The outer reaches of the galaxy serve as battlefields, and the mighty wars are fought earth-shatteringly.

How many planets were destroyed, how many warships were destroyed.

Artillery fire, fighting, roaring, screaming, explosions on this day were woven into a magnificent symphony.

At the same time, the forces of the universe that were concerned about this battle saw that the young children of the Twelve Temples were so fierce, and their hearts became more and more solemn.

In just a short battle, millions of warships have been destroyed.

The speed is basically sub-light speed, even faster, the power is even more terrifying, you can smash a battleship with a single punch, and what is even more terrifying is that you can punch the speed of light.

Punch tens of millions of punches in a second.

In one move, thousands of warships can be destroyed.

It was a massacre, especially when I saw the twelve golds standing above the temple, silently watching the battle.

“It had been expected that the victor of this war must be the Twelve Temples, but I did not expect it to be a massacre.”

“Are those twelve going to end before they even shoot?”

“It’s really terrible, so it seems that the power displayed by that mysterious sacred realm is still only so much.”

Soveline Star.

In the High Priest’s Temple, everyone looked at the actual war images circulating in front of the temple and became demented.

“How is this possible?”

One of the Soveline high-level voices lost its voice.

“It’s a massacre, it’s horrible.”


The high priest Ayesha sat on the throne, expressionless, and her heart was shocked, she had thought about all kinds of situations, but she had not expected this.

He took a deep breath and scanned the audience.

A cold voice said, “Do you know how terrible they are?” Still want to take the opportunity to fall into the well and divide the galaxy? ”

“You must know that the one who ruled the Twelve Temples has not yet made a move.”

“From now on, Sovereign will become the most valued ally of the Twelve Temples, and as long as it is the people of the Twelve Temples, all of them will be honored as guests.”

“Obey the order, High Priest~”

On a deserted planet on the battlefield outside the galaxy.

Luo of the Draco is being surrounded by hundreds of thousands of warships, and the dark sky is densely covered by the sun.

“A bunch of smashing.”

With the cold sound, the air waves suddenly exploded, and the terrifying speed suddenly exceeded the speed of sound, tearing the air with a roar, and the hole pierced through countless battleships in a flash.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A terrifying roar and tremor resounded through the sky.

And this scene can be seen everywhere outside the Milky Way.

On the Golden Bull Palace Temple, the burly Benson, dressed in a golden robe, swept under the waves of the explosion in the distance, and the white jade cloak behind him continued to flutter.

Holding Hun with both hands, looking at the bravery of those younger brothers and sisters, he grinned: “Haha, there is really energy.” ”

“Although the quality of the opponent is not very good, but at least after this battle will be a little bit stronger.”

Just in the middle of the joke, suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind, and at the same time, the eyes of the other golds also changed.

I saw that the space to Benson’s left suddenly began to produce violent fluctuations.

Just as Benson was about to turn his head, a huge fist slammed into him.

With millions of tons of force slammed into Benson’s face.


Almost instantaneously, with the terrifying air waves exploding, Benson’s body flew backwards like a cannonball at the speed of light into the distance, smashing an unknown number of warships along the way.

“Lord Benson.”


“Lord Benson.”

Seeing Benson being attacked, the Saints sitting there let out an anxious exclamation.


Before they could act, Benson smashed countless battleships, and finally smashed into the shell of a large battleship, and embedded in the shell of the battleship, the surrounding dense cracks were like cobwebs, a deep pit was formed, and the inside of the battleship was also tilted by this huge force.

Benson was inlaid in large characters, the corners of his mouth spilled blood, and he looked up at the front and smiled: “Thanos, some of them have grown up, and they know that they have sneaked in.” ”

Just above the temple, purple skin, a huge vertical chin, a huge figure of two or three meters, draped in golden shoulder armor and armor, holding a two-handed knife, the space behind him is constantly fluctuating, and in a trance you can see that there seems to be a throne looming in the distorted space, the combination of cold and domineering, is not it the long-disappeared Thanos.

Thanos didn’t say a word, glancing at the group of Saint Seiya who wanted to besiege him, and his heart sank.

There were hundreds of them, and the strength was not bad, and the strongest silver was almost at the level of the Heavenly Father.

If he is besieged, he will have to be skinned even if he does not die.


“He gave it to me, but he came to me to avenge me.”

With Benson’s icy voice, Benson, who was embedded in the shell, pulled his body out with a slight force, patted the shoulder that did not have dust, and smiled coldly at Thanos in the distance.


The air waves exploded, and the large battleship behind him immediately exploded into a cloud of fireworks, and between breaths, Benson’s figure had already appeared in front of Thanos.


The impact of the fist with the golden fist and the large knife in both hands burst out with a huge roar, and the rolling waves of air raged in all directions, throwing everything away along the way, and the void even began to shake and twist violently.

“Give me death~”

The burly body suddenly fell above the top of Sanos’s head, clenched his fists with both hands, and with the majestic killing intent, it bombarded the top of Sanos’s head.

However, the next second, the figure of Thanos suddenly disappeared.

Benson’s attack also fell short, fortunately, with the slightest control of the power, the power was instantly withdrawn, otherwise the temple below would be destroyed alive.

When the time came to stop talking about His Highness, Grandpa John would have to kill him.

“Hey, ran away?”

Benson twisted his neck and immediately sent a voice to the rest of the gold: “You should know that old and young battle idea.” ”

“It’s simple, and it’s effective.”

“In order to restrain us Thanos, I really don’t care about face.”

“It’s a shame that you can become the overlord of the universe even like this.”

“After all, his character is inherently cunning and gloomy, and he will do whatever it takes.”

Above the Virgin Palace Temple, the handsome Buddha-like Zhuo Lu sat on a plate, his brow slightly wrinkled: “Be careful, his bottom card should not be so simple.” ”

“Ah, got it.”

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Sending You”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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