I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 213 The Taste of Growing Up

The wind chime swayed and rang.

'Jingle Bell'

Accompanied by Gilgamesh's laughter, Orochimaru, who had already changed his clothes and brought the frontline war to an end, stepped into the multi-world restaurant.

Almost immediately, he felt an unbelievably powerful evil spirit, entering his eyes.

Akador's slender figure seemed to have turned into countless screaming and fighting soldiers in his eyes, a tragic Shura battlefield.

'How many people will this kill'

'To leave such a bloody evil spirit behind. '

The snake's pupils shrank, this was the first time Dashewan felt extremely dangerous in this restaurant.

However, in just a moment, he stabilized his mind, and there was an intentional or unintentional look of interest on his pale face.

Because for him, it seems that on the road to eternal life, there is another object of reference and source of material.

"Ah, here comes the snake."

Seeing the arrival of Orochimaru, Gilgamesh restrained his smile, snapped his fingers to clean up the mess on his body, poured another glass of red wine, and drank it slowly.

"By the way, it's a pity you didn't see this interesting drama."

"Tanjirou, you actually said that vampire is a gentle guy."

"It's so interesting."

It's okay not to mention it, but once this point is mentioned, Gilgamesh seems to laugh out loud again.

But Tanjirou Kamado didn't waver in the slightest, just by virtue of his first contact with Akado, he had already noticed the essence of the other party in that sea of ​​blood.

That's an absolute strongman, and a gentle guy at the same time.

The two don't conflict at all, it's just that it's hard for people to see the truth.

"It's really interesting."

"Boy, your acuity is indeed far beyond ordinary people. It is true that the people gathered in this place are not ordinary people."

"Maybe you can help me fulfill my long-cherished wish."

As for the so-called rules, for a guy who is dedicated to pursuing death, he doesn't need to care at all.

It's just that what Akado wants to face is the death bestowed by humans himself.

If not, he really wanted to die, wouldn't it be easy?

As the real king of the undead, in that era where myths have almost begun to disappear, he still possesses power beyond the imagination of the world, which is a miracle in itself.

It is also a curse from God.

Living forever in such a world, even he can only feel endless despair and loneliness.

"However, you are still far behind."

After leaving such a sentence, Akado shook his red coat, found a seat and sat down in an instant.

Then facing Zhao Fuyu's location.

"Boss, can I have some wine?"

Hearing Akado's request, Zhao Fuyu stopped what he was doing and showed a gentle smile.


"Please wait."

Then I saw Zhao Fuyu open a refrigerator behind him, and there were countless wine bottles in it, as if this refrigerator was much bigger than it looked.

After careful selection, he chose a red wine from the hometown of Earl Pierce.

Has a very subtle name 'Bloody Mary'.

After serving this bottle of wine, Akado couldn't help showing a hint of surprise and disappointment as he watched the unfamiliar words turn into familiar meanings.


"It's just a girl who was hurt by love."

No matter which world it is in, the name Bloody Mary seems to be inseparable from vampires. However, in Akado's world, it seems that this famous murderess has a lot to do with him.

It's just that the story is no longer known to outsiders.

Tilt the red wine, sober up for a while, and wait until a strong wine flavor is slowly released.

Akado took out the chilled goblet, and slowly poured the red wine along the wall of the glass. The blood-red wine was like blood, filling the bottom of the glass.

It was only after forming a half-finger-thick wine liquid at the bottom, Akado stopped pouring, and then slowly shook the wine. When the red wine formed a blood waterfall on the glass wall, he poured a glass of wine in one gulp. All the wine was sent down his throat.

“Well, a drink of this quality”

"Sure enough, this place is worthy of being a restaurant. Even I have never tasted such a level of red wine."

"Back in the mouth, there was actually a slight fishy sweetness. Bloody Mary lives up to its name."

Since it is a product of the gourmet world, it is natural that Zhao Fuyu's drinks also have flavors that are completely unmatched by other worlds.

This is also the reason why Gilgamesh would drink endlessly at Zhao Fuyu's place every time he came.

For an alcoholic like him, it is really a pain to go back to drink those inferior drinks after tasting the real good wine.

And in order to keep his behavior unchanged, he couldn't let go of his hobby.

So, in order to make up for himself, when he came to the multi-world restaurant, he could only make up for himself with binge drinking.

As for the elegant enjoyment like Akado, he has not experienced it for a while.

In comparison, Gilgamesh seems to be a primitive man who has never drank alcohol, while Akado is an elegant prince and nobleman.

The obvious gap between the two is that there are not many diners in the restaurant now, otherwise someone will definitely use this to make fun of Gilgamesh, the guy who claims to be the oldest king.

"Manager Fuyu."

Seeing that Akado ignored him, Zamon Tanjirou ran over to greet Zhao Fuyu quite politely.

Looking at Tanjirou who had changed his eyes again but was still sincere, Zhao Fuyu also returned the salute with a smile.

"It seems that Tanjiro has really grown up today."

"I just got some good ingredients recently, can I arrange your cooking today?"

Somewhat unexpectedly glanced at Zhao Fuyu, but Tanjirou did not refuse, but nodded with a smile.

"Then look forward to the surprise craftsmanship from the store manager."

But Orochimaru couldn't help but greet Tanjiro when he saw this, and said to Zhao Fuyu.

"My lord, please help me get the same one. It just so happens that I have reached a bottleneck in my research recently and I need some new inspiration."

After getting Zhao Fuyu's consent, Orochimaru turned around and discussed with Tanjiro about some related information about the previous research on evil spirits.

Especially after learning that the weakness of evil spirits is sunlight, Orochimaru used a lot of sealing techniques to help seal a lot of light for Kamado Tanjiro, but I don't know if it has any effect.

This is also part of judging whether the basic rules of the two worlds are very different.

After Zhao Fuyu saw Orochimaru and Tanjiro's whispering conversation, he ignored the conversations of a few diners from other worlds, and began to devote his mind and heart to this new dreamy ingredient!

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