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Chapter 635: Mysterious island

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Chapter 635 Exile in Mysterious Island

Putting on a bullet-proof vest, a helmet, a dagger around his waist, and an assault rifle in his hand, Su Chen felt much safer instantly.

Although he is very clear that such equipment is meaningless to casually encounter a monster, but it can at least give him a little psychological comfort.

Su Chen turned on the life detection radar and began searching for the position of Jin Mudan and Tao Tao.

From the previous situation, the diameter of this island should be 50 kilometers, which is not too big. If Su Chen's strength is still there, a heart net can cover it all, but now ... I can only look at this detection radar. No power.

The radar's detection range was about ten kilometers. Su Chen searched it and soon found that three kilometers away from his direction at seven o'clock, there were signs of life.

Despite the danger, Su Chen decided to go and see.

The three-kilometer distance could have been reached in an instant, but now Su Chen can only honestly walk through the forest, jump up and down, and walk for more than half an hour before arriving.


Su Chen saw the figure falling down in the grass, and she suddenly showed joy, and she was really a golden peony.

Su Chen hurriedly walked up, and saw that Jin Mudan was ragged, and there were many scars on his body that were rolling and rubbing on the ground. The whole person was still unconscious and did not wake up.

Su Chen held her under a tree and examined it carefully.

Fortunately, the injury was not too serious.

Su Chen heard the sound of a stream flowing nearby, so she fetched some water to clean up the scars of the golden peony, perhaps stimulated by ice water, the golden peony gradually woke up.

"Master ... here is it?"

Jin Mudan sat up, covering her head, and then was surprised to find that she had completely lost her repair.

"Don't panic first, this island is a bit weird, our strength may be sealed." Su Chen said.

Jin Mudan settled down.

After a break, the two decided to look for Peach.

But the night has been found, and no trace of Tao Tao has been found.

And as night fell, the visibility in the forest became extremely low, and almost no fingers were visible. Although Su Chen bought a night vision device from the mall, considering that the night activities were too dangerous, she paused the search and looked for it nearby. Shelter.

Su Chen found a place sandwiched between the two stone walls, which was relatively dry. Now, it can only be removed at a special moment.

Put a layer of moisture-proof pad, Su Chen sprayed some insect repellent spray around, then bought a large sleeping bag and drilled in with golden peony.

The night on the island is still relatively cold, and the temperature has dropped rapidly. It is estimated that it is already minus ten degrees.

If you do n’t stay in your body and sleep in the open air overnight in this cold environment, you may not see the sun the next day.

I have to say, the system mall is still convenient, you can buy anything you want.

If there is no mall, Su Chen really doesn't know how to spend tonight.

If it was frozen to death, it would be too humiliating.

In the narrow sleeping bag, the two were lying a little crowded. Su Chen could only hold the golden peony in her arms as much as possible, so that they could warm each other. As for anything else, Su Chen had no idea at all.

The next day.

At three or four in the morning, Su Chen was awakened by freezing.

Now that the outside temperature has dropped to more than forty degrees below zero, the sleeping bag cannot resist the cold invasion at all. Su Chen bought a large bag of warm baby and stuck it on her body to barely resist the chill, but now she can't sleep at all.

After waiting for more than two hours, the sky gradually lightened, and the temperature slightly increased. Su Chen bought two sets of jackets and cold pants and continued to search for peaches.

After a long exploration, Su Chen found that there were no large beasts on this island. The more common ones are some poisonous snakes and ants. The threat is not great. This is the only thing that makes Su Chen more fortunate. Only monsters come, then it's not fun.

"Dudging suddenly ..."

Thomson hurriedly fired a series of bullets, smashing all the vines blocking the road, and blasted the road out for a day.

The closer you get to the deeper islands, the denser the jungle becomes, the more the plants fill the ground, and there is no way to go.

Jin Mudan looked at Su Chen with a very curious look, and God knew that he had made so many weird things from there.

Before night fell again, Su Chen and the two finally came to the center of the island.

"Tao Tao!"

Su Chen found Tao Tao, who was lying in a pile of rocks, and hurried up.

The snow-white sika deer, which was originally clean and tidy, is now covered with blood, and looks very badly injured.

Su Chen and Jin Mudan lifted her out and placed her on the ground. Su Chen quickly purchased some hemostatic agents from the mall and sprinkled them on the wounds of Tao Tao.

After careful inspection, Su Chen found that Taotao's injuries were not serious. They were all skin injuries, but last night she fell asleep in a cold environment, her body temperature invaded her body, and her body was frozen.

"Don't die ..."

Su Chen shook her head, took out a pile of warm baby and stuck it on Tao Tao, and covered her with a thick blanket for heating.

As the temperature rose, Taotao's breathing started to return to normal.

The vitality of this little sika deer is still very tenacious.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, got up and glanced, and found that there was no suitable place nearby to shelter from the wind. She simply bought a tent from the mall and set it up on the spot.

After setting up the tent, Su Chen moved Taotao into the tent and asked Jin Mudan to take care of her.

Su Chen explored nearby.

This island can never be as ordinary as it appears on the surface. There must be something there. To leave here, you must explore it carefully.

Soon, the sky was completely dark. Su Chen wore the night vision goggles and carefully explored the surroundings with her submachine gun. However, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and everything was covered with a layer of frost. Su Chen couldn't continue at all. Exploration can only return to the tent.

The temperature in the tent was also very low, about ten degrees below zero, but at least there was no wind.

Su Chen sat down, opened the mall, bought a few self-heating hot pot, and had a hot dinner with Jin Mudan.

It's pretty good to be able to take a bite of heat in this harsh environment.

After eating, Su Chen took out a pile of warm baby, covered the tent with a thick layer, and then got into the sleeping bag with the golden peony.

Can't sleep.

In the face of such strange things, Su Chen said that it is impossible to panic. He got used to his strength and suddenly was beaten back to form an ordinary person. This sense of difference is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Thinking of the uncertain future, how could Su Chen sleep peacefully.

The same is true of Jin Mudan. She lay on Su Chen's chest and muttered, "Master, I'm so cold ..."

Su Chen clutched the golden peony tightly and said, "Exercise, it won't be cold with every movement."

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