
Leon didn’t say a word, and took another step forward, as if it were an eighth-magnitude earthquake, and the entire temple and even the entire planet of Sovillin began to shake violently.


The fierce wind was accompanied by a terrible lightning frenzy, and with a terrible roar, the sky grew darker.

The whole of Sovereign seemed to be caught in a doomsday-like scene.

“Listen to me, we have come with good intentions, and your arrogance has repeatedly angered the majesty of a noble Golden Saint Seiya.”

“Cruel history has repeatedly proved that the majesty that angers the powerful is only destruction, and stupidity and arrogance can only bring destruction.”

Like the voice of the emperor, the will that could not be disobeyed exploded in the ears of all the Sovereigns.

At this moment, the teenager had no elegance, no politeness.

Overbearing, strong, honorable.

It turned out that this was the real gesture of this teenager.

This was the gesture that a truly strong man should have, and the original polite and graceful appearance had misled everyone, including the High Priest Ayesha, into thinking that the so-called Twelve Temples were nothing more than that.

It’s just that they’re wrong.

They also truly realize that the power of the strong cannot provoke anger.

Obviously, everything they had just done had completely angered this terrible powerful man.

“Tell me your choice.”

Leon’s low and powerful words resounded again.

At the same time, the momentum of terror continued to rise, endless, endless, and swept through the entire planet of Soveline like a demon.

The High Priest Ayesha was silent.

The original graceful and luxurious face also seemed to be much older, and finally with a hint of prayer: “Your Excellency, Sovalin is willing to apologize, and we are willing to hand over the metal.” ”

When he finished saying these words, the vast and vast Heavenly Power dissipated in an instant.

The earth is not shaking, the planet is not mourning.

Everything seemed to be calm, but only the terrible thunder frenzy in the clouds in the sky had not dissipated, as if it was lying dormant waiting to wreak havoc and destroy everything.

All the Sovereigns breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Bowing his original arrogant disclosure and not daring to look directly at that terrible strong man, everything that had just happened briefly had completely made this arrogant race submit.

Li Yingna and Jean Ye and a few other silver silver rolled their eyes disdainfully.

Sure enough, if you don’t teach a lesson, you don’t know how to put yourself in the right position, this kind of family…

This Sovereign was lucky, decisively admitting that if he was a little slower, he would not be able to end up like the forces that had been destroyed before.

Putting herself in the right position, Ayesha resolutely regarded Li Ang and others as the most honorable guests.

Reception to the highest specifications of Sauverin.

After that, things were simple, except for the need to make that life project, the rest of the metal was not left at all, and it was directly sent in vain as an apology for neglecting to anger the strong.

When they heard that Li Ang and the others planned to leave, they directly opened their mouths to stay in order to play for a while.

But obviously, the planet Sovalin has no place to play at all.

The few Li Ang who had obtained the two metals as they wished did not delay in returning to their hearts like arrows, replenishing the energy needed for the spacecraft and leaving.

As he left, the High Priest Ayesha came with some of Sovelin’s superiors to bid farewell.

In the Sovereign Square, as the ship disappeared and the endless thunder flickering from the black oppressive clouds in the sky finally dissipated, the High Priest Ayesha and the others breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the high priest Ayesha’s golden scepter struck the square floor and made a crisp sound, turned to a group of high-ranking people behind him and said, “Collect all information about the Twelve Temples, issue orders, as long as there is anyone about the Twelve Temples, no one is allowed to provoke, violators, die~”

“Yes. High priest. ”

“Today this matter is kept secret, who dares to leak out, die ~~”

“Yes, High Priest.”

Several people made Soveline surrender, and it was a shame to pass it out, and it can be said that although Soveline admitted the strength of the other party, it was still an immense humiliation for them.

As for the thoughts of the high priest and others, Li Ang and his group did not know, and even if they knew, they would only laugh and laugh and not take it to heart.

Soveline is a first-class power in the universe.

But in the eyes of several people, it was just a grain of dust, and the only thing worth noting was the artificial cocoon that was built, and the special life inside made Leon care more.

The spaceship entered the space jump, and not long after the time passed, several people who returned to the galaxy as they wished.

The moment the spaceship stepped into the galaxy.

The golds in the twelve temples of the Milky Way were aware of it.

“Oh? Leon Gomez and Ina are back? ”

“It looks like the task is done.”

“The breath is not weak, and the cultivation has not been pulled down during this period of time that has spread through the universe.”

The golds are also very happy about the return of their partners.

Benson of the Golden Bull Palace has begun to think about preparing for a large party, well, his skills are not enough, or let Uncle Sam and Uncle Lin come.

It is a welcome to the return of the two brothers and sisters of Leon, as well as the younger brothers and sisters of Gomez and Jean Ye.

After all, the gold has already had the habit of partying before.

Although he is already valuable enough to suppress the galaxy, he still values the friendship between his partners.

The three Li Ang of the spaceship felt the breath of the other partners, and they were also very happy.

However, for now, it is still necessary to reply to His Highness first.

In one day’s time, I finally saw the blue planet, and the spacecraft also stabbed directly through the atmosphere and flew towards Antonia.

As for the reaction of the countries that detected the spacecraft, what is that?

And the ground. Ball to Antonia.

On the lawn of the manor house, Karen sat in a chair and drank coffee while stroking the well-behaved male lion lying on the side waiting for the arrival of Leon and the others.

The strength almost stepped into the eighth sense, and he felt it when Leonde’s spaceship approached the galaxy.


Karen looked up at the tiny black dot in the sky and smiled, “I actually brought it back, this is true.” ”

Finally, it wasn’t long before the craft landed in a specific lifting zone in Antonia.

Ten minutes later, Leon and Gomez came to the turf, saw Karen, and with a suppressed excitement, they knelt down on one knee and said in unison: “Your Highness.” ”

(Thank you very much for the support of the C1966 gangsters, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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