It was as if the most perfect face had been carved out by the Creator.

The noble temperament carved into the blood of the soul, the beautiful and exquisite clothing highlights the slender curves of the body, and the eyes like agate gemstones emit an irrevocable cold light.

Just a glance is enough to make people want to surrender.

Even if it is a different race, Thanos has to admit that the other party is good and terrible.

He was also vaguely ashamed of himself.

Although this man was much shorter than him, but somehow Thanos always felt that he was one head lower than the other side.

This is an idea that has never come up before.

The breath of holiness and divinity, vast, as if some god had arrived in ancient times, and in a trance, he saw the endless stars in the sky, this person was like the master of the stars, Thanos’s mind turned, and he guessed the identity of the other party in just a moment.

Is this the Karen in the mouth of the gold?

Seemingly hearing Thanos’s voice, Karen smiled softly: “First meeting, introduce yourself, my name is Karen. York, too, will be your Terminator. ”

The voice is filled with an irrevocable will.

It was as if it were supposed to be.

This also made Thanos feel angry in his heart, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth and roar: “What are you?” ”


Can he even speak? But Thanos did not care, but instigated the surging cosmic secret energy of the whole body and even directly launched the power of the Infinity Glove.

But he was horrified to find that he still couldn’t move at all.

It is as if one’s own body is separated from one’s own volitional thinking.

Looking at Karen’s eyes glowing with golden light ripples, Thanos felt a chill in his heart.

The shock in my heart gushed out.

He, this guy is so powerful? To know that you are already a Heavenly Father level being, plus the Infinity Glove inlaid with heart and space gems, even in the Heavenly Father level, it is definitely the top existence.

If it is the Infinity Glove of the Extreme Infinity Gem, he can even say that he is comparable to the multiverse without exaggeration.

And now, the other party is just a look, pausing time, pausing space, and even forcibly stripping away the connection between his mind and the body’s infinite glove.

This power.

It’s too scary.

Is this the king who rules over the twelve golds? It was horrible.

This guy is already above the Heavenly Father.

Thanos’s mind is racing, looking for a way to break out of the current situation, but the connection between himself and the Infinity Gem of his body is stripped away, how to escape?

Karen shook his head slightly, and walked unhurriedly to the range of ten meters in front of Thanos’s body, and one index finger gently tapped the void.

I saw the Infinity Glove that was on Thanos’s left hand suddenly fall off.

And Thanos saw this pupil shrink suddenly.

Looking at the Infinity Glove floating in front of this man, his heart sank more and more, if he could successfully stimulate the Infinity Gauntlet, with two Infinity Rough Stones he would definitely be able to escape from here, but only now.

The wisdom of this guy.


With a crisp sound, the two Infinity Stones of Mind and Space shone fluorescently in Karen’s hands, and the Infinity Glove immediately seemed to have been eroded by some terrible force and turned into brake dust.

“Six Infinity Stones, falling into your hands, is a waste.”

After the silence, Thanos had no anger, no domineering, only sincerity: “I am the destiny, I know better than anyone in the universe, what this universe should do, if I do not complete my mission, this universe will eventually lead to destruction.” ”

“Just like this planet, according to the words of the planet, this beautiful planet is only 510.072 million kilometers, and there are seven billion human beings, and human beings continue to multiply, but the planet is only so big, only constantly digging and devouring resources.”

“How could this not be the case with the other races of the universe?”

“Because resources, wars, and massacres have become commonplace, sooner or later, the universe will be destroyed because of greed and desire./ Hope will be destroyed, the balance between life and death of the universe has long been lost, I must restore this balance, how can a strong person at your level not see through fate?” 」

The deep tone is full of sincerity and concern for the future, and the passionate words can even move and even trigger contemplation.

Karen was silent about it.

And his silence made Thanos happy.

But then, the man’s words made Thanos’s heart completely cold: “This is not your answer, your slaughter is to please her heart, Thanos.” ”

“You, do you know of her presence?”

He had never been moved by the desperate predicament before, but the words of this guy in front of him made Thanos completely lose his cool, and he cried out in disbelief.

“Of course I know she exists, because, now I’m dying.”

And Karen’s next words shocked Thanos even more.

“You’re dying?” Yes, then you can see her, no, no, you will not die at all, your vast power, no, infinite vitality and the breath of decaying death are actually contained? You are indeed dying, but you are. ”

Thanos’s language was confused, and he didn’t even know if the man was alive or about to die.

“You’re not destiny, you’re just a poor person who doesn’t want her to play.”

“Your destiny will be to suffer an endless banishment, to spend endless time in that other-dimensional space, no space, no light, no sound, only nothingness, as long as the most terrible loneliness.” 」


The icy voice filled with the most terrible will, and a vast wave emerged, and the outstretched index finger flashed vast ripples.

Ripples rippled in the air around Thanos.

In a trance, Thanos seemed to be able to see a dark and dim space.

He could imagine the terrible sight in the words, and he frantically wanted to struggle, roaring: “No, you can’t do this, I am destiny, I want to… ”

“Don’t be delusional about finding death, because you will never die, listen to the voices of the stars, banish.”


Awakening like an ancient will, the vast ripples of waves, the space around Thanos shattered like a mirror, and with a roar of unwilling anger, his figure disappeared into the air.

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 VIP points of the “Mo Lost” big guy, plus more must walk up, today do not finish ten more do not sleep, tomorrow is the same.) )

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