Chapter 153: The battle begins

"If you speak, just get me back!"

At this moment, Elder Lin's voice rang.

"Hey, okay, okay! I'm not talking anymore!" The expression on Andy's face immediately changed, and he smiled.

Immediately Andy put the black sword away, and ran over to Elder Lin to sit down.

Everyone: ……………

Elder Lin glanced at Andy deeply, a black line flashed across his face, at this moment there was only one feeling in his heart, this kid is really not a thing.

Just a few short words successfully broke Xu Xinghe's state of mind, which might have a great impact on the next battle.

What's more serious is that Xu Xinghe is probably half ruined by Andy.

Then Elder Lin put his gaze on Xu Xinghe and shook his head slightly.

Even if Andy hadn't made this noise today, with Xu Xinghe's temperament, I am afraid that he would not be far away.

Maybe it's because of too high a background!

Moreover, even if the other party is a disciple of the dean, it is already clearly explained by the other party's behavior just now.

Xu Xinghe puts his own face above the Magic Academy. He does not have the deep feelings for the Magic Academy as he imagined.

Xu Xinghe didn't know what Elder Lin was thinking. He only felt relieved and finally freed from Andy's oppression.

He also knew that his performance just now was probably very bad, and his reputation would surely be hit.

Therefore, the next step is to find a way to restore the image as much as possible.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Xu Ruoxue, who had always been like an outsider.

As long as this duel can be won cleanly, then he will still be a genius student of that magic school.

Xu Ruoxue: "..."

With Xu Xinghe's almost blatant gaze, how could Xu Ruoxue not understand what the other party meant.

This guy wanted to use her Xu Ruoxue's prestige to re-establish the prestige that Andy suppressed in front of everyone.

Xu Ruoxue twitched the corners of her mouth, only feeling uncomfortable for a while.

"I provoke you? Don't look at me like that, don't think that I don't know what you think. If you have the ability, you can go to the Andy who insulted you. Find some sense of existence in my place. You are also a villain who is bullying and afraid of hardship!"

Everyone: "..."

what is it today? Andy is like this, and Xu Ruoxue is like this. Everyone disparages Xu Xinghe for nothing, but what they say seems quite reasonable.

Perceiving the change in their hearts, everyone couldn't help but start to reflect, Xu Xinghe, is it really as good as they thought at the beginning?

"Yes, this guy is a villain, a hypocritical villain who likes to eat soft food!"

Andy saw the silence of everyone, and immediately shouted loudly.

Elder Lin: "..."

Am I so prestigious now? This kid actually dared to defy me over and over again, do you think I'm too good to talk?

"Cough, all right! Let's get started!"

Elder Lin didn't want to let them pull it off anymore, shook his head, and gave an order directly, and the battle began!

Xu Xinghe took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and don't think too much about the previous things.

Responding to the irritability of his heart, Xu Xinghe's face was stern. He is a disciple of the Dean of the School of Magic and the Xu family's direct line. If he bet on his own glory, he must not lose!

Andy in the audience watched the changes in Xu Xinghe's expression, narrowed his eyes, then smiled, and shouted mockingly: "Xu Xinghe, you can only go to people who are younger than you and lower than your cultivation base. With the girl, I found pride through fighting. Just you, you still look high all day, so fake, you have the ability, you come to challenge me!"

As soon as Andy's voice fell, he felt a cold light sweeping towards him.

Of course Andy knew that it was Elder Lin, and the other party must have been very dissatisfied. Andy immediately turned his face straight, and then stretched out his right hand and pulled it on his mouth, indicating that he would never speak.

Xu Xinghe, who finally calmed down, heard Andy's words. I only feel that my throat is slightly sweet, almost vomiting blood with anger, and the irritability in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

On the duel arena, Xu Ruoxue had a hint of helplessness in her eyes, she should be the protagonist today, okay?


With the sound of electric sparks, Xu Ruoxue, who was unwilling to drag it any further, took the lead. With a wave of the magic wand, the magic condensed and threw out a huge thunder light with the thickness of his head, which fell from the sky and shot towards Xu Xinghe!

"Lei Guangzhu!"

Although Xu Xinghe's thoughts were restless, his movements were not slow. He retreated quickly and stretched out his magic wand to move forward. An earth wall immediately appeared and stood in front of him.

"Dirt wall!"

After the emergence of the earth wall immediately dropped the lightning beam, the sputtering thunder and lightning resisted it.


The next moment, a huge stone man condensed out of thin air and suddenly appeared on the duel arena.

It is as strong as an arm that can be embraced by an adult, and the whole body is five meters high, and the whole body is covered with sharp soil thorns, just like a sturdy stone warrior!

"I heard that the Xu family once acquired a kind of earth magic, which is extremely special. It seems that it was used by Xu Xinghe. This time Xu Ruoxue is probably going to be unlucky!" Elder Lin's face was solemn, compared to Xu Xinghe, who was from a higher background. I have a more favorable impression of Xu Ruoxue.

"It's too early to say this, don't worry, Xu Ruoxue will definitely not lose, she is sure to win!" Andy heard the words and immediately said comfortingly from the side.

I don't mind being a ghost!

Elder Lin's face turned dark when he heard this. Although he didn't like Xu Xinghe, he didn't want him to lose.

If Xu Xinghe loses, it will only harm the Magic Academy, and it will also have a significant impact on the dean's reputation.

"Shut up!" Elder Lin said with a dark face.

Andy was taken aback when he was told, he was very surprised, holding the grass, this old man is so hard to serve, I'm just comforting you, okay?

In the duel arena, Xu Xinghe's magic wand waved, and a faint ochre light flashed.


In the next moment, the stone man seemed to have spirituality, and the soil thorns all over his body seemed to move, and instantly shot towards Xu Ruoxue.


Dozens of soil thorns penetrated into the ground while Xu Ruoxue was evading, and the ground cracked open one after another.

Although Xu Ruoxue successfully avoided, the soil thorns surrounded her strangely.


The giant stone palm followed closely and blasted towards Xu Ruoxue who was surrounded by him. The speed and strength were shocking!

Xu Ruoxue's face remained unchanged, with the staff in her hand, she slammed forward, and a barrier gleaming with lightning blocked her in front of her out of thin air.

Then, a circle of lightning magic shield appeared on her body, protecting her whole body.


The lightning barrier collided with the giant stone palm, and a loud noise was heard.

The barrier broke down, but also bought time for Xu Ruoxue, and also slowed down the speed of the giant stone palm.

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