After chatting, I came to the community where the citizens asked for help!

Seeing that several residents of the community were chatting together, Fang Ye walked over.

When he came up, he showed his identity: "Hello, I am from the zoo, and I want to ask about the raccoon dog!"

An aunt suddenly became excited: "Hey, we were chatting just now!"

Others heard that they were the staff of the zoo, and they also had the expression of seeing the savior, and twittered and complained.

"It's for stray cats! I told you not to let them feed them!"

"Last time I saw a group of raccoon dogs fighting in the place where they put cat food. I think there are more than 20 or 30. The fight was so fierce, the sound of biting one after another."

"Think about it, when you meet a raccoon dog at night, a bunch of white eyes dangling in the dark, how scary it is."

"My son and I were walking the night before. Under a big tree in the third building, we encountered two raccoon dogs fighting. It scared people to death!"

"I bought a dog fighting stick for self-defense, but I heard that this thing is to protect animals? It can't be beaten, can your zoo capture them all and release them into the wild?"

Fang Ye asked, "Where is the place where the cat food is placed, can you show us?"

"no problem!"

Under the leadership of the enthusiastic aunt, I came to a cat food feeding point.

"Come on, put an infrared camera on this tree!"

Wang Yan instructed the students to set up cameras and debug them. Fang Ye and his aunt chatted, "Where does the raccoon usually live? Have you met before?"

The aunt shook her head: "I don't know where I live, I haven't seen it before."

However, even if they have seen them before, they may be regarded as little black dogs, and the general public will not pay much attention to wild animals.

According to the guidelines of the residents, infrared cameras are arranged in the places where raccoon dogs often haunt in the community.

At the edge of a hole in the wall, Wang Yan found something and greeted Fang Ye: "Look at this!"

Picking up a wreckage on the ground with a wooden stick, I could barely make out that it was a kitten. Only the head and tail were left in the wreckage, and the middle of the body had been hollowed out.

"Is it eaten by a raccoon dog?"


Fang Ye asked curiously, "What is this hole for?"

The last time Wang Yan saw the raccoon dog hiding in this kind of hole, he went to learn about it.

To explain, the original Lihai side is close to the sea, and the groundwater level is high. In order to avoid water seepage on the first floor, some buildings have built a 1-meter-high overhead floor below the first floor. Pipes can also pass through below. The overhead floor is on the first floor of the building. There is a vent on each side.

The overhead layer is a natural cave for the raccoon dog, which can shelter from the wind and rain and avoid danger.

The community with this kind of vent is undoubtedly more popular with raccoon dogs, and there are people who put cat food on a fixed-point basis. No wonder there are so many raccoon dogs in this community.

Judging that there are raccoon dogs living here, a group of people quietly ambushed behind the bushes, ready to observe.

Sure enough, after waiting for about 10 minutes, a raccoon dog stuck its head out of the air vent, looked around alertly, and at the same time lifted its nose and kept sniffing to identify the surrounding odors.

It seemed that he felt something was wrong, and he suddenly retracted his body alertly.

The head of a little raccoon dog came out from the hole. The little raccoon dog was very courageous and looked out.

The big raccoon dog has not yet determined the safety of the environment, so he pushed the small raccoon dog in quickly.

After the big raccoon dog judged that there was no danger, seven or eight little raccoon dogs followed.

The bodies of the little raccoon dog and the big raccoon dog are quite different, like chubby puppies, their bodies are completely black, and there are some faint white marks on their faces and necks.

They chased each other near the entrance of the cave, like children coming out of gym class.

Some little raccoons run around, some play games with their companions, and have a good time.

When the little raccoons came out, another big raccoon came out, and the two big raccoons should be their parents.

The little raccoon dog was playing and frolic, and the raccoon dog's parents stood quietly on the side, looking around, guarding the child.

There is an idiom called a raccoon dog on a hill.

Wang Yandao: "Isn't there any report before that the dog was suddenly attacked by the raccoon dog when he was walking the dog. This time is the breeding period of the raccoon dog. It is estimated that the raccoon dog came across the raccoon dog with its cubs, which made the raccoon dog feel threatened. ."

This guess is inseparable, the raccoon dog will not attack the dog for no reason, and the dog is not their food.

Moreover, those who go out to walk the dog at night are not necessarily tied to a chain, so that the dog can move more freely, and the dog will have the opportunity to approach the raccoon dog. If the raccoon dog cannot avoid it, of course, it will fight.

Dogs and dogs will quarrel when they meet as pets, barking non-stop, asking the owner to pull the chain away, not to mention the wild raccoon dog.

A little raccoon ran a little farther!

Found someone hiding behind a bush watching it, and also watching the humans curiously.

The cubs are now estimated to be about two months old. Generally speaking, they should be very sensitive. If there is any trouble, they will run away quickly. However, they grew up in an environment without humans, and they behaved recklessly and curiously, and even wanted to sniff sniff.

When the mother raccoon dog came over, she was obviously startled when she saw the person. She quickly put the cub in her mouth and ran back. The father raccoon dog also greeted the other little raccoon dogs nervously, and the family quickly got back into the cave.

Wang Yandao: "Let's go, and look elsewhere."

On the way, I met a raccoon dog on the grass!

The raccoon dog was eating the grass attentively, and when he heard footsteps and the ground shaking, he turned his head and looked over.

They didn't panic and escape immediately, because they found Fang Ye and the others standing three meters away, standing still.

After careful observation for a while, it may be that there is no danger, so I continue to feast on it.

The boldness and wisdom of the raccoon dog is also the reason why they can quickly adapt to the city!

If you are not busy eating, you may even come up and explore.

Fang Ye touched his chin: "This raccoon dog is quite bold! There are so many of us staring at it without panic."

Wang Yandao: "Raccoon dogs are nocturnal animals and usually only come out at night. Now they come out so generously during the day, and they are not wary of people. Their habits are slowly changing."

Being out during the day also means more time for finding food.

It was almost evening after the infrared cameras were arranged, and everyone had a meal nearby.

The sky was getting dark, and at this time, black shadows appeared in the community, with bright eyes.

When the raccoon dogs clashed for food, they would growl at each other in a low voice.

The cat food feeding point during the day, at this time, many raccoon dogs have come around. When the flashlight lit up, five or six raccoon dogs retreated immediately, and a few raccoon dogs were eating cat food with relish, not afraid of them at all.

There are more raccoon dogs in the shadows, ready to come over.

When Fang Ye saw the cat food, he said "tsk tsk", "Oh my god, who invested in the cat food, how many pounds does it cost?"

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