Coulson left, and Idris looked at his sister like that.

His only relative, now, was this only sister, and his gratitude to Coulson was not a lie.

He was thankful for Coulson’s help.

If it weren’t for Coulson using the Kun fighter to help him come to London to find Victor Manor, he would not have been able to fly before he woke up to the small universe.

If his only relative died, to be honest, he didn’t know what kind of madness he would fall into.

“Blood Clan…

Idris’s eyes flashed a trace of coldness, although Marcus was destroyed, but this dirty race, he absolutely did not allow to exist on this planet.


“It seems that she is in a very good condition, her vital signs are normal, and the blood supply in her body is normal.”

A voice came.

Idris didn’t look back and said indifferently, “Tony Stark, what’s the matter?” ”

Tony stood next to the teenager, looked at the girl in the medical cabin, smiled, and said, “I want to make a deal with you.” ”


The galaxy became a forbidden area for which all the universes were famous.

The prestige of the Twelve Temples reverberated throughout the universe.

No one dared to step into the realm of the Temple.

Today, Nova Queen Nova is visiting the Aries Temple, one of the Twelve Temples, aboard her own Interstellar Nova Queen.

There are many factors in visiting the temple, the good point is to say the alliance, and the bad point is to surrender.

The Queen of the New Star knew very well in her heart that the current galaxy was the legendary Sacred Realm, and any force in the galaxy could be honored by the Sacred Domain, which was beyond doubt, and the existence of a large force comparable to the Golden Sequence was already very remarkable.

But there are thirteen statues in the Sacred Realm.

What’s more, Karen, the lord behind the scenes of the Sacred Realm, had not yet appeared.

Who knows how strong this Karen really is?

Although the Nova Legion is also quite prestigious in the galaxy, it is like an ant in contrast to the Sacred Realm, and as the Queen of Nova Queen, she must visit in person to express her wishes no matter which kind of desire she wants.

On the Queen, the Nova Queen and a group of centurions were also nervous.

After all, it was the temple that was visited, and the prestige of this temple was killed.

If something goes wrong this time, it is likely to cause the fall of a new star, although the probability is not high in the case of the Temple, but they will not put their fate on this so-called probability.

And it’s an exchange.

“Queen, in ten minutes we will reach the Aries Temple.”

“Well, everyone get ready, don’t lose your manners.”

The Nova Queen nodded.

The centurions are also accompanied by the excellent juniors of the Nova Legion, and this time it is Queen Nova who has brought these young juniors out to meet the real and truly powerful.

“I’m so nervous.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what the temple looks like.”

“It is said that the temple is a forbidden area of the entire universe, and no force has ever stepped in.”

“I’m curious how the warriors of the Temple became so powerful.”

“Actually, I’m curious why I didn’t visit the Sanctuary instead of the Temple?”

“Are you kidding? The Sacred Realm is a mysterious existence for the entire universe, and that is the existence of the kingdom of God that is circulating in the universe, where are we qualified. ”

“That’s true, too.”

The young rising stars were discussing with each other nervously and excitedly, and the young ones were curious about the rumors of the Temple, and in just a few short years, they had become the strongest force in the entire universe.

A series of deeds such as the mighty war that rolled up on the outskirts of the galaxy, the golden sequence encirclement and suppression of the cosmic overlord Thanos, and so on, felt the blood boiling every time I thought back.

There is also an unusual yearning for the Temple.

“You little fellows, the Saint Fighters of the Temple are the real warriors, forged in the endless mountain of corpses and blood, and their strength is not only in strength, but also in their incomparable will.”

“The same is true of you, if you really want to become stronger, the will is the most important, this visit you can study well.” 」

“Don’t be nervous when you see people.”

A slightly older but very senior centurion laughed loudly, his demonic muscles contrasting with his current smile.

The other centurions had smiles on their lips, seemingly with ridicule for their juniors.

In fact, why aren’t they nervous?

When Thanos landed on Qaida, the golden golden Taurus appeared, and the picture of the great battle with Thanos they still remember vividly, the horror of the might, the horror of easily destroying the planet.

They will never forget it.

“Queen, how powerful are the Golden Saints, are they very handsome?” The young and beautiful rising star girl Xizi smiled heartily.

Yes, Queen, what is that garment made of? Very handsome.

“What is the source of their power?”

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, the other young juniors were not nervous, and they all chirped their mouths.

The noble temperament carved into the soul, the handsome and perfect face, the momentum of every staring universe, the girls have no resistance to the handsome gold.

And those men are yearning for great power.

The centurions laughed.

“You little devils, let you come and see, and you tell me these rotten things.”

The girl and the other young rising stars suddenly did not dare to say anything more.

But the eyes still reveal the yearning for the temple, the yearning for gold, and everyone wants to see the golden sequence standing at the top of the universe.

“Well, this time our purpose is to ally with the Temple, not to lose the grace of our Nova Legion.”

The Queen is also full of expectations for these descendants.

“Arrive in Aries.”

Everyone looked at the projection on the Nova Queen.

In the vast dark void, a huge castle-like building stands.

The starry sky is shining, and countless stars are dotted, which is beautiful and gorgeous.

The building is like a small planet, one after another, and the tallest building in the center stands in it, ancient and vicissitudes.

The beautiful clouds wrapped it make this city feel like a kingdom of God.

(First more, the time difference is back, the update is restored, thank you for the flowers and monthly passes sent by the big guys.) )

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