I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 735: Battleship

Li Sanlong was immediately stunned: "Yes." Sunan wanted to believe in God. Li Sanlong's vitality has arrived. , Very powerful, controlling the entire gang leader, no one dared to listen, he was extremely cruel and cruel. Unfortunately, under the hypnotism of the **** cat's spiritual magic, it simply cannot resist.

The illusion disappeared, and a large black drawing appeared on Li Sanlong's shoulder. Li Sanlong rang the bell.

Many subordinates came in outside and said respectfully: "President, what happened?

Nothing, Sunan just tells you that Sunan has a cat, and then you have to treat it well, like the owner, you know? "Li Long's face is wooden: "Remember, this cat is Sunan The favorite thing, whoever treats it badly, Sunan wants to die!"

Some gang members wiped the cold sweat from their heads.


Li Sanlong waved.

All these subordinates have retired and dare not say a word. They knew that Li Sanlong was cruel and moody, and sometimes his mood, keeping a cat could not be more normal.

Very good" His subordinates all came down, and the **** cat nodded: "Li Sanlong, since then, your group has worked for Sunan.

In this way, the gang is completely controlled by the big black.

On the surface, he was just a pet kept by Li Sanlong. In fact, he is the supreme controller of the gang. Li Sanlong was hypnotized by him and turned into a zombie, so he could only give orders.

Start the review!

Sunan, Sunan has controlled the head of the Sanlong Club, Li Sanlong. He hypnotizes him every day, leaving a deep spiritual mark in his soul, and eventually he will become Sunan's servant. These three dragons will reach an agreement with the Riyue Group. Once it takes a long time, it is possible to master some secrets of the Riyue Group.

Sunan, Sunan wants to control a few more gang leaders, but now the spirit is not enough, the realm is not enough, control one is reluctant, but you can rest assured that Sunan will break through soon.

"Hehe, Sunan, Sunan has a breakthrough in today's training. Sunan wants to take genetic medicine.

Send emails one by one.

Sunan saw an e-mail and said in surprise: "Da Hei, don't mess around. The mortality rate of gene medicine is very high.

Back, Sunan cats have a few lives, and they are not afraid of death at all. These days Sunan has read various scientific materials on Guangbrain. Sunan has a lot of research on genetics. You humans are all It’s useless, ah, I’m afraid of death. The animal world of Southern Jiangsu has been dying. The jungle is very strong. Southern Jiangsu is in the city. Their companions are often killed by stray dogs. What is this? I haven't even seen life and death, hahaha.

Da Hei Miao mocked Sunan in an email: "The Six Classics say that life and death are a major event, and it changes quickly. Life is like a dream, repeating itself again and again.

Well, Sunan will not interfere with you. Sunan doesn't know what genetic medicine you are going to take. Sunan must study it systematically.

this is very simple. This is a genetic medicine for cats, a genetic medicine called "Thunder Beast". Sunan happened to discover at the Three Dragons Meeting that the president would take it personally during his life and death, so Sunan took it and prepared to take it away. "The **** video became a bottle of genetic medicine.

The potion shone with a wonderful luster. There was only a bottle the size of a thumb. In the bottle, lightning seemed to be ringing.

Needless to say, there are at least tens of thousands or even tens of millions of this kind of genetic medicine. The treasure of the Three Dragons Club is of course the second one, that is, if you take it down, the bad guys will die, and no one dares.

Sunan hurried to inquire about the thunderbird and found that it was a big cat on another planet, like an electricity, with lightning, roaring like thunder, and even tore its armor.

After humans have captured the thunder and lightning beasts, they study their life genes, make genetic medicines, enhance the human body, and even make the human body resist high-voltage currents without death.

However, the mortality rate of this genetic drug is very high, reaching nearly 10%. Some people will not die, but due to genetic conflict, the increase in power is not obvious.

By the way, the **** cat is also an authentic cat. They should be genetically similar, and there should be better opportunities for selection. "Sunan also looked up at the lamp's brain, but found that no one was experimenting with cats, and Sunan didn't know what would happen after taking pictures.

In addition, if a bottle of genetic medicine was taken out to cats, no rich person would do such a stupid thing.

Maybe in the elite area, but Sunan cannot get any information from the elite area.

The elite area is completely separated from the ordinary area.

In particular, the "big black cat" is not an ordinary cat, it is also a description. After fetal interest training, genes should be strengthened, and the probability of taking genetic medicine should be much higher than that of ordinary people. These days, Sunan To start injecting Thunderbird's genetic medicine. Good luck to Sunan. "The **** cat hung up the mail.

"What a crazy cat" Sunan always feels that it is good to keep human genes. In order to pursue strength, changing genes has a perverted feeling. Maybe this is a kind of spiritual cleanliness.

However, the injection of genetic drugs into cats by **** cats is not a fundamental change.

At the moment, everything is calm.

Sunan practiced every day, practiced again, lived in seclusion, learned knowledge, practiced martial arts, recuperated the soul~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ten days passed, fifteen days passed, and twenty days finally arrived.

"All the high school graduates who have just graduated are here. Today is the medical examination of the star university!" This is the principal's email.

Sunan immediately drove a speeding car to the sky, about ten minutes later, slowly landed at the school. Now he has enough money to buy a car and he is also a star citizen, fully qualified to drive a car.

As soon as he fell to the school, he saw a small floating warship parked above his head, then slowly pressed it down, and finally landed on the playground.

"This is the battleship of Interstellar University." When Sunan was shocked, Sunan saw a lot of stars on this small warship. It is composed of four big words: "Star University".

Then, the battle opened, and a group of scholars in white clothes appeared, wearing helmets, turned out to be the same low-arm armor!

The principal has already stepped forward and compared it with one of the scholars and compared it with the data of the other. After half an hour, go take a look.

One of the white people shouted: "All the students line up in order and enter the battleship for medical examination!" No noise, no noise, no violating orders, otherwise you will bear the consequences!

All the students are shaking!

They know that no consortium or official can compare to a star university. At this time, even the son of a Beijing city tycoon can be killed on the spot, regardless of all responsibilities.

In the previous few terms, the eldest son was not satisfied with the arrangements for the university exams for the stars, and wanted to shine, so he was detained and exiled.

Sunan, come in and check the white robot cheers violently.

At least there is strong vitality. "When Sunan hears this kind of voice, Sunan can secretly guess its vitality: "Sunan doesn't know whether it is a student of Star University.

He took a step.

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