In Lady Gao’s eyes, the ninjas she was proud of cultivating had just taken a step forward and rushed over without knowing why they were standing still.

The look of unfocused eyes made her instantly feel as if she had seen the cruel and poisonous workers in the factory.

What frightened her most was that they had lost their voice.

What is this and how exactly is it done?

Before Madame Gao could think, a matchless force came, and she was grabbed by a hand like a marionette and lifted by one hand.

Breathing instantly became difficult, and the wrinkled face turned red.


The weak falling of the crutch in her hand made a crisp sound, and Mrs. Gao struggled with difficulty, and her hands weakly grabbed this hand and tried to break it apart with force.

Unfortunately, it was in vain.

The cloudy pupils reflected the indifferent face of the teenager, full of murderous intent, making her heart cold.

This gesture, she knew all too well.

It was exactly as her ruthless gesture of killing the workers.

She knew that the teenager was not joking, but really moved to kill.

“Let go, let me go, she, she’s been taken away by another group of mysterious people, and that’s just a deal.”

“Say, where the hell is that girl?”

“She was taken away by a bunch of people from Europe, all of them were a bunch of dignitaries, and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

The teenager laughed, but the laughter was unusually cold: “It’s just a pity that I don’t believe you.” ”


The gaze of the terrifying red flame shot directly into Madame Gao’s heart, and in a trance she seemed to see a noble phoenix burning flames.

She lost consciousness for a moment.

When consciousness was restored again, what he saw again was the cold gaze.

My heart was shocked.

You must know that in addition to being a powerful martial arts master, she is also a psychic manipulator, good at using various psychological tactics, and can disturb the thoughts of her opponents and invade the minds of others with only a few words of conversation.

It can be said that she is definitely the top human being in this regard.

She could almost guess what had happened when she lost consciousness.

“You, what the hell are you?”

Mrs. Gao asked again in disbelief.

But she did not get a reply, the teenager put her down and turned away, which made Lady Gao feel happy, and then she wondered, with the teenager’s decisive character, how could he let himself go?

The next second, Mrs. Gao got the answer.

The terrible red flames actually began to burn from the inside of her body.

The powerful flames constantly burned her internal organs, burning her skin, without knowing why her senses seemed to be infinitely magnified, and the intense pain made her almost collapse.

“Aaah, I told you why you didn’t let me go.”

“I’m telling the truth, save me, I don’t want to die.”

“I can help you get that girl back.”

Screaming bitterly, Madame Gao tried to catch the teenager, but the terrible pain made her kneel on the ground and extend her hands to the teenager’s back like a prayer.

I hope that the teenager will mercifully let her go.

But unfortunately, the teenager is indifferent.

Without a reply, Lady Gao cursed in pain and despair: “You will die, that girl you will never save, she will become someone else’s slave, become someone else’s blood food, and be sacrificed in endless pain.” ”

The mournful curse sounded so eerie to match the dead ninjas standing in the hall.

Looking at the old woman kneeling on the ground who spontaneously combusted.

If only ordinary people would faint in fear.

In the face of the curse, the young man’s footsteps still did not stop, and when he came to the gate, his cold eyes looked at the people in front of him.

A middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline in a suit with a gentle smile.

Just at the first glance can arouse the good feelings of others.

“Oh, you don’t have to make it so bloody every time, it’s very troublesome to deal with.”

After a moment of silence, the teenager said, “Are you a S.H.I.E.L.D. person?” ”

“Yes, I’m Coulson, I’m a level eight agent, originally I was just a level seven, but recently I seem to be doing well, and my boss has promoted me to one level, but unfortunately the salary has not increased much.”

Coulson was not afraid in the face of the teenagers who had caused countless killings, but joked like a friend.

Just in the face of this teenager who seemed to come from hell, his heart still couldn’t help but tighten.

After taking a deep breath, he continued: “You have killed more than three hundred people in three days, which has caused panic, and they all have a lot of power behind them, and they are ready to find trouble for you.” ”

“I know you’re looking for your sister, we have clues.”

“Hope you can trust S.H.I.E.L.D., IDRES.”

Idris narrowed his eyes and walked over to Coulson, glancing out the glass window on the side, “If I don’t plan to cooperate, are you going to kill me with those broken guns?” ”

“Of course not, you can take it as a consolation to yourself, after all, in the face of a small monster with at least tens of thousands of tons of strength and a speed of almost the speed of sound, if it were not so, I would not dare to go near you within ten miles.”

Coulson smiled.

Idris wiped a smile from the corner of his mouth: “You’re funny, then, Mr. Coulson, what news can you give me?” ”

“Your sister Lan Ruisha is controlled by a blood faction in the Eagle Country, and according to an investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D., your sister’s blood seems to have a special attraction to those monsters.”

“Tell me the location.”

Idris disappeared from his eyes with indifference, and excitedly grabbed Coulson’s shoulder, even subconsciously using force.


The strong force almost made Coulson feel his bones being crushed, cold sweat came from his forehead, and he endured the pain and said, “I have a Kun fighter, I can take you directly, but you have to let go of my guys first, and you don’t want me to need to hire a nurse for dinner later, although they are very sexy.” ”

Speaking with the palm of the right hand is more than a gesture, as if conveying some message.

Idris suppressed the excitement in his heart and said apologetically, “Sorry, Mr. Coulson, I was so excited. ”

“It’s okay, I understand your feelings, maybe we can go now.”

(The update did not catch up with the real drop sorry, the update slowly recovered, and then added more to make up for it, thank you for the big guys’ monthly pass and flowers.) )

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