Chapter 139: Plan to Dominate the Desert of Death!

Soon after, Ka Scar came back, patted his hands.

Lin Shu sat back in his seat and looked at Ka Scar with a smile: "Old Ka, have you seen what happened today, do you have any thoughts?"

Ka Scar also took a deep breath, showing a look of anger, and smiled at the same time: "Master Boss, I'm just thinking, if we do this, we will completely tear our face with the other three thieves, and there is no room for maneuver. Isn't it a bit too extreme for us? Or too fast!

Ka Scar is not like Lin Shu. He naturally doesn't understand Hei Bart and Lin Shu, so he only knows that with the current strength of the forest thieves, it is difficult to deal with three B+ thieves together!

Lin Shu shrugged and said: "There is no way, we are all forced. My forest thief is weak and the situation is already extremely difficult, so I can't retreat one or four or seven." Once he takes a step back, it is equal to death. "

Immediately, he smiled and said: "Of course, I know it today. It is easy to sit on the position of the leader of the group in the desert of death, but it is difficult to sit all the time."

Ka Scar's mood is complicated. Although he doesn't understand Lin Shu's state of mind, he is pretty sure that Lin Shu didn't say anything false.

The situation of the Sand Wolf Bandit in the past was indeed very dangerous. It was like dancing on the tip of a knife. It faced not only problematic internal worries, but also "foreign troubles" hiding in the dark!

Just relying on his identity as a silver-level professional, he couldn't change that situation at all.

However, Lin Shu's burden can become heavier now, and the thieves are also facing various risks.

After all, Lin Shu looks too young, just over a dozen years old, and it is no wonder that so many thieves will look at them.

In the eyes of the three thief forces, including skeletons, bald cranes, and sentries, a child as the leader is not only inexperienced, but also lacks the brutality of killing in the desert.

Under such circumstances, the identity of the forest thief leader is not only not an advantage for him, but it will become his weakness, and it may attract enemies at any time!

"Master Boss, I can't figure it out a bit. Since you have decided to do this, why give them another day to consider?" Ka Scar was a little confused and couldn't help asking.

He felt that Lin Shu's words were like telling others that the forest thief is currently weak and weak, and it takes a day to prepare and then escape...So to deal with Lin Shu, he has to take advantage of the time of the day. Let's do it!

Probably that's what it means, so Ka Scar's arrangement of Lin Shu is a little bit confused!

"Even if I don't give a definite time, according to the attitude and character of these people, within this day, I am destined to not tolerate our forest thieves being rampant, right?"

Lin Shu smiled and said, "Instead of this, it is better to tell them the exact time. In just these two days, the people in the giant stone caravan will probably return here again. I can't draw the money from the monsters that we divided into. Take the time to pay attention to them"

Speaking of the end, Lin Shu's voice revealed that it didn't matter. In his eyes, although he is now the leader of the desert thieves, he is still a monster businessman in essence.

One day later!

Lin Shu is confident that he has enough power to have the power and capital to unify this sandy territory!

"It's crazy to fight against three B+ thieves at the same time.

Ka Scar murmured, he didn't know where Lin Shu's confidence came from, but from the young man in front of him, he saw a rare grandeur!

This is a quality not found in him.

"Don't worry, our forest thieves are not as weak as you think. On the contrary, we are very strong. At least in this sandy area, we have the ability and courage to fight against any forces."

Lin Shu's conversation turned, his smile was profound, and Hei Bart, who was not far away, also smiled.

Only the two of them knew that the current strength of the forest thieves was enough to sweep any desert thieves force, but for the sake of safety, Lin Shu and Hei Bart could not make random moves.

Avoid being remembered by those who are interested, and then reveal their identity.

After all, people are afraid of famous pigs and are afraid of being strong. Naturally, the same is true.

It is true that the fat of Sand Wolf Mountain has been vacant for so many years, but it has never been taken away.

Even if they were besieged by that band of thieves, they could still bite off a piece of meat from the opponent. Although they would eventually be wiped out, the enemy would not be much better.

In the desert of death, no one wants to lose both sides. After all, there are too many clam snipes competing for the fisherman's profit. These thieves don't dare to risk a bite back and then be taken advantage of by other forces.

Otherwise, many years ago, the "Sand Wolf Thieves Group" would have been completely wiped out.

However, today, those forces are rarely united together, wanting to swallow the fat of Shalang Mountain together.

Lin Shu stretched out his arm and grabbed a page of the contract on the ground. This was left by Laki and Jiamon just now.

"Hehe, it's really an unequal treaty. If you want to eat such a good piece of fat without spending a bit of manpower, these three so-called B+-level thieves are really beautiful."

Lin Shu carefully put away the contract and said calmly, "In their eyes, I think I am a soft persimmon and can be held by them at will. It's really a tiger that doesn't show its power. When Laozi is a sick cat."

His words were calm, but Kafan realized that the attitudes and practices of the three thieves groups today have made Lin Shu hate!

Thinking of this, Ka Scar suddenly looked at him, as if thinking of something 1.3, and said in a deep voice: ``Master boss, I am still worried, if our forest thieves are besieged by that time, how will we resist the three thieves? Their heads are all of the ninth-tier silver strength."

Both Lin Shu and Hei Bart had a playful smile on the corners of their lips, and did not speak.

This made Ka Scar's face blank and puzzled.

When did the silver ninth rank's strength be no longer seen, especially looking at the disdain of his own leader, it made him even more puzzled.

Does Lin Shu have the strength to deal with the silver ninth-tier powerhouse?

Ka Scar couldn't help swallowing his saliva in his heart.If this is the case, isn't the strength of his own leader a golden rank powerhouse?

That is the strength of the great master. .

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