The terrifying force grabbed Loki and Thor’s heads and slammed them into the ground, and the terrible cracks suddenly erupted, almost crashing the hard platform on the top floor.


The powerful force penetrated it, causing Loki and Thor to spurt blood.

The two looked up in shock, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing that the figure was more than two meters large, purple floating wearing dark gold armor, the vertical stripe of the chin and the domineering gaze, and the left hand with a huge gorgeous metal fist, Loki lost his voice: “Thanos. ”

Is he Thanos?

Thor gritted his teeth, intending to get up, but found that his body seemed to have no strength, and the smash just now seemed to paralyze the steely and iron body.

Thanos looked at the two brothers coldly, picked up the scepter on the side, and slowly walked to the place where the cosmic cube was.

Loki seemed to think of something, and said in shock, “It turns out that the invasion of Midgart by the Chitauri army is just a cover, and the invasion of the large army outside the galaxy is also a cover, your real purpose is to drag the Sacred Realm to drag all the combat forces of the Twelve Temples, but your real purpose is the Infinite Rough?” ”

“You’re very clever, those fools lost their minds when they saw some benefits, and as cannon fodder they did it successfully, and at the moment the Twelve Temples had no time to stop me.”

“I’ve never put that crap in my eyes.”

Thanos looked up at the Chitauri army in the sky that was pouring out of the cracks and smiled indifferently.

Looking at the Cosmic Cube in front of him, he gently reached out and crushed the scepter, and the soul gem in his hand was set in the concave point on the back of the left fist sleeve.


A powerful force poured into Sanos’s body, and the momentum became more and more terrifying, and this monstrous momentum even caused the dark clouds above the sky to gather.

“It is this force, the Twelve Temples, that will be destroyed by me sooner or later.”

Thanos said fiercely, thinking of the shame that that the figure had brought to him, so that he would never forget it.

He’s going to get stronger, but he can’t do it anytime soon.

There is only infinite rough.

When he collects six Infinity Rough and inlays them in the Infinity Gauntlet, then he will become the being who dominates the universe, and in a single thought, no matter who he is, will be destroyed by him.

The Power Gem had been taken over by the Twelve Temples, and he could not take it yet.

The next thing you can get the most is the Space Gem, and with the Space Gem, the mobility will be greatly increased.

Even if the time is the same as the last time, he will be sure to retreat from the whole body when he is surrounded and suppressed.

Already impatient, Thanos reached out and pierced through the terrifying energy barrier of the Cosmic Cube, and directly took the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube in his hand.

The energy source was lost, and the energy beam that ran through the heavens and the earth broke.

The huge crack in the sky was slowly repaired by space, and after a while, the crack in the sky was completely repaired.

Seeing this scene, the avengers and agents who were still fighting with the Chitauri were overjoyed.

“Nice job, Thor.”

“Ness, Sorr did a great job.”

“Ha, really worthy of Thor, great, without a steady stream of troops, the remaining enemies are not enough to worry about, you can slowly eliminate them.”


The praise of all the avengers came from Thor’s ears.

Thor was praised by his teammates with no joy, only bitterness: “Guys, our bigger trouble has come. ”

“What’s the trouble?”

“Thanos, right in front of me, it was he who interrupted the passage, he had already mastered two Infinity Stones.”


Tony and the others in the battle suddenly changed their faces, even Fury on the aircraft carrier in the distant sky.

“That cosmic overlord Thanos is in New York?”

“That’s right, he’s too strong now, and I’ve lost my fighting power for the time being.”


As he spoke, the Space Gem was already embedded in the Infinity Gauntlet, and the terrifying and majestic power once again poured into Thanos’s body, and he roared with excitement, and the furious power swept in all directions with him as the center.

Everything along the way was destroyed under this momentum.

All the mansions and houses in the vicinity were completely collapsed by the terrifying force.

The majestic momentum caused the thick clouds in the sky to converge and turn into a whirlpool.

The endless thunder continued to explode and splash, and the whole scene was like the end of the world.

In this short time, the position of hundreds of thousands of meters in circumference was actually pushed to the flat ground, and there was not a single building.

Only the Stark Mansion stands alone, so conspicuous.

And in the distant street captain Rogers, Tony and others even suffered from the impact and were directly thrown away, when they looked back to see this scene, they couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Not only them, but even all the remaining Chitauri were mercilessly wiped out.

If it weren’t for Natasha hiding behind Rogers’ Zhenjin shield, it is estimated that she would have ended up with these Chitauri people long ago.

The Mark armor, which was rolling in the sky, finally stabilized his form, and Jarvis’s voice came from Tony’s ear.

“Sir, according to the reality of the energy fluctuations just now, it has reached hundreds of millions of joules, and if it is calculated, it may be comparable to billions of tons of nuclear weapons.”

“Did you hear me?”

Team Rogers and Natasha looked at each other, looked silently at the ground that had become completely in ruins, and whispered, “The enemy is very powerful, even powerful enough to destroy the entire planet, but we can’t back down, think of those children, and keep hundreds of billions of enemies out of the galaxy.” ”

“None of them have flinched, so how can we back down?”


Behind them, a huge green figure fell to the side of Rogers and Natasha, watching the two of them smile evilly.

“The big man seems to agree with your words, Captain.”

“That’s right, I’m the most talented Tony Stark, I don’t want to be inferior to the children, the civilians in the vicinity of tens of kilometers have been completely evacuated, let’s have a good fight with the big guy, that guy almost destroyed my building.” 」

Tony grinned.

Without the slightest hesitation, the American team and Natasha flew towards the Stark Building.

Their battle is about to begin.

(Thanks to the big guys for the tips and flowers, in the chapter to go to dinner, come back to stay up late to do a few chapters, and then put it tomorrow morning is better, no one in the early morning to see.) )

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