I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 685: ally

Because it is also easy to practice again, of course, if you are re-imitation, it will be longer, and it may be inconvenient to move in a short time, after the competition, the rules give you a fair ability to turn the sky, it It will definitely be cut off in other ways, or the world may become unbalanced because of this. It is said that the undead can fight where there are a large number of dead spirits. If there is no such restriction, the dead can become the overlord of the whole world.

   So, although it seemed that the undead had invaded the skies over the Horux continent for a while, it was soon suppressed because the undead could not adapt to the shackles on the Horux continent, and of course Sunan didn't know what it was. After all, he wrote these things in the general history of the mainland just to write a very vague sentence.

Of course, this kind of thing is usually a very secret thing! So it is usually modified by the recorder, as if every emperor wants his achievements to be positive, and no emperor would want future generations to see their bad side! This is A very normal mentality, so there is a difference between wild history and official history. Otherwise, why should we divide it so carefully?

   Therefore, no one can clearly say such things. It is estimated that only those scholars who specialize in recording history will actually record it, so these things are also very skewed. After all, if there are too many casualties, the recorder may choose not to mention these things, perhaps because of a sentimental behavior. Of course, maybe the tape recorder has never experienced it, or he just heard hearsay, it is possible!

Therefore, usually only by slowly exploring the truth of history can you get the most real results, as if the eyes tend to deceive yourself, but you can’t blame the eyes. This is your own thinking biased towards the other party, so let your eyes see Things that look different! So your subjective thoughts will greatly affect the way you look at things! When your thoughts can’t keep up with the other person’s changes, what you see is naturally different, which is why people say their eyes are lying !

   In fact, it is not the eyes that deceive others, but you lie to yourself.

there's still a long way to go. Going back to the previous article, let the undead on the Horcrux Continent look like they are at war. They are always unable to exert the full power of the generals due to geographical environment and climate relations. The undead on the Horcrux Continent are still very limited! Of course, if Sunan can find a place full of death spirit, Sunan can also let the dead exert their power!

   Of course, this advantage can also be created artificially. For example, collecting mental arrays in a quarry graveyard is a method, but this method has great limitations. After all, the collection method array cannot be moved. After all, when the rune depicts that all the eyes are formed in the same place, so if the opponent destroys the eyes, this is a fatal injury to the Zhu Ling magic array!? It will directly cause the array spirit to not function normally! Therefore, this Although this method is simple, it does not work well!

   After all, no opponent is willing to fight you where you have an advantage. If Sunan has it, Sunan can only say that this guy is absolutely stupid. The spirit of death is very different from other magic elements. The spirit of death is very harmful to humans or other races! As the opponent fights, the spirit of death will follow the opponent’s magic or fighting spirit, follow the element or fighting spirit Entering the body, the spirit of death has no problem except for the undead and the undead. But for other races, this is a big burden! They slow down the fighting spirit and magic in their bodies! This weakening is very deadly!

If the spirit of death absorbs too much, it will hurt their bodies! In the spirit of death, the power to fight the dead will be greatly increased or slightly increased, whether it is to absorb other elements or use magic to fight the speed! Therefore, Unless it is necessary, no race is willing to fight the dead in an environment full of death spirit!

Yes, the spirit of death can improve the strength of the dead, but for them, the spirit of death is a kind of restoration. The spirit of death is different from other elements. This is usually not easy to detect, as long as people of other races are keenly aware of the spirit of death. After all, the spirit of death has a cold feeling. The cold is different from the water element, changing the ice system, but it is a kind of creepy cold feeling! Sunan seems to have encountered a terrible thing! Therefore, as long as people of other races enter a lifeless environment, They can see the difference immediately!

Therefore, this may be a very important reason why the undead will not invade when the undead are not able to occupy the Horcrux continent! Otherwise, it will not be particularly difficult to fight the Horcrux continent above the race, according to the strong resilience The dead! You might say that there are not many strong people on the Horcrux continent? Of course, there are of course many strong people on the Horcrux continent, even those hidden super heroes, but the undead do not have a strong career. ?

The Vampire King Soul Inquisitor God curses the knights and other high-level undead creatures that are not vegetarian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The undead among the strong can be said to be very powerful existences!? They have no concept of time for a long time, almost every day In practice, so when a dead creature reaches a higher level, its existence is very scary! They have various abilities to restrain living people, as long as someone dies, they can resurrect them and continue Fight for them. Sunan remembers that the undead among the heroes had a saying that made Sunan feel good: "The dead enemy is the allies of Sunan!

Therefore, as long as the more people die, the more people die, that’s a disguised promotion! This promotion is too bad! The chaotic king of the undead, the skeleton wizard, is considered to be a superexistence equal to the eighth level! For all kinds of magic research geniuses, because they don't have any care for the living, they cannot spread to the lives of those innocents, and they cannot destroy the environment of such nonsense concepts. They only know magic, this kind of thing is used to destroy!

   Since it is destruction, what is the point if there are so many restrictions? There are no restrictions on their thinking.

So the magic they created is extremely destructive to the owner; this is a violent aesthetic! There is a technique that many chaotic lords like very much, "Death withered" is their favorite skill, death withered 'It is the ability to make the attacker suffer the impact of the death spirit, and the chaotic master will summon a death spirit to attack the enemy

The spirit of death used by the Lord of Chaos will not enter the injured person's body only when they regain magic or fighting spirit like those who are not organized. The spirit of death will be under the control of the Lord of Chaos. Go directly into their bodies through the holes in their bodies and cause harm! This destruction is very terrible! After all, it was said earlier that the spirit of death is devastating to the living

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