
But before the rest of the people could ask, Thor yelled directly at Jane, “Run~~”


However, the next second, a hot pillar of fire roared in the pillar of light.

In times of crisis, Jane did not hesitate to hit the steering wheel.


The pillar of fire bombarded the ground on the side, blasting out a huge deep pit, splashing smoke and rubble in the sky, and almost did not lift the car away.


“Scot, who the hell is that?” Laser weapons? ”

“You’re all right.”

“Drive, drive, drive. Here it comes. ”

In the midst of the screams and roars, everyone saw through the car window a huge figure coming out of the pillar of light, and everyone was stunned.

Nearly five meters tall, covered with huge humanoid armor composed of silver striped metal, the body is full of terrible power, which makes people look at it with fear.

The helmet is hollowed out, which burns with terrible raging flames, destroying everything at any time.

“What is this?” Could it be Tony Stark’s newly developed armor? ”

“Destroyer armor? Attacked me? Father King? ”

Thor’s head was a little groggy, as if he had been struck by lightning.

“Jane, drive fast.”

“Oh well.”

The accelerator slammed hard, and the tires of the Ford car screamed, instantly fleeing into the distance at maximum speed.

At the same time, the huge metal monster chased unhurriedly, not worried about its prey escaping, more like enjoying the hunting journey.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Ford finally arrived in town.

Looking at the metal monster behind him that had disappeared without a trace, Jane breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thor, do you know what that is?”

Dr. Eric looked at the sluggish Thor and quickly asked.

“Yeah, what that is, what the science is, what the built-in core is, why it can drive such a large metal.”

Jane also looked curious.

“It was the ultimate weapon that my father, King Odin, had ordered the Dwarven King to build, it was a weapon, it could be controlled by humans, it was originally to guard Odin’s treasure house, but it suddenly appeared here…

“Huh? Odin? Dwarf King? ”

“To be honest, I kind of believe he’s the mythical god of Thor.” Daisy, the assistant blonde, nodded.

Jane looked puzzled: “But since you said it was Odin’s weapon, how do I look like I’m going to kill you?” ”

“I don’t know, it must be something, maybe something happened in Asgard, I have to figure it out, there is always a bad premonition.” 」

“No matter how much, or we call the police now, this matter is not something we can deal with.”

The car drove into the town, the town at night is still bustling, the lights are wanton, there are many people on the street, laughter, yelling, joking taunts make the night of the town seem so unusual.

However, today’s night was very different.

Saul and Jane and Dr. and others came back to their home, which is a two-story suburban building of more than 300 square meters.

The Western-style decoration style integrates many ancient European styles, and the combination makes people feel bright.

Several people got out of the car and walked toward the house.

Suddenly, the assistant Daisy said, “Guys, you say, is that guy coming to town?” ”

As soon as these words came out, several people suddenly took a step.

The expression is also a stiff.

Thor said confidently, “Father King once mentioned that Midgart has a powerful guardian, although he did not mention to me who it was before, but it should be the people of the Sacred Domain, and he seems to be very jealous of the Sacred Domain, so he will not enter the town.” ”

“It is already a provocation to know that he released the Destroyer to come to Midgard, and if he causes panic when he enters the town, it is almost a war, and the current Odin is not the Odin of the past.”

This is also the reason why Jane and a few people drove to the town and he did not stop it.

Jane shrugged her shoulders and looked relieved, “Okay, but I’m much relieved to hear about the Sacred Domain, and it turns out that you also know the Sacred Domain.” ”

“I didn’t know that my father had only mentioned that one day he would come to earth and not anger the guardians here.”

“The Son of Phil gave me the images of those teenagers fighting the enemy, and I realized that I was too proud and arrogant, and there were still many strong people in the Nine Realms, even stronger than me.” Thor said in a deep voice.

Jane suddenly became excited, “By the way, if you restore your divine power, can you beat Lord Zhuolu?” Oh, it’s the Golden Saint Seiya, I’m his sister fan, beautiful doesn’t look like a mortal on earth, of course His Highness Karen I know you’re certainly not an opponent. ”

“Right, right, I’m also a fan of Zoro’s sister, but I like everyone, Zoru closes his eyes like the Buddha of the East, there is a kind of peaceful and peaceful beauty, such as Aquarius’s Charlotte, the arrogant and beautiful teenager, and also, my favorite is His Highness Karen.” 」

“Daisy, you’ve said it countless times before.”


Daisy smiled embarrassedly, mentioning those beautiful teenagers that she came to work hard This is also the norm, the doctor is also helpless, but also used to it, after all, the current girls for those beautiful teenagers with temperament, strong, mysterious, holy, will always be crazy, especially the one.

Thor shook his head, “I’ve seen the image called Demon Wars, I can’t beat any of those gold-level teenagers, they are really strong and terrible, I even think they can rival Odin.” ”

“But I’m sure I’ll be able to beat them in the future.”

At the end, Thor looked confident and warlike.

“Forget it, now you can’t beat even the people in suits.” Daisy was unhappy and said with disdain, what can beat her golden beauty teenagers later, that is not there at all.

Golden Beauty Junior Race High!!

Daisy yelled inwardly.

“Anyway, it’s a good thing that Midgard has his own guardian, it’s just that I don’t know what happened to Asgard right now, and I hope someone doesn’t be so stupid.”

Thor looked worried.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar resounded across the sky, and a terrible scream and roar were transmitted to everyone’s ears.

The faces of Thor and Jane suddenly changed dramatically, and they looked up sharply.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Great General of the Expedition”, thank you Mo Moda, thank you very much.) )

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