Chapter 163

"Yes, Lord Leehom is right. As thieves, we live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, but there are still rules. Do you not even listen to what I am the leader?"

Bruce shouted sharply, pointing to Lin Shu next to him with a solemn expression.

"Master Leehom is my distinguished guest. You have to respect him when you wait. What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you invite the distinguished guest in and sit down?"

The dog leg on the side hurriedly pushed away the crowd who was feeding, and separated a 163 roads to protect him in front of Lin Shu, still becoming a loyal follower of his strength.

Whoever has the big fist in the desert of death is the truth, and the truth never lacks to follow.

As for the defeated Lion King, after knowing that his son was still alive, he forcibly held back his anger and returned to the captain's team.

"Hehe, are you okay? We are not acquainted with each other, and I hope you don't take it to heart!

Lin Shu laughed and Ade went to the lion king and hugged him.

After patting the lion king into cold sweat, he put his mouth in his ear and whispered.

"If you are really at ease, I can only drop your heart out!"

"Are you okay, Lion King, please let your lord let go of our captain.

The lion king's dog legs summoned the courage and said to Lin Shu.

But how dare the Lion King admit Lin Shu's intentional mischief? Instead, he turned his head and glared at the man, making him scratch his head.

f*ck "Yes, my lord is caring about me, what are you doing?"

When this was said, everyone laughed and had to look at the lion king.

Under the eyes of everyone, the Lion King wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "Why don't you hurry up and invite the adults in and sit? The wind and sand outside are so big, do you want the adults to blow the air here?"

After being scolded, the little brother blushed his neck, and finally spit out: "Please, please!"

Lin Shu is very satisfied with the effect of his shot this time.Where was the directness witnessed by everyone last time?

If not, there would be no such thing as the lion king’s son being so domineering on his hill.

"Good, good, everyone will be good brothers in the future, good brothers, you have to drink and eat meat together to play with girls, right!"

In the middle of the talk, Lin Shu suddenly shut his mouth, and his eyes were ill-intentioned between the little brother who was the Lion King just now and the Lion King.

"Lion King, you just said that you are a good man, no wonder your subordinate, hehehe!

Zac next to him listened very happily, and he exaggeratedly patted the wooden pillars of the tent next to him, and photographed the wooden pillars deep in the ground.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, I have prepared a good blood jujube wine for adults today. This wine is not ordinary. It can grow a little blood in one sip. I don't want to take it out for ordinary people!"

Bruce was haha ​​beside him, stretched out his hand to lead Lin Shu in.

After entering, Lin Shu allowed the main position to sit on the golden horse.

Bruce twitched his face and finally didn't say anything, but sat on his side with Ka Scar, just like his right arm.

"Come on, I am full for adults. First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to us. I toast you!

Speaking of Bruce, let's drink a glass of wine first, and then fill it up with Lin Shu and himself.

"The second cup, let us toast together, to our beauty 1.3 a good future, toast!"


This time, there is no big guy who doesn't give face, and all of them obediently picked up the wine glass and drank it.

Lin Shu drank all the wine in the glass, which was a little bit fascinating. This is a world similar to the ancient West. The wine is naturally very weak, and there is no taste in the mouth.

Thinking of this, Lin Shu's eyes lit up.

In the future, I can make money by making wine!

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