I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 749: cost!

After Baidia answered, he saw a weapon suddenly waved in his hand, and a huge divine power was suddenly injected into it. Now more than half of the power is injected into the weapon, and there is no sign of instability, but except for the light of the silk **** Besides, there is no difference.


Help Sunan break!" When Bedia’s seven layers of power were injected into the weapon, his face was a bit pale, but when the weapon absorbed the power of Badia, it became more and more transparent, like A huge crystal column.


  No! It's a broken cone!"


The scene from Badia naturally attracted the attention of the three people in Sunan. Sunan still didn’t know the power of the weapon in Bedia’s hand, but Lao Lu and the tiger bully yelled that this weapon known as the broken cone obviously didn’t. Other things, otherwise it will make drastic changes in their faces.


   "Come on, close the green awn, and the broken cone can smash all the treasures of the restricted class." "Lao Lu's reaction was obviously faster than the tiger's reaction. When he appeared, he reminded Sunan.


Hey, it’s too late to put it away now!" Bedia smiled coldly. If no one knew that this was the limited wealth of Southern Jiangsu, after the battle in Southern Jiangsu, the old people present were completely sure. After all, if the green lawn is some kind of magic started by Sunan, as long as the green lawn does not disappear, Sunan will not be able to launch an attack at all.


   Of course, the powerful gods present did not consider this field. Generally speaking, such things are the power of gods. Even though a few intermediate shrines have mastered this field in history, these intermediate shrines are all geniuses and wizards, and they have not appeared for tens of thousands of years.


   As for the treasure of the domain category, it is even rarer. After all, most of the wealth in the realm is the main god. The main artifacts they use are naturally the main artifacts that want to spread for tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 years. It is too difficult, so few people in the world have seen major artifacts.


Just as Bedia’s voice fell, the broken cone in his hand was already waved out by it. Only when he listened to the green light in the broken judgment thorn, there was no sound of shock, but there was a leak The sound is like a balloon. When the sound rang, the green light around Bedia and the old skeleton dispersed a little, but it only lasted for a while, and then poured in like a tide. More terrible than before.


   How is this possible?" Baidia's pupils shrank sharply, and she focused on the scene in front of her, not even a green lawn or body.


Although the broken cone only broke the green lawn for a while, and the green awns came back like a tide, but for a strong person like the old skeleton, it only takes a little time to get close to Sunan. Everyone thinks that the old skeleton The attack will fall on Sunan, but everyone is surprised that whether it is the old skeleton, Icarus and Bath, the old skeleton, Icarus and Bath. This person's attacks were all aimed at Tiger Ba.


   It is certain that among the three people in southern Jiangsu, the strength of the person who bullies the tiger is the weakest, and it is certain that the strength of the person who bullies the tiger cannot be compared with that of the southern Jiangsu. Compared with Lao Lu, there is still a big gap. Otherwise, Icarus will not pull Bass to deal with the underdog. They just want to clean up the tiger immediately, and then deal with Sunan Peacemaker Lu.


Unfortunately, the strength of Sunan surprised the four of them, but at this moment they are not jointly attacking Sunan, Bi Jing, they can't have a few opportunities to attack together, and Sunan will never provide too much for a few people to manipulate the green lawn. So they had to pick some soft persimmons first. Even if Elder Lu and Sunan escape, at least Tiger Ba will stay here forever, otherwise the loss this time will be too great.


   Tiger Ba, go to hell!


The attack of the gods is completely poured into the tiger ba's body. Although the green light can suppress the three people and prevent the old skeleton three from bursting out of their full strength, the attack of the three gods is absolutely unimaginable. , Rao was suppressed, but also released endless power, even Sunan's Lord of Life Suppression could not completely suppress it.


   Once, the attack of the three big gods fell on Tiger Ba. Although the Tigers tried their best to resist these attacks with the weapons in their hands, they were still hit by the full-scale terrorist attacks of the three sacred forces. Bi Jing, this is the super combat power combined with the power of the three mountains, even more terrifying than the blow of a middle shrine.




   The old skeleton is getting colder and colder. Although he wants to kill Sunan more, under the current circumstances, choosing to deal with Tiger Ba is the best result. As a powerful god, Old Skull knew this naturally. Icarus and Buzz obviously knew this. So at this point, the three of them had a tacit understanding beyond imagination, and even their voices were useless. Attack together.


   "Well! Do it again!" Icarus's cold voice sounded. Although the three of them are terrible together, the tiger bullies Bi Jing is a sacred and strong person. It would be a big joke if the tiger was killed by three other people. However, even if Tiger Ba is not weak, it is attacked by three people, and the imitation caused by trash fish attack has become more and more serious. If, as Icarus said, do it again. Tiger Bull is likely to fall.


If you want to kill Sunan, you have to pay the price! "The tiger bully is a strong man worthy of the holy. UU reading www.uukanshu.com unexpectedly inspired the cruelty of his heart at this critical moment of life and death. Seeing Tiger Ba's body was suddenly shocked, countless divine powers came out of his body, instantly hitting the weakest three-bath strong fight, no one would choose an object that was uncomfortable.


I'm dead, I want to fight back, dream!" Although this old bone road doesn't seem to be suitable for Bath and Icarus, after all, the three of them are together, and he needs the help of these people to get what he wants. Old Skeleton Naturally, he would not watch the tiger bully Buss.


   It can be said that this is a battle where Sunan saw the sacred power with his own eyes, or it can be said that it was a battle where he saw the sacred power on the primitive continent. On the ancient battlefield, Sunan also witnessed the tenacious battle between the divine natives and the forgotten. Southern Sun still remembers that even in the ancient battlefield, there were countless energy turbulences, and the two sacred strongmen were still in darkness. Although there was no difference between the final victory and the forgotten victory, Southern Sun still remembered that even in countless energy turbulence On the ancient battlefields, these two powerful gods are still in darkness, although there is no difference between the final victory and the victor. This is also the reason why the two powers are too similar. If the two powers are too close, there will definitely be a difference between life and death.


Looking at the tiger tyrants, old skeletons and other powerful people on the original mainland, Sunan finally understood one thing, that is, the battle between the strong men of God is more desperate, especially at this time, even if the tiger tyrant falls , It will also tear the enemy's blood into pieces. After all, the power of the divine strong is the same, and it is difficult to see who can oppress whom. I am afraid that Sunan must do this.


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