I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 682: Life expectancy

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, the "fighting formula" that Sunan has learned, which can strengthen Sunan's body and fighting spirit at this time, so Sunan is naturally very enthusiastic about this.

! After all, it is worth not only to improve your abilities, but also to get good growth and your fighting spirit. Of course, of course, Sunan would not foolishly stand where Sunan was attacked by Reza!

Although Reza's magic can enhance his fighting ability, the sourness of thunder is really unspeakable! Sunan has absorbed the power of thunder, and actually has terrible resistance to the magic of minefields, of course, because What Sunan absorbs is only a small part, so Sunan is not completely immune to this attack! This is why Sunan can persist for a long time! Of course, this persistence is to allow himself to be abused for more time Long, because one characteristic of lightning attributes is speed.

This kind of pleasure caused Sunan to suffer fundamental damage. Of course, this is not without any benefits. At least Sunan's psychological response ability has been very improved!

Of course, Sunan was not completely defeated. He tried to counterattack, but every time Sunan could not get a very effective counterattack. Bi Jing, Sunan could not detect where Rezasha was. After all, this "thundercloud" blocked him. The mental power of Sunan locks Reza’s position, and Lysa increases the "thunder cloud's power, so Sunan cannot observe Resa's movements with the naked eye. So when Sunan trains, Sunan closes his eyes, Sunan does not You need to have enough energy to lock Reza's offense, but to watch Reza's attack on himself with Sunan's feelings!

Reza was also surprised by Sunan’s performance. If you wear martial arts, this behavior can be said to be a very high level, that is,'Mind Eyes'! It’s a terrifying ability to react to the enemy’s instinct. It is said that those who can open their hearts can lock their opponent’s every move by feeling! This locking does not come from breathing, but from the mind, like Going deep into the other's thoughts is the same as reacting to the other's actions in advance! Of course, Sunan has not yet reached such a state, at best, Sunan is still exploring the way through this door!

Therefore, although the pain in the process is a bit painful, the gain is still great!

"Wow, wow!" Sunan panted and lay on the ground, looking like a big man. After another exciting insult, Sunan fell to the ground gloriously. Today, compared with yesterday, Sunan has also made great progress. Under Reza's attack, Sunan has improved two magic points. You know, Reza's attack has never been lenient, but it will not cause you to suffer serious harm, the kind of light copying or pain!

Of course, Rezasha is well controlled. This kind of petty imitation and pain is just a bad night, and usually recovers the next day, just like let Sunan eat a lesson, there is no big Punishment and great precepts made Sunan unacceptable. In fact, Sunan has long been used to such small injuries and small pains, so Sunan doesn’t care too much! On the contrary, the feeling of lightning passing through Sunan’s body is like There are countless hands massaging you, which really makes Sunan really enjoy! Masochism.

"Yes, God. Your performance today is much better than yesterday! At least you have the power to breathe!" Reza said very approvingly, as she looked at Sunan's appearance. Sunan can say that he is the most tolerant person among the people he has ever met. If an ordinary person does not accept this attack within a few days, he will run away. You will come to receive training similar to abuse! In fact, Reza initially thought that Sunan could not accept it for too long! According to estimates, the training would end in a day or two, but the result exceeded Reza’s expectations and Sunan did not dare I believe Sunan really persisted!

Sunan originally thought that he would give up within two days, but Sunan would report to himself on time every day! This kind of perseverance and endurance, even Renesas was surprised! After all, regardless of Sunan as a child, even if Sunan has a lot of Good knowledge and methods, but it seems that this is also due to the earlier maturity of Sunan, but judging from the performance of Sunan in the past few days, this has exceeded expectations. The perseverance and perseverance shown by Sunan is not like a person. The child can show it!

Let’s be very surprised by Sunan’s performance and better understand some of Sunan’s qualities. Now in Rezasha’s view, Sunan cannot treat Sunan as a child. Although the child looks small, he has There are many qualities that he shouldn’t have at this age! In Reza’s eyes, there are also a lot of impatience, Bi Jing, if your majesty is still here, your majesty may be as relaxed and comfortable as the princes of other empires, who are in front of him Waiting, there is no money and power at all.

But now Sunan has matured very young. It seems that it was the disillusionment of the empire that made Sunan mature so quickly. It was precisely because of the disillusionment that Sunan became so strong, which made him deeply regret. If he is not so impulsive, maybe the Thunder team will leave more elites than now, and your Highness won't have to work so hard!

Uncle Reza? Uncle Reza? "Sunan lay on the floor like a dead dog, stood up slowly, looking at Lisa who was stunned, and his hand was in front of Reza.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Seeing Sunan standing in front of him, Reza couldn't help thinking about it, looking at Sunan in front of Sunan.

Nothing, just seeing Uncle Reza, you are a bit startled, so Sunan asked what happened.

Sunan smiles in the sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is your Highness tired?" Lisa asked Sunan suddenly.

Sunan listened to the question for a while, then looked at it very calmly. "This question, Shensa, he once asked Sunan, he said that Sunan has so many things on his shoulders, he will feel very tired." Sunan knows that you may feel a little guilty for Sunan, but it is unnecessary.

"After all, if Sunan is a civilian, perhaps Sunan’s road of struggle will be even more difficult. Now Sunan has at least many companions. You can advance with Sunan, so in fact, Sunan’s burden is not like yours. It looks so heavy, it's just harder to practice, isn't it all the other things you are doing? Sunan didn't participate in these things, did it? So there is no need!" Sunan smiled at Resasa. He is a child so this. This is normal.

Thank you!" Lisa said these two words are heavy. Although there are only two words, it weighs a thousand pounds! It contains too much!

Oh, don't be so polite to Sunan, no matter what happens in the future, Sunan believes that you are the strongest backing behind Sunan. So, Sunan does not want you to have so much psychological burden, which will reduce your life expectancy! You must live too long, Sunan will always exist!" Sunan said naively. Reader: Well. Actually, Sunan feels a little nauseous. What?! Sunan is a child now, you are really a child! Are you embarrassed? Can you do it?

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