“I don’t need to get out of jail anyway, and I don’t want to stay here for the rest of my life compared to you.”

“Maybe try it.”



In a vast galaxy,

Terror is like a starship in a fortress of war as it travels through the void.

And a terrible roar of shock and anger resounded throughout the starship.

“I don’t believe it.”

The murderous intent swept across the mothership, and Ronan, one of the supreme accusers, grabbed the aide-de-camp in front of him, and his angry face became distorted.

In the main conference warehouse, several lieutenants stood in front of them trembling with fear.

Breathing roughly. Angry, Ronan’s almost fire-breathing eyes stared at the lieutenant and spat out word by word.

“If you’re kidding me, then you’ve made it.”

“Lord Ronan, I’m not kidding, the Kree Empire has really been destroyed, even anything in the Great Magellan Galaxy about Kree people are dead, and the mother planet Hara is broken.” The adjutant said with a bitter face.


Throwing the lieutenant to the ground, Ronan’s angry flames were already uncontrollable, and he roared, “Who dares to destroy the Kree Empire, who is it?” Could it be that the Skrull Empire and the Shea Empire attacked jointly? ”

“No, no, two other empires were also destroyed, at the same time.”

Ronan was very happy to hear that the two great empires had been overthrown and exterminated, but he couldn’t be happy now, but instead looked incredulous: “What, Scrowe and Hia have also been destroyed?” ”

“Is it so?”

As if thinking of something, Ronan’s body shook violently.

Seeing Ronan’s appearance, the adjutant nodded, resentful and resentful, “It is the Twelve Temples, after the Galactic War, they sent a golden sequence.” ”

Ronan’s burning fury seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water and completely extinguished.

Standing in the same place, the sluggish face did not know what it was thinking.

At this moment, a feeling of powerlessness rose in Ronan’s heart.

“It turned out to be them, yes, and they were the only ones who had this destruction of the great Kree Empire, why did they do it?” Aren’t they still afraid that the overthrow of the three empires will cause chaos in the galaxy? ”

“Aren’t those hypocritical guys trying to balance order?”

“That’s not what they want to see.”

Ronan muttered with a complicated look on his face, he didn’t even know whether he was angry now, or grief, or powerless, or fearful.

He had thought of revenge, and no one could overthrow the Kree Empire or dashing either.

But he was powerless, the powerlessness that frightened him.

Even in fear.

Unprecedented fear, all kinds of emotions almost want to make him collapse.

Twelve Temples, Twelve Temples.

Ronan, who gritted his teeth, lost his previous posture for a while.

“Lord Ronan, what should we do now?”

“Yeah, Lord Ronan, or we’ll fight with those damn bastards.”

Several other lieutenants looked sad.

“Spelled? Oh, what qualifications do we have to fight? What is that thing fighting with those guys? Ronan asked rhetorically, or questioning himself.

The rest of the people were silent.

They knew who the enemy was, but unfortunately, they also knew that they had only sent three golden sequences to destroy the three empires, and they now had only one starship, thousands of soldiers, and they were fighting with the monsters on this capital and that.

There is no need for that golden sequence to strike.

Just a bronze can easily destroy them.

Looking at each other, the crowd smiled bitterly.

Ronan, who was originally a strong personality, calmed down, and as the supreme accuser, he proved his wisdom: “Perhaps, the Kree civilization is only us, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely must not be carried away by anger, looking for those who still survive, keeping the fire, leaving the galaxy.” ”

“Yes, Lord Ronan.”

“It’s just that now that the three empires have collapsed, other forces may be desperate to hunt us and the surviving Kree people for the sake of Kree’s technology, or perhaps to curry favor with the Twelve Temples.”


“There’s been a message out there offering us Kree heads.”

“Those damn guys, sooner or later, I’ll kill them all.” Ronan clenched his teeth, the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog, he Ronan, there was such a humiliating day, those damn ants actually turned around and killed their great Cree, and even dared to issue a bounty.

But now he knew that no matter what, he couldn’t be impulsive,

“Yes, Lord Ronan.”


At the same time, the major forces have also gone crazy, and large and small forces have set out to frantically search for the survivors of the three empires.

A terrifying hunting operation begins.

And the prey is the people of the three empires.

Because of this, the galaxy began to come alive, like a carnival festival.

“Haha, Chris, how did you get today?”

“Hey, my mercenary group killed three Creepers, what about you?”

“If you get rich, a Kree is worth only a million, and I’m sorry, I only caught two Skrulls.”

“It’s also very good, and the Skrulls are not worth much less than the Cree.”

“But these guys are indeed worthy of the people of the three empires, and catching these guys actually caused me a lot of losses.”

“Yes, but the rewards are even greater.”

“It seems that you must have seized some technology, secretly tell me, I will never say it, our friendship is lifeless.”

“No, no, where is the technology, look at what kind of laughter you laugh with, captured a lot.”

“Haha, no, no, no.”

The two Bounty Hunter team leaders met with a tacit smile.

And this scene takes place in countless places throughout the galaxy, Happy Street, Exchange and so on the major dark world intermediary planets.

Mercenaries, cosmic pirates, bounty hunters and many more, this is their harvest season.

And the survivors of the three empires also experienced a nightmarish career.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the big guy of “Strange Cat Monster”, thank you very much, thank you very much, the TV series chasing IU is a bit on the top, sorry.) )

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