“Wow wow wow wow wow whoop who’s this?” Isn’t this the famous Avengers Tony Stark, vs. Thor? What about our great saint Rogers and the stinky woman who thought she was beautiful? ”

“Sigh, you can’t run, can you?”

“Is this the Avengers, the most powerful superhero team on our planet?” How can it be the same as those kid-to-be-home adventure groups? ”

Loud laughter came from the base.

Apparently transmitted by a megaphone, the sound is incomparably huge, the transmission range is extremely wide, at least 10,000 meters away from the Rogers three people can clearly hear.

For this ridicule, Rogers’s calm heart will not be angry at all, let alone Natasha and Barton, who are ace agents.

Tony, as a famous snake, also ironically said through the megaphone: “Wow, if you can appear on your own, I can look up to you guys, now you just need to take the initiative to let scientists study, so that you have made a great contribution to the world’s understanding of alien creatures, I can barely treat you as a person.” ”

“But alas, you can’t do anything, so you can only be a pig.”


At this moment, I saw that the interference magnetic field that enveloped the base had taken the initiative to open, and a group of soldiers guarding a man wearing a black mink coat came out.

Standing next to this man, there were two men and women with the same size and cold faces.

Both the man and the woman looked at each other and were obviously Asian.

There is a thick and terrifying aura on the body, and just looking at it makes people feel suffocated.

Tony and a group of other people changed their faces.

“Be careful, these two are the same as that guy, the strength should not be inferior to that guy, Tony, I think you’d better retreat too.” Thor watched warily as a man and a woman of Asian descent warned Tony.

Tony shook his head and said in a deep voice, “I wouldn’t agree to that.” ”

“Tony, Thor, leave immediately, this time the mission we give up.”

Rogers’s command was heard in both of their ears.

Of course, Rogers also understands the current situation, there are two more warriors of the other side’s level, obviously the situation is now beyond the Avengers’ capabilities, and the strongest of the Avengers, Thor and Hulk, can handle one well.

The best option is to retreat.

He didn’t want the Avengers to be buried here.

Tony and Thor, though somewhat reluctant, nodded as well.

But the crowd wanted to retreat but was detected by Hydra, and one of the short-haired Asian women outside the base stared at Tony with murderous eyes and a hoarse voice: “Sir, they want to retreat.” ”

The leader of the Hydra smiled contemptuously, “Don’t let go of one, number one, number two.” ”

“Yes, sir.”


I saw the Asian short-haired woman next to me with a light step, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place.

As the figure tore through the air, it appeared beside Thor in an instant.

And the strong man in the sky suddenly broke through the speed of sound and attacked Tony.

This instantaneous outburst, even if both of them were on guard, were shocked.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The battle broke out, the rolling air waves swept and raged, the two figures in the sky constantly collided with one plasma pulse wave after another like a torrential rain, the ground seemed to have experienced a violent earthquake, cracks spread like cobwebs, and large and small deep pits emerged.

Terrible lightning, roaring, roaring, shaking form a beautiful symphony here.

Snowflakes rolled upside down in this terrifying battle.

Rogers and Natasha, who were watching from a distance, were in a hurry but couldn’t do anything about it, and Patton was even more stunned that the arrows in his hands could not shoot out.

With his powerful dynamic vision, he could not catch the enemy’s figure at all.

However, what made him even more different was that Tony could barely keep up with the speed of the other party?

Is this so possible?

It should be known that the opponent’s individual combat ability flexibility is thousands of times more than that of humans, even in the sky, at any time can break through the sound barrier.

The naked eye cannot catch it at all.

How did Tony do it?

Had Tony’s armor been developed enough to rival the Saints?

Not only Patton, but even the US team Natasha and Fury, who was monitoring the aircraft carrier in the sky, were also confused.

And Tony had something to say about suffering at the moment.

“Sir, the energy consumption is thirty percent, and the overall loss of armor is twenty percent.”

“Sir, the consumption reaches forty percent, and the overall wear and tear of the armor is thirty percent.”

“It is expected that in ten minutes, the energy consumption will reach 90%, and the overall loss of the armor will disintegrate.”

Rumble! Rumble!

In the sky, Tony’s armor ark reactor flashed with boundless brilliance, and a wisp of light appeared on the surface of the armor’s shell with a very regular coating, as if the whole was glowing.

Constantly using powerful thrusters to fly at high speeds, combined with Jarvis’s powerful computing power to capture each other’s movements.

Deliver energy to the armor through the Ark reactor and gain instantaneous burst of power.

Otherwise, just to calculate the opponent’s actions but can not instantly explode the speed to avoid the opponent’s attack, it can only become a target.

Tony solves the first problem against Saint Seiya, Speed.

The popular point will be to sacrifice the life of the armor and the ark reactor in exchange for the instantaneous burst speed and flexibility of a certain period of time.

But it doesn’t solve the root problem.

To put it bluntly, it can only be a stalemate for ten minutes, and ten minutes later the armor disintegrates and the Ark reactor runs out of energy.

Tony was anxious, but couldn’t break free of the attack.

He could feel that the guy across from him seemed to be playing with a mouse like a cat and making him extremely angry.

But there is nothing that can be done.

Thor below’s situation was not very good, and he was also somewhat dwarfed by the terrible speed of the enemy, and there was a powerful and nowhere to hold back, especially the woman’s strength was still above himself, if it were not for the strong instinct to resist the opponent, he would have been defeated long ago.

This anxiety made the hearts of Rogers and Natasha sink.

My mind raced, trying to think of a solution to the present situation.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar, and from the forest, a huge figure like a tank rushed towards Thor and the others, fixing his eyes on the Hulk Hulk, who had been blown away by a punch.

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