I have a Qiankun Ring

Chapter 39 The Old Man and the Cow (Part 2)

The old man kept drinking for about a moment and finally drank all the wine. He put the gourd away, patted his stomach, burped and smacked his lips with satisfaction.

Although Li Wen's face had returned to normal at this moment, the shock in his heart could not calm down for a long time. He did not expect that the gourd in the hands of the plain-looking old man sitting next to him could be so magical.

"Young man, it's really a pity that you don't drink. The wine in my gourd is called the best in the world." The old man said to Li Wen with some regret, as if Li Wen didn't drink the wine in this gourd. Drinking is like missing out on a huge opportunity.

At this moment, the old man's face burst out with an abnormal blush due to drinking too much wine, and his whole state began to become a little confused: "Young man, you know that getting drunk can solve a thousand worries."

Li Wen smiled and nodded. In his previous life, when he was sad, he would often use wine to numb himself, and he would often drink till he fell to the ground.

At this time, the sky had darkened and the moon was exposed. The old man took out the empty gourd again, pulled out the stopper of the gourd, raised it high to the moon and shouted: "Raise your glass to the bright moon!"

After saying this, the old man let go of the hand holding the gourd, as if all his strength had been drained. , the gourd also fell to the ground, and the whole person fell towards the back of the bullock cart.

Li Wen was shocked when he saw this, and immediately reached out to help the old man. At this time, the old man's eyes had narrowed into a slit. The eyes in the slit looked at Li Wen and then closed them again, muttering in his mouth: "To Yingcheng" Three people." Then snoring began.

Seeing the old man like this, Li Wen couldn't help crying or laughing: Did he meet a drunkard?

At this time, the bullock cart was still moving forward. Li Wen glanced at the gourd thrown on the ground and immediately reached out to pull the reins. The old cow felt the pull of the reins and stopped.

Li Wen took this opportunity and immediately got out of the car and picked up the gourd. The gourd was so light that it seemed like nothing. This aroused Li Wen's curiosity. After looking up and down, he didn't find anything strange: I guess it should be It's a gourd that has a storage function like a storage bag. Thinking of this, Li Wen got on the bullock cart again with the gourd in his hand, and tied the gourd back to the old man's waist.

Li Wen pulled the reins again to signal the old cow to continue moving, but the old cow didn't move at all. Seeing the old cow like this, Li Wen tried to pull the reins again, but the old cow was still like this.

Seeing the old man lying on the bullock cart and snoring like thunder, Li Wen felt troubled for a moment. It was his first time to drive the bullock cart. Now that the old cow was not moving, he didn't know what to do.

Looking at Lao Niu, he found that Lao Niu turned his head and stared at Li Wen at this moment. Li Wen was slightly shocked and whispered as if he remembered something: "Do you know the way to the Aurora Sect?"

The old cow mooed after hearing this, and then continued to pull the cart forward.

Not far ahead was Songxiang Town. Old Niu was pulling Li Wen and the old man in another direction. Li Wen's face changed when he saw this: "Does this Old Niu really know where the Aurora Sect is?"

Lao Niu looked back at Li Wen at this time, and after noticing that Li Wen's expression was abnormal, he let out a low cry, as if to comfort Li Wen and tell him not to worry.

Strangely enough, Li Wen felt calm after hearing Lao Niu's cry.

"Forget it, just let the old man go. At worst, we can wait until the old man wakes up before looking for a way back." Li Wen thought to himself after taking a look at the sleeping old man.

At this time, the moon had risen into the sky. The thunderous snoring suddenly stopped after the old man turned over. Li Wen looked at the surrounding environment. At this moment, the old cow was pulling the two of him to start climbing. Behind him was the bottom of Wuyang Valley. The town is brightly lit, and the noise from the wine shop can still be vaguely heard. By the moonlight, it seemed that a palm-sized archway appeared on the mountain in the distance.

A gust of cold wind hit, and the old man seemed to feel the chill and his whole body curled up. Li Wen saw it and shook his head with a smile. He took out a piece of clothing from the storage bag and covered the old man.

After a few breaths, the old man seemed to feel the warmth, and his curled up body gradually began to relax, and he began to murmur to himself.

"Young man, why don't you drink the wine here?"

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Li's face. He looked up at the moon in the sky and whispered, "The moon is really round tonight."

The old man's whole face was buried in his clothes at this moment, and after a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his thunderous snoring reappeared.

Kangyang Kingdom, Demon Light Sect, Wuyun Peak.

Ling Fenghua was kneeling on his knees in the middle of the hall, with a masked man sitting in front of him.

At this moment, Ling Fenghua lowered his head and stared at the floor beneath him, with a trickle of sweat on his forehead.

"Master, my disciple is willing to accept any punishment."

The man with the mask on his face is Ling Fenghua’s master, Yan Hongfei, the elder of the Demon Light Sect.

After hearing this, Yan Hongfei snorted and said in a cold voice: "Useless thing, I am willing to accept any punishment, but if it costs your life to pay for it."

After hearing this, Ling Fenghua's whole body sank again and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Disciple is willing to be punished."

After hearing this, Yan Hongfei burst into laughter and shot a stream of spiritual power from his hand, hitting Ling Fenghua's body, sending him flying and hitting the wall behind him.

Ling Fenghua spat out blood with a cry, and his originally bloody face turned pale at this moment.

"The soul-catching beast was destroyed and Jian Xiangming was killed, which led to the delay of the master's plan." Yan Hongfei almost gritted his teeth and said this, the anger in his heart had accumulated to the edge of exploding.

"I barely managed to escape after using the Divine Energizing Pill, and my level dropped to the Qi Refining Stage. If the leader hadn't suppressed this matter, our Wuyun Peak would have become a laughing stock in the Demon Light Sect and even the entire Kangyang Kingdom cultivation world."

"You said you were willing to be punished, can you afford this punishment?"

At this time, Ling Fenghua immediately got up from the ground, knelt on the ground and said with a trembling voice: "This disciple has brought shame to the master and the sect, and is willing to die to apologize."

"Thank you, Master, for your upbringing and guidance over the years!"

After saying that, he took out a dagger, with a ferocious expression on his face, and prepared to stab it hard at his heart.

Just when the dagger was about to hit his chest, a huge force knocked the dagger out of Ling Fenghua's hand. Yan Hongfei's voice sounded: "Forget it, it has happened. You can die a thousand times or ten thousand times." It doesn’t help, I’ve already begged the boss.”

After hearing Yan Hongfei's words, Ling Fenghua's eyes flashed with pride. Out of his understanding of his master Yan Hongfei, Ling Fenghua certainly knew that his master would not ignore death. Everything he did just now was just an act. The other party saw that now that the goal had been achieved, he was naturally very surprised.

"However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided." Yan Hongfei said in a deep voice.

"My disciple is willing to accept any punishment."

Seeing this, Yan Hongfei nodded and said slowly: "The Demon Refining Tower in the sect will re-select a tower guardian in the near future. The leader and I have discussed that you will be the tower guardian for the next ten years."

After hearing this, Ling Fenghua's face showed a hint of surprise, and he quickly kowtowed to thank him.

"Don't be too happy first. After your ten years of guarding the tower are over, there won't be any rewards for you."

Ling Fenghua's face changed slightly after hearing this, but he was still very surprised: "Disciple knows that the mistake he made this time is too serious. He doesn't dare to ask for rewards anymore and just wants to do his best to protect the tower."

Yan Hongfei glanced at Ling Fenghua approvingly: "If you do well in protecting the tower in the past ten years, it will also benefit your future practice a lot."

"Thank you, Master!"

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