I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 730: Wind seal

This primitive human wizard, also known as the "prophet", has a strong spiritual ominous omen, and his fate is ominous.


  No!" Sunan's heart is very cold. This wizard is very strong. He is not an opponent. Hypnosis can completely restrain himself to death. He stroked the head of the four-winged tiger: ""Fly fast.


   This four-winged tiger tries its best to fly.


   But the wizard was getting closer and closer to Sunan, and there was a roar, Sunan immediately felt dizzy, and the four-winged tiger fell down in a blink of an eye.


  No! "Sunan was surprised: "The sorcerer’s hypnotism is so strong?" The mental attack made Sunan fantasize


   He hurriedly stroked the head of the four-winged tiger, using the "brand of the great soul" to comfort the tiger. The four-winged tiger waved its wings, but it continued to fall


"Go down, you can't be in the air, otherwise Sunan will fall, and you will die without the whole body!" Sunan knows that in the process of chasing wizards, it is impossible to fly by a four-winged tiger, only landing In the forest, there is still a chance of survival.


   At this time, he was also roaring, making a great thunder, and rushing to the wizard's bird.


   But it's useless. The wizard's spiritual power is so powerful that when he communicates with the soul of the bird, he cannot hypnotize himself.


   The four-winged tiger flapped its wings, landed on a clearing in the forest, and then fell directly to the ground. At this time, the wizard pounced on a big bird. Sunan is down-to-earth. He was about to jump up and travel through the jungle to avoid the wizard's attack, but suddenly changed in front of Sunan. The reckless jungle became a stone mountain, a stone wall, and it was impossible to cross it.


   The ghost hit the wall? A mental illusion!


   He immediately realized that this was an illusion of the soul, the wizard was too powerful. He couldn't escape because there were so many illusions in front of him that he couldn't find the right way. In case he jumped down and hit a big tree, he would have to hit his head with blood.


  Who are you? Why did you steal the holy fruit from southern Jiangsu?


   Deep down in Sunan's heart, a voice rang, and Sunan knew what the other party meant. There is no communication barrier at all.


   He saw the wizard stride towards him. He was very tall, dressed in animal skins, and his whole body was tough. He was a middle-aged man with bushy eyebrows, big eyes, and two meters high, perfect.


   Just before the change, all fantasies disappeared, and he hit himself with a punch.


   The power of the head tore through the air, causing a strong cyclone, only a foot away from him.


   The wizard's blow did not even notice him, thinking that the other party was slowly walking over. This kind of psychological illusion will only make people wonder whether the whole reality is true or false.


   This is the strong one!


  Killing others, they don't feel pain, they just feel that it has risen to heaven.


Sunan didn’t hesitate, and he played for a while, there was a loud thunder, and whizzed out, a thick circle all over his body, and after taking a step, the ground shook a large amount of soil appeared, as if there was a monster-going from the ground come out. The wizard's muscles and bones were torn apart, and his entire arm was broken by a single blow! Sunan jumped back again-come up again.


   Judging by this punch, the wizard's vitality is not as good as his own, but it is likely to have arrived.


   Sunan is a modern society. It uses various high-tech drugs to supplement the body and performs systematic exercise. When you come here, you can regain the aura of heaven and earth through the rest of the fetus. The power of the body cannot be compared with the primitive tribe.


  Of course, the primitive tribe is much stronger than the average owner, and the average quality is very high. This is because of the unique heaven and earth aura and nurturing of Kubot.


   But, at the moment Sunan failed, the wizard's body disappeared, and his own attack failed. Click! A big tree was interrupted by his own fist.


   empty. There is no more shadow.


Deep down, a voice came over: "You will see a fire under your feet burning your body, inciting to enter your hole, eating your internal organs, do you feel itchy all over?" Like an instigator in you The body is like a human.


   Sure enough, Sunan saw a pile of fire burning violently under his feet. Sunan was hung in the thin air, and the flame kept rising, so that his skin was ringing, and he could not speak in pain.


   This is an illusion, but the pain is real.


There was once an experiment, a "wrist cutting experiment", blindfolded, and then cut his wrist with a blade, and then used a dropper to simulate the sound of blood drops next to him, this person really thought he was cut open Became very weak.


   The hypnotist said that if you burn it, you will really die by imitation. All are neurons innervated by the brain.


   The brain thinks it hurts, but your whole body hurts. At the same time, Sunan saw that many instigators really flew over, got into his skin, and began to eat his own flesh and blood, which was very scary.


   He knew that everything was illusory, but he could not take it lightly, meditating in the brain of the universe, and began to resist the hypnosis of the other party.


   He vaguely saw the wizard jumping around in the distance, making a harsh sound in his mouth, all aimed at him, and at the same time, his thoughts burst into waves.


   As long as Sunan just relaxes a little bit, his fantasy will increase immediately and his body is very old.


   So he can only remain motionless.


  While the wizard did not dare to approach, he was completely hypnotized. Although he now has the upper hand and uses mental illusions to cover Sunan, Sunan will lose control if he is absent.


The spiritual illusion of Bo has been eroded. Although Sunan uses the brain of the universe to fill the illusion, it can be seen that the hypnosis of the wizard is really on the ancient Xiong Chu Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sunan does not know whether it has reached the realm of "Dardin" ?


   Enter the third floor, small, big, unchanged. Each level of spiritual power is very different. To achieve a constant state of mind, you can simply shoot in all directions.


   Suddenly, the wizard began to worship, his posture became extremely sacred, his blood spurted out, and his eyes glowed with green light, like ghost flames jumping.


   Sunan’s vision suddenly increased tenfold.


   He was ready, suddenly stretched out his hand, bit the milky stone, he immediately entered the field of stillbirth.


   The illusion disappeared time and time again, the wizard roared, the whole person's head rang, and he fell to the ground with blood from seven slits, and died directly eating something more powerful than the ancient bear.




  The powerful wizard who arrived at "Dadden" still cannot be compared with Shiraishi. °Sunan was relieved, there was another voice in his mind. How many years are the big dreams? How many years are now and in the past? This is a spiritual practice imprinted by a great spirit, which has started anew. Sunan doesn't know what this time is? The great wind seal?


   The wizard of the primitive tribe helped him open a great spiritual mark. The price was his own death. Sunan didn't care so much. He went to bed and saw a tall man with empty feet and a cosmic brain made of stars on top of his head.


  "Congratulations for pioneering the spiritual practice of Emperor Yindiyin. Among the nine marks of Emperor Fengyin, thunder represents attack power and wind represents speed.

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