The news that the Golden Sequence of Cancer led thousands of Saints to Antonia completely exploded the world’s network in just one hour.

All the hot headlines, various media began to discuss.

The photographs taken one by one, the recorded images, are repeatedly analyzed by various experts.

In addition to Cancer Gold and Saint Seiya, the biggest popular word in the world’s network is Hydra.

The history of Hydra is also mentioned.

Although a country may have mentioned Hydra in its textbooks, there is only a vague concept of Hydra more than that.

When the historical information of Hydra was popularized, people found that the original Hydra was so evil, and there was such a long history and such an evil organization in the world.

All kinds of anti-human experiments, manipulating wars, sweeping the world.

Tens of millions of lives have died because of Hydra, countless people have lost their families, and the fact that this evil organization is still active in this world has sparked heated discussions.

But in any case, people are thankful that such organizations have finally been sanctioned.

No one would think that Hydra could survive under the sanction of Anto12, a golden sequence, thousands of Saint Seiya, this scale, enough to easily destroy the world.

And as one might expect.

In just one day, throughout the world, Hydra was like a street rat frantically searching for it, and with thousands of Saint Fighters, hundreds of Hydra bases were destroyed.

Tens of thousands of Hydra soldiers died under siege.

And this day is even called the day of the end of Hydra by the media of various countries.

It will be remembered by history.

Under the cover search, there seems to be no trace of the remaining Hydra, which also makes the forces of all countries think that the Hydra has been destroyed.

But Antonia and S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury knew that the black hand that triggered the end of Hydra had not yet been found.

The destruction of hundreds of bases also caused great panic among the few remaining hidden Hydras.

“Damn, those damn smash.”

“With a rake upside down, Bruce’s bastard dared to reveal our location, and he doesn’t know who sent him to the position of the councillor?”

“I’m going to kill his whole family, I’m going to make him suffer endlessly.”

“Now we are almost street rats, and countries regard us as gifts of goodwill with Antonia.”

“I really don’t know which bastard provoked Artunia, damn, damn it..” The only few remaining Hydra bases, a few Hydra faction leaders became anxious and scolded, and in just one day, they became the enemies of the world. Five. To be hostile to the world is to seek death. Gluttony. They are not Antonia, nor do they have the strength to match the whole world, otherwise they would have developed in the dark for so many years and never appeared on the surface.

All they can do now is pray, that they won’t be hunted by the fellows who have fallen into the well.

Once found, the end will only be overthrown.

Above the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier, all the agents are methodical workers.

Fury sat at the headquarters, standing in the sky carrier office hall, watching the big screen show the Avengers going to destroy the Hydra, and involuntarily showed a smile.

“Sir, it looks like you’re in a good mood today.”

Beside her, Hill walked over with a cup of coffee and took a sip of it, she had been busy for the past two days and had hardly slept much.

But her efforts were not in vain.

Seeing that the Hydra was about to be overthrown, the originally cold and pretty face also had a smile.

He even teased a wave of chiefs.

Fury was not angry, as Hill said, he was in a good mood, glanced at the coffee in Hill’s hand, and joked: “If the coffee in your hand is for me, my mood may be more beautiful.” ”

“This is one of the magic weapons that I spent a lot of money on imported coffee that I stayed up late.”

Hill glanced at this somewhat stinky black-faced bald one-eyed dragon.

“Everything is getting better, isn’t it?”

Looking at the picture of the Avengers fighting in the Antarctic Hydra base, Hill sighed.

Demons, aliens, super-powers, supercriminals, and hydrasses are popping up with each other.

If it weren’t for those superheroes, the existence of the Sacred Realm, she didn’t dare to imagine what the world would become.

Maybe when demons appear, the world could be finished.

Because of the existence of these people, although the world remains as it is, there are no so-called demons, aliens.

The corners of Fury’s mouth twitched.

Is it better?

Why didn’t he feel it? Although the rise of Antonia and the rise of the Sacred Domain did not break the balance of the countries, it is clear that because of the rise of the Sacred Domain, this era has undergone tremendous changes.

All kinds of guys with extraordinary abilities are constantly emerging.

So much so that S.H.I.E.L.D.’s work is becoming more difficult, and if it weren’t for the formation of the Avengers, he doubted that S.H.I.E.L.D. could solve those incidents.

In particular, countries should not look at the fact that they have been showing goodwill to Antonia.

But in his heart, he was not always jealous, and even coveted the 390 kinds of god-like power of the other party.

If given the chance, Fury is confident that the United States will definitely become the greediest of the many hungry wolves.

It will definitely swallow Antonia completely at the first time.

However, Fury also admitted that because of the existence of the Sacred Domain, the planet has become safer, and there is no need to be afraid of the threat of external forces.

The two consider different levels.

Fury knew more and thought more.

Thoughts fleeting, throwing away these headaches, Fury groaned for a moment: “The real enemy has not been found, and we can’t take it lightly.” ”

Hill nodded.

She knew what Fury was referring to.

Qing Leng said: “Most of our agents have been dispatched, and all the surveillance system intelligence networks have been deployed, but there is still no trace of the other side, they are well hidden.” ”

“Well, it seems that you still have to rely on the Cancer one.”

Hill Liu’s eyebrows frowned and wondered, “With his strength, he should be able to find the traces of those rats, why doesn’t he seem to be in a hurry at all?” ”

Fury listened to this and shook his head.

“He should be waiting.”


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