516: treatment

After a long period of retreat, neither side spoke, until I couldn't help but want to yawn, and the oldest shaman on the other side finally said a polite word.


   Well, I am also honored. This is a real honor. "I clenched my fists with both hands and saluted me left and right.


Although the situation seems to be at a deadlock, it seems that neither side can take advantage of any advantage, but in fact, this balance is still a bit biased towards the human side. Even a tough guy who is not afraid of death can still give food to insects under the cover of invisible insects. In this way, energy can be supplemented, but it can only barely equal consumption, which is a waste of energy.


   Besides, it is impossible for Ulantu to kill workers everywhere. Even if their numbers are large, they will be cleaned up sooner or later. It can be said that as long as it remains the same, the devil will not be born, only stillborn.


   Just then, the devil thought of a more unfortunate thing. When people were busy preventing bed bugs from hatching, a cloud of thunderclouds larger than ever before was slowly appearing on top of the beetle.


   High Priest Tolan caused a series of troubles, and could no longer hang up his old face, and finally he opened again.




   High priest Tolan has a complicated heart, and he feels wronged. He did do a shameful thing, that is, summoning and swallowing beasts to absorb the energy on the battlefield and make crystals. But the Archbishop of Turan didn't think this was a serious matter. As the high priest, it was nothing. In any case, nothing is needed, and most of the energy absorbed by swallowing animals is evil.


   But the next thing has nothing to do with High Priest Tolan. Of course, no one knows that their vitality should be so strong. As for the capture of the devil, Tolan's chief inspector thought it was not only his own business, but that he did a lot of credit.


   Yes, the energy crystal of the hard work of High Priest Tolan was robbed by the devil, which is equivalent to sending a large supply of pills to the devil, which greatly shortened the time for the devil to be born. The Chief Prosecutor did not deny, nor can he deny it. Bi Jing, this is something that everyone sees, if he wants it, he can't push it.


   But from a different perspective, the situation is completely different.


   No matter how these bugs came, they must have been lurking underground for a while. The hidden ability of the magic bug is quite powerful. It has experienced a fierce battle, and a master like me has also shot at it, showing his magic power every time. But what happened? No one found a colony of bugs underground.


   If you don’t have yourself and energy water, can someone find these bugs in advance? It’s definitely not the case.


   In this way, when the White Ice team clears the battlefield and leaves, the devil can easily swallow the devil's body on the ground, and slowly hatch a special devil in the back belly of the insect. Although it takes more time, there is no doubt that it will be more stable, and sooner or later it will be able to be born. Even if the situation is better, suppose the White Ice team wins an unprecedented game. If the demons kill their farts, what will happen? No one will find the bugs underground. These bugs will get more demonic bodies. After giving birth to this special evil brain worm, they may produce another group of demons and insects. They will not be able to find more evil worms underground. After they give birth to this special evil worm, they can Get more evil body


  By then, the situation will undoubtedly get worse.


   Together, Tolan’s high priest is not only useless, but also very useful. Don't look at you people who are passing fast now, as if you have controlled the whole situation, forcing the devil to die in the belly of a bug, you never want to be born. But without our efforts, none of this would happen.


  Unfortunately, High Priest Toran is the only one who thinks this way. Everyone else thinks this "respected" shaman is really a disaster. People would think that this is also normal. Everyone knows that the devil is very vicious. The evil demon can't be domesticated and used at all. Why. As soon as you catch it, take out a litter?


   Is it everyone’s luck that everything has been hit? Or is your hand too dark and the sky can’t see you, but you’re caught by the change in the law?


   Although no one said it very clearly, the high priest Toran was not stupid, and the door could easily notice that other people had different views of themselves. Not only did this respect and admiration disappear, but there was also a slight resentment.


   High Priest Tolan could not accept this situation, so he decided to take measures to reverse the situation.


   has no ability to open it hurriedly, and I don't want to hurt that vague figure. I just want to buy some time to leave my body. If this number completely ignores the attack, all I want to do is cut off the neck, and I can't do anything about it.


   As expected, the guy didn't respond to the red lawn, and didn't plan to avoid it at all. He raised his sickle-shaped forelimbs and flashed it quickly, and a burst of bright red blood spurted from Ulandu's neck.


   But Ulantu is not Freya's high priest after all, he is much more sensitive and defensive. Although the attack was successful, it was dangerous and dangerous to dodge the key in the last minute. Gaijia’s neck quickly drew to the side.


Are you okay?" I walked over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and glanced at Ulantu, and immediately looked forward. As Ulantu’s blood spurted out, this vague figure was no longer invisible, slowly Reveal its true form.


   The perfect streamlined shell is a hundred times more exquisite than any exquisite knight armor, and even the head is wrapped inside, leaving only a pair of large prism compound eyes. The forelimbs were sickle-shaped, flashing like a cold light, and the blade was exactly the same as real stainless steel. Just looking at it, you would feel a sharp pain in your eyes.


   Its size is smaller than that of humans, but it is very compact, and each joint can be seamlessly combined. With the luminous shell, it looks like a precision fighter for a large engineer, not a creature.


   There is no doubt that this is the devil just now. If it was a flower stand with many skills, now it gives the impression that it is a natural fighter machine. Although I haven't done it yet, I don't know what its power is, but if I can, I really want to turn around and stay away from it as far as possible.


   "I'm fine" Ulanto twisted his neck, his fake mouth was almost healed, he could only see a superficial fake mouth. It seems that the werewolf's changes behind Ulantu also have certain healing powers, but they are not as abnormal as the devil.


   What Ulanto said was his neck. There is no doubt about the three of them? There is no doubt that this is a big event. Although I don't know how the devil changed from this to this, it is certain that it has completely changed, its combat effectiveness has doubled, and it is no longer the bug that was slaughtered just now.



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