Between heaven and earth, there was a low whisper, like a whisper in the ear, as if the most disgusting and filthy sound in the world, which was disgusting to hear, and like sharp metal sliding back and forth on the glass to make a manic scream.

Roaring, crying made people cover their ears, but this sound rushed into the depths of the soul, as if to pull everyone’s soul into the abyss.

“Oh the undead.”

It seems to sigh, it seems to be pitying, it seems to be hating, and the voice is floating in this filthy world.

Hum ~~~

Li Ang did not look at the church surrounded by an endless wave of undead, but just raised his right hand and gently threw it behind him, accompanied by a strange sound, only to see that layers of crystal-like walls suddenly enveloped the huge church.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The shaking and air waves of the battle continued.

Leon gently raised his head with his eyes closed, his black hair and cloak dancing wildly in the fierce wind, surrounded by endless waves of the undead, wearing golden armor, he looked like a hero fighting evil in ancient times.

“If you really think that how can the undead block the shining of the stars…”

The soft whispers were not loud in the cries and terrible roars of countless undead, but they still floated in everyone’s ears.

A wisp of golden flame inexplicably burned from Leon’s body, and the beast that seemed to be dormant with the burning flame in his body awakened.


In the distance, the priest who was still dodging Li Yingna’s violent formula seemed to sense something, and the body shrouded in black fog stagnated, turning his head to look at Li Ang with an unbelievable look, what was it?

It was an indescribably terrible menacing aura, vast, vast and holy like the bright stars.

The violent wind seemed to be driven by some force and became more and more intense.

Above the dark clouds covered by darkness, layers of endless waves of the undead, brilliant stars were lit up, forming a mysterious pattern.

Looking at it with fixed eyes, it looks like an egee that is singing to the sky.

“It is our honor to wash away all evil and to guard this earth…

The murmuring Li Ang opened his eyes suddenly, the golden radiance bloomed in his pupils, the incomparably shining golden light only illuminated the heavens and the earth between his breaths, and the sound became louder and more intense, resounding through the heavens and the earth, like a declaration of will.

The vast and vast little universe surged up and burned.

The index finger of his right hand is raised sharply to the sky.

“Starlight extinction ~~~~”


The brilliant starlight bloomed completely from his raised index finger, and under the dark night sky, it seemed to become the starry sky of the night, and the stars were dotted, looming, shining together, as if whispering, like jewels, densely sprinkled with the vast and endless night sky.

Beautiful, dazzling, one can’t help but be immersed in this beautiful starlight.

But this holy and beautiful starlight is undoubtedly like death to the undead and evil.

“Roar ~~~~~~”

The heavens and the earth became like day under the illumination of this beautiful and dazzling starlight, and the originally ugly and vicious undead slowly disappeared in this beautiful starlight, thousands of thousands, without any ability to resist, could only despair and powerless and miserable roar.


Even the clouds in the sky shrouded in darkness and the purple lightning bolts were all extinguished and dispersed.

“Damn, what kind of power is this?” Aaaa ”

The priest raised his hands in disbelief in front of him, and the endless black mist surged in front of him, but to no avail, they all swallowed and annihilated in an instant, without the protection of the fog, the body was shrouded in this starlight, the flesh and blood were dissolved, eroded, and transformed from a gentle priest into an ugly skeleton undead.

His power was in the endless starlight, without any ability to resist.

How is this possible?

“When any evil attempt to rule and devour this peaceful earth, the stars will come, destroy everything, and return to your hell.”

Li Yingna’s indifferent voice was transmitted to the priest’s ear, and the right hand with the metal fist sleeve turned into a fist, and the golden flame burned all over the body, and the punch was thrown without any pity.


The terrifying total blast of the air, in just a second, exploded millions of times, countless irregular rays of light like a torrential rain pouring towards the skeleton that had almost been annihilated.

“I’m not willing, it’s not good to be too proud of human beings, I will come back, then the Demon Lord will command countless undead to come to the human world, turn the human world into hell, everything will be swallowed up by hell, hahahaha…

The light from millions of bombardments, almost beyond the speed of light, completely overwhelmed the vague and ugly priest, completely dissolving it, leaving only the raging laughter before death.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points of the “shh**” big guy tip, thank you, and thank you for the flowers and monthly passes, really powerful.) )

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