
Finally, the dark energy that accompanied the vast expanse completely covered the planet.

The dark river like a rolling king and sun rolled terrifyingly, and this originally blue planet seemed to be swallowed up.

From the outside, the planet looks like a muddy and chaotic swamp.

“Hahahahaha, this universe is mine after all.”

A roar full of joy is delivered to everyone’s ears.

Just like Dormammu’s mood, the vast Dark King Yang was constantly rolling, which showed his excitement.

Huge dark energies composed of purple-black skulls looked down on the planet full of greed.

The fall of Gu Yi, all this has finally become his.

He will also conquer this dimension completely, and his power will be stronger because the universe will turn into darkness, and he will be greater.

The terrible momentum shook the entire void, and the rolling momentum even shattered the satellites of various countries outside the planet, and any so-called technology turned into dust under this matchless force.

And the distance from the ground / the ball is not more than a few million miles away A tall figure ./ Good full of queen temperament of a beautiful woman standing in the void looks at this scene with great interest.

A cold smile crossed her beautiful face.

The long black hair floats in strands one by one to show more temperament.

“I’ve heard of this guy before, I didn’t expect to be stronger than I thought, I haven’t seen it in a thousand years, there are so many strong people in Midgard, and those dangerous breaths make me very concerned, old man, are you weak to this extent now?”

“The control of the Nine Kingdoms is so low?”

Hella frowned, just breaking through the seal, originally thought that Asgard was still the master of this world, but she didn’t expect that there were so many terrible breaths.

Over the years, she must not only forge a terrible strength and a decisive ambition to kill.

He has a powerful instinct that surpasses Odin.

She now felt that on that small planet, there was a terrible and dangerous aura, even more terrifying than the original flame giant Surtel, who knew that this flame giant Surtel did not have to be inferior to any Heavenly Father-level strong person at all.

Especially in the hot country of Musbelheim, the strength of this flame giant is almost invincible.

The most critical thing is.

A trace of solemnity crossed Hela’s dark green jewel-like eyes, and the head of the mantis involuntarily scanned the void in the distance, and whispered, “I actually felt more than a dozen of these dangerous breaths.” ”

“It’s like a backstabbing, like it’s staring at me.”

“Each one is no worse than me at all, and there are several breaths like the abyss is unfathomable.”

“These guys have a crush on this planet?”

“Hey, a lot has happened in the millennium.”

Even if there was a cold sweat on Hela’s good-looking forehead, the joy of breaking through Odin’s old guy’s seal was nothing.

She also realized that Dormammu’s insidious purpose was indeed not simple.

Definitely not so kind to help her break the seal.

It turned out to be waiting for her here, or rather, as cannon fodder to test those guys.

The old lady is not fooled by this, hey ~ ~

Hella watched as the inexplicable chaotic dark energy in front of her swept over Dormammu, who was about to devour everything, and a sneer crossed the corners of her mouth.


Just as he was thinking, suddenly, he saw a little ghost of Midgart rushing to Dormammu wearing a red cloak.

There was a hint of interest.

Could it be that the dangerous breath burst out of this guy’s body?

When he shook his head, no, this little devil was obviously a mage, and it looked like the same guys called mages in Midgart.

Don’t say Heavenly Father Level, even this little devil of the Heavenly Father Level, has not reached it.

However, when he saw the necklace hanging from the little devil’s neck, his pupils shrank slightly: “That thing, actually on this little devil’s body, is a bit interesting.” ”

With her eyesight, she couldn’t see the origin of this thing?

Such an anti-heavenly thing actually existed with a little ghost’s body, and after thinking about it, she still resisted.

In the heartbeat, but that planet was now an unfathomable abyss in her eyes.

The terrible aura above it was almost like the kingdom of the gods, and even Asgard did not have so many levels of strong people.

Anyway, at least she was ready to throw a on when the situation was not good.

Steady hand is saying.

At this moment, Strange, who was carrying a heavy treasure, had already appeared in front of Dormammu face to face, looking at the skull composed of black energy that looked like the next planet, resisted the terrible and matchless momentum, gritted his teeth, and shouted at Dormammu, “Dormammu, I came to talk to you.” ”


As soon as these words fell, the terrifying and evil black energy rolled up in an instant.

I saw that the black energy like Wang Yang surrounded Strange, as if he wanted to completely devour this daring offense.

His heart tightened, and in an instant, his hands were already squeezed and scratched out a mysterious Fa seal.

I saw that the Eye of Agomoto hanging in front of the Hungarian did not know when it would bloom with an emerald green glow, and two magic arrays containing the mystery of time appeared on Strange’s wrists.

The surrounding space and time do not know when the micro-invisibility is affected.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be angry, and as this black Wang Yang rolled violently, an earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the heavens and the earth: “The Eye of Agomoto? Gu Yi’s damn bastard actually handed this thing over to you? ”

“Do you think you can stop me with this thing?”

“If it was Gu Yi, I would be quite jealous, but you are not enough at this level.”


Dormammu belongs to the existence of the dark dimension, is not affected by this dimensional universe, and does not exist in this time and space.

The power of time contained in the Eye of Agomoto is indeed powerful.

But it is also necessary to divide who uses it, if it is the ancient one, Dormammu is bound to be affected, but Strange cannot.

Strange was shocked, because he found that the time magic array above his wrists had begun to shatter faintly, and he was horrified to find that Dormammu’s strength could affect time, and even forcibly break time.


“Hahaha, little devil, your strength is not enough to talk to me.”

“He’s not qualified, but what about me?”

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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