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Chapter 572: Return to Wusheng God City

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Chapter 572: Returning to the Martial Saint City

"Did you see clearly?"

While Su Chen was still in a daze, Xia Qianfan suddenly turned around and asked.

Su Chen settled down and nodded: "Seeing that, the strength of the predecessors reached the peak and it was just heaven and man."

This horse, Su Chen, was shooting with persuasion, which was not even a killing, it was just a joke.

This is the strength of the invincible robbers. It is so horrible.

Xia Qianfan said: "Very well, I allow you to spread everything you see and hear today and tell the world that I am back."

As soon as the voice fell, a breeze passed, and Xia Qianfan's figure disappeared without a trace.

Only Su Chen was messy in the wind.

Wh ... what do you mean?

So Xia Qianfan stopped him just to find a personal witness to spread his heroic deeds?

I rubbed, pretending to be so straightforward, fresh and refined, and drunk.

Su Chen was silent for a while, and suddenly thought of something, hurriedly struck out a divine pattern, groped on the bottom of the river, and salvaged the minced meat of the lizard demon man.

The devil without robbery should be of some value.

Collecting a pile of minced meat, Su Chen found that the magic of the lizard demon had not completely dissipated, which suddenly produced a bold idea.

Can he absorb this magical energy?

Su Chen has also absorbed a lot of demons before, but in front of this, there is no rogue demons, the power contained is too overbearing, ordinary people are contaminated by some, and they are bound to die. Never dare to touch it, let alone absorb it.

But the opportunity is rare, Su Chen doesn't want to miss it.

Try it out!

Su Chen immediately unfolded the immortal map and began to quickly absorb the magical spirit of the lizard demon, and by the way, swallowed up some of its remaining souls.


Su Chen's breathing immediately became quicker, her body veins swelled, and the sweat instantly penetrated her body.

With the enchantment coming into the body, Su Chen felt great pressure. This pressure caused his will to collapse soon. Su Chen was completely supported by instinct.

The Lizard Demon is simply dead, otherwise Su Chen will do so, and it is likely to endanger his life.

Although the risks are great, the benefits are also amazing.

Su Chen can feel that the immortal map is running fast, the acupuncture points on his body are constantly being lit, and the third immortal map is all full in an instant!

A strong light bloomed in Su Chen's body.

The fourth immortal picture begins to appear!

When Su Chen absorbed all the magical spirits of the Lizard Demon, the fourth immortal picture had already been lit up by a third.

Each immortal picture has a corresponding effect. The first is life restoration, the second is energy recovery, and the third is mental strengthening. The effect of the fourth immortal picture is generally felt by Su Chen. Seems to be a strengthening of the bones.

The immortal map works, and a special energy source is continuously injected into Su Chen's body bones. Not only does it increase the hardness and toughness of the bone, it seems that there is a certain increase effect that Su Chen cannot sense.

Su Chen didn't think too much, and immediately began to read the soul memory of the devil.

This demon is named Li Zhe, who comes from Mokong Mountain. He is an elite warrior of the Demon Race. He came to attack Xia Qianfan because Xia Qianfan not long ago attacked Mokong Mountain while the Master was away.


Su Chen was amazed. This Xia Qianfan was really a fierce man. He dared to attack the Kongkong Mountain by himself. It is estimated that few people in the entire Xuanyuan continent could do it.

The gangster without extermination is really awesome.

Su Chen became more and more worried for Xia Ziyan. To know that Xia Qianfan's return to Wu Jiguo this time is likely to be harmful to Xia Ziyan.

Can't delay, you must find Xia Ziyan.

After packing the remaining wreckage of the Lizard Demon, Su Chen moved Kong Lingxuan out of the Void Ring again, and after helping her to adjust her internal interest, the three continued their journey.

"Brother Chen, what happened just now?" Kong Lingxuan was still in a state of being in a circle. He didn't understand what happened.

Su Chen explained a little, and scared Kong Lingxuan's face.

"None ... there is no such thing as Di Tianlong?" Kong Lingxuan swallowed, thinking that the fishing man was such a terrible strong man.

"Brother Chen, I suddenly discovered that as long as you follow you, there will always be a variety of surprises. You seem to have a strange fortune by nature, and you can encounter things that ordinary people may not experience in a lifetime." Seriously.

Su Chen was ashamed. Speaking of such a thing, is it really related to his super high lucky value?

The higher the luck value, the easier it is to trigger some small probability events. If the luck value is high enough, will the entire world move around him?

Well, think too much.

Su Chen shook her head and continued to speed up the sprint. After a long time, she reached the land of Wuji and went straight to the capital of Wusheng.

In the early morning of the next day, at sunrise, Su Chen finally arrived at Wusheng God City.

Continuous high-intensity flight, Su Chen was a little tired, but he had no time to rest, and immediately entered the Wusheng God City with Yan Chixia.

Kong Lingxuan was temporarily abstained from his ring of emptiness, after all, the demon clan was not very suitable for operating on Wu Jiguo's territory.

When he came to the city of Wu Sheng again, Su Chen found that the bustling imperial capital was a lot more lively than the last time he came. The streets and alleys were lit with lights, as if there were any festivals coming.

Su Chen only learned that after three days, it turned out to be Xia Ziyan's birthday!

As Her Majesty the Emperor Wu Jiguo, the first birthday of Xia Ziyan will inevitably be held after her ascension to the throne. At this moment, representatives of various forces have come to the Holy City of Wu Sheng, preparing to present her birthday congratulations to the Queen three days later.

Happy birthday ... congratulations ...

Su Chen thought, and he judged that Xia Rong would probably choose Xia Ziyan's birthday, and dedicate the undestructed spirit monster Dan to Xia Ziyan.

If so, then Su Chen should be able to catch up.

But how should Su Chen go to see Xia Ziyan?

After all, she is Her Majesty, and it is impossible for Su Chen to venture in. The guards of the palace are very strict.

It seems that we have to find Xia Susu first.

Su Chen inquired, and soon learned the location of the residence of the eighth king Xia Nan.

Soon, Su Chen came to the mansion of Lord Xia Nan. Speaking of Su Chen, he had seen Xia Nan in the prison and helped him. He should recognize himself.

In terms of his relationship with Xia Susu, how do you call Xia Nan after meeting?

This is a difficult problem.

Forget it, go in and think again.

"Excuse me, Su Chen begged to see Lord Xia Nan." Su Chen said politely to the guard outside the mansion.

"Go and go, what do you want, Lord Wang can see you when you meet, go away."

Su Chen was blasted out directly.

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