Tony’s mask opened and the figure slowly landed on the ground, a hippie smile.

However, I also secretly wrote down this time in my heart.

However, he also smiled bitterly, he really owed enough, and the Sacred Domain did not know how many times he had saved him.

In terms of the big event of the New York Demon Invasion alone, if there is no Sanctuary and Karen fighting to the death and fighting against Hell, the earth… The ball was afraid of becoming the back garden of the demons, and even he was afraid of suffering at that time.

He didn’t know how to repay this life-saving grace on this point alone.

Orphie’s grim face also showed a smile when he heard this, nodded at Tony and the American team who rushed over, glanced at what seemed to be a green big man, and then looked at the three super soldiers who did not dare to move a little with a terrible coldness.

Finally look at the group of Hydra leaders kneeling outside the base.

It has to be said that the snow days in Eastern Europe are continuous and dense, and in just a short time, a group of people are covered with a layer of snow.

A group of hydras were frozen cold, but more often than not, their hearts were cold.

In the face of Orffy’s icy gaze, the Hydra leader couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, trembling, and did not dare to say a word.

“Those few people seem to have studied the so-called super soldier serum or something, although I don’t understand it, but it should be related to you.”

“You may need to pay attention to that.”

Thor watched as Rogers and Natasha Barton walked over, nodded and whispered to Orphi.

“Yes, they are very similar in strength to Saint Seiya and seem to have your little universe.”

Tony continued.

The corners of Orfi’s mouth wiped a trace of cold, indifferent eyes on the inch-headed man in mid-air: “Roll me down.” ”


The strong momentum swept in all directions, and the heavy pressure of the mountain pressed this super soldier, and he fell towards the ground without resistance in the frightened eyes of the other party.


It was as if a meteorite fell, splashing snowflakes and rubble, and this could suppress Tony, and the super soldier who punched the Hulk was actually reprimanded by a word and fell directly from the air, smashing out a deep pit, and the most shocking thing was that the man unconsciously fell to his knees in this deep pit.

It was as if in surrender, and as if in fear.


Although Rogers knew the strength of Orphie, he still couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air when he saw this scene.

Thor smiled bitterly.

The super soldier who can stand up to himself does not have the slightest ability to resist in front of this teenager who is only a teenager.

He hadn’t lived in dogs for thousands of years.

The Father King also said that he was the most accomplished king in the history of the God Domain, and now it seemed that the king was a king, and he was not even able to compare with a teenager now, and this king was afraid that he was not a little weak.

It is precisely because of this that he is reluctant to come to the ground./ball.

Every time he came, he could think of a large number of children who were stronger than him and did not know how much stronger he was, and every time he was devastated, and the sadness was almost a river.

Thor’s depression was unknown to the others.

But Orphie could feel that the original indifferent state of mind was almost broken by this teasing Thor.

With a dry cough, the look suddenly turned cold.

“Foolish and filthy smashing, daring to defile the great blood of His Highness, you will endure endless pain and suffering in the abyss of hell, you will be buried in purgatory by the ugly and greedy undead, and you will be sucked out of your souls by demons to enjoy for ten thousand years.”


With these words, the lightning in the sky continued to splash through the sky, as if he was pouring out his anger because he was provoked.

A piercing sound crossed everyone’s heart.

The scythe of death kept approaching, making all the hydras more and more frightened in their hearts, their faces pale and their bodies trembling.

After going through so much.

In the past, there were only existing and movies, and the demons and gods in the script have appeared, which has also changed the worldview of everyone, at least knowing that there are demons and gods in this world.

Of course there is hell.

No one questioned the young man’s words, no one doubted the truth of his words.

Nor did anyone doubt his abilities.

Thrown into hell, endured thousands of years of pain and torment, even the most loyal and fearless warrior who was brainwashed by the Hydra was afraid.

Death is not terrifying.

The horror is that after death, you will also be tortured for thousands of years, dancing with ugly and greedy undead demons, thinking about that terrible picture, no matter who will collapse.

Not to mention these Hydras, even Rogers and Tony felt their scalps tingle.

Thor felt his throat a little dry, swallowed and spat out, and looked a little unnatural.

This teenager is not very old, but his heart is really fierce, even if his vicious brother Loki is really just a brother in front of the teenager.

At once, people will go to hell and be tortured for tens of thousands of years.

Who can stand this?

“Please, please, spare me, I’m just on orders.”

The leader of the Hydra knelt on the ground with a pale face, looked up at the collapse of the teenager floating in mid-air in the distance, and his body trembled, and his trembling body told everyone that he was already terrified to the extreme.

He could accept death, but he could not accept death and be tortured in hell for tens of thousands of years.

“Surround, spare your life.”

“I don’t want to die, I’m innocent.”

The rest of the Hydra warriors finally couldn’t bear it and pleaded bitterly with a look of expectation.

For a moment the scene became chaotic.

The American team Rogers frowned at this and wanted to plead but was grabbed by Natasha on the side, looking at Natasha who shook her head with deep meaning, Rogers was silent.

The anger that crossed the teenager’s eyes was clear to him.

I also know that even if he intercedes, it will have no effect.

The other person’s actions angered not only the teenager himself, but the loyal one he believed in, and from the teenager’s words he knew what Hydra was studying.

I also know why there are three such powerful super soldiers.

Not to mention that he was not qualified to intercede with others.

He let out a low sigh and stopped talking.

Tony looked at it realistically, smiled and patted Rogers’s shoulder, and whispered, “You’re going to be soft on Hydra, old guy, old people will be like this?” ”

(Ask the big guy to support the monthly pass for flowers, feel that it is coming, slowly restore the update ~~)

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