Chapter 241: Kid, stop

"The dragon marrow is right in front of you, what are you waiting for?" the old man suddenly said.

Andy thought for a while, then stretched out a hand, and when he was about to touch the dragon marrow, his eyes vaguely caught the old man's expression, and he saw ecstasy and calculation flashed in his eyes.

His heart sank, Andy suddenly withdrew his left hand, turned around and looked at the stunned old man faintly.

"Should I have blood?" Andy asked.

The old man nodded and said affirmatively: "It is true, it only takes a drop of blood!"

"I think it's not necessary anymore, I can't believe what you do?" Andy stared straight at him and said.

The old man looked at Andy's eyes with a trace of coldness, and said: "I am a man who speaks for words, I only need a drop of blood, and I will definitely repay you!"

"But I can't believe you!" Andy said firmly.

Andy needs this piece of dragon marrow, but he has to figure out the risks.

The old man wants to get out of trouble, but he seems to be hiding something.

"Then don't you want this piece of dragon marrow?" the old man asked.

"Of course I want it, but I don't want to die for unknown reasons." Andy nodded, then asked: "I need to know, can I take this piece of dragon marrow directly, and what will I do?"

The old man took a deep look at Andy, and finally he said, “It’s not going to be so. This piece of dragon marrow is just a source of supply for my body! But you can’t take it away. If you don’t have your blood, the dragon marrow will only Will be connected to my corpse, your strength, can’t take it away."

Andy nodded secretly in his heart, he didn't believe that he could take the dragon marrow so casually, he didn't even want to touch it.

As for the blood dripping that the old man said, he never wanted to do it in the past.

However, since I can't touch it, isn't it possible to let other things touch it?

Andy seemed to think of something, and then he showed a weird smile and looked at the old man inexplicably.

Then the old man saw that somehow, a rabbit suddenly appeared strangely in the hands of this kid.

The old man was stunned, he didn't even understand what was going on.

No matter what the old man thought, Andy grabbed a rabbit directly from the pet space, and then threw it into the sarcophagus in the shock of the old man's eyes.


Seeing Andy's operation, the old man didn't say anything or stop him, just silently watching a rabbit, jumping around in a panic on his body.

To Andy's expectation, there was no change or abnormality in the sarcophagus.

After thinking about it, Andy's fingertips showed a ray of sword energy, and he brushed it into the rabbit's body.

The sword gas entered the body, and the rabbit did not struggle at all, but was dripping with blood and died on the spot.

The rabbit's blood flowed out, and then in Andy's calm gaze, it was directly absorbed by the corpse.

"So, is this a drop of blood you said?" Andy turned his head and asked the old man.

The old man did not speak, but stared at Andy angrily, as if Andy did something unforgivable to him.

Who can understand the anger in the old man's heart at this moment?

His body actually absorbed the blood of a rabbit?

Andy was uncomfortable by the old man's gaze, and quickly said, "You are lying to me, and you said a drop of blood, I am afraid you are going to **** me up!"

"Is a drop of monk's blood comparable to the blood of this dead rabbit?" The old man was angry and roared: "I just need a drop of your blood to restore physical activity and a trace of magic to activate my source of magic."

"In that case, does the blood of Beasts work? They are cultivators among the beasts!" Andy asked.

"I am a human being, of course I need human blood!" the old man said angrily.

Andy shook his head, no longer looking at the old man, he couldn't surrender the blood.

Then Andy looked inside the sarcophagus. Since the rabbits can all be alive and kicking, it's really okay to think about it.

Andy thought for a while, and finally covered layers of magic mask on his hand, and then carefully stretched out his hand and grabbed the dragon marrow in the coffin.

Whether the dragon marrow could be taken away was just the old man's own words, and since it was not dangerous, Andy was going to try it.

"I said that without a drop of blood, it is impossible to take away the dragon marrow, and a drop of blood will not be lost to you!" The old man said angrily again.

But Andy has ignored him, and there is no room for discussion on this aspect of bleeding.

But what the justice still didn't know was that under the old man's angry gaze, what was hidden was almost uncontrollable excitement.


But what surprised Andy next was that he was only trying to get the dragon marrow, but he didn't expect that he actually picked up the dragon marrow.

However, Andy, who succeeded in obtaining the dragon marrow, not only did not have any happiness, but had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then the words of the old man behind him really made his hunch come true.

" **** bastard, you keep giving me a joke, so cautious, it turns out that I won't let me seize the opportunity!"

Hearing what the old man said, Andy didn't even think about it. His first reaction was to throw the dragon marrow out, only to find that the dragon marrow seemed to be stuck in his hands, and he couldn't throw it away.

"Grass! Was pitted by this old thing!" Andy couldn't help cursing.

"Boy, just give me a drop of blood. You dare to insult me ​​with rabbit blood. Now, give your blood, bastard..."

With the laughter of the old man, the next moment Andy only felt a pain in his palm, and then found that the palm of his hand holding the dragon marrow was cut, and traces of blood were coming out of the wound.

"Your uncle, old stuff, you wait for the young man!" Andy looked at the old man bitterly, and then stared at the palm of his hand. Since he has been pitted, he also wants to see what's next. What will happen.

"Well, I'll wait, but you probably won't have the chance, kid! Haha..." The old man laughed happily, ignoring Andy's ugly face.

The blood flowing out of Andy's wound seemed to be attracted by something, and went directly toward the old man's corpse.

"Fresh monk's blood, soon, as long as I get the blood of this kid's whole body, I can recover again!" The old man's eyes fiercely looked at the blood flowing from Andy, his face showed unconcealable excitement.

A drop of blood from Andy's wound fell on the old man's corpse in Andy's ugly face and the old man's excited expression.

Andy's blood was absorbed directly by the old man's corpse just like the blood of the previous rabbit.

But immediately afterwards, the old man's joyful face suddenly showed pain, and then looking at the blood still flowing from Andy's wound, his face changed greatly.

"Boy, stop!"

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