The largest estate in Antonia.

At this moment, Antonia is still torrential downpouring, stormy, that kind of earth-shaking momentum, thunderstorms, lightning and thunder, trees blown by the wind to the east and west, crumbling, deafening thunder as if in the ears.

The trees in the middle of the road outside the manor were scraped to the east and west, and the pouring rain soon turned the road in front of the manor into a Zeguo.

Hella followed Godanwi’s footsteps and ignored the pouring rain and came outside the manor.

Both of them were Heavenly Father-level strongmen, and the torrential rain could not get close to the two at all.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

The pouring rain did not hide the footsteps of the two men, and the crisp sound was transmitted, and the appearance of the two had already attracted the attention of some people in the manor.

Hella swallowed and spat out, and she suddenly felt a chill on her back.

Dark green eyes turned.

Although she did not see a figure, she could clearly feel a pair of vigilant eyes mixed with cold eyes focused on her body.

Hella believes that once she has any changes, the first thing she will encounter is the thunder strike.

The most crucial thing was that there were thousands of extremely terrifying breaths on this small island, and each one was almost not much worse than the Heavenly Father Level, and even several of them were similar to the Heavenly Father Level’s strong aura.

How horrible is that?

What is the feeling of thousands of terrible breaths locked on a person’s body?

It is as if the whole person is pointed at by countless sharp blades all the time, and is cut at any time and anywhere.

Even a strong person like Hella was about to be unable to bear it, and her face became extremely pale.

Step into the bustling paths inside the estate.


Heavy rain falls, the sound is constantly transmitted to the ear, generally speaking, most people do not like the weather of heavy rain, let alone walk under this kind of weather.

But Godanwe is an exception, and I don’t know if it is the small universe book water, he especially likes this kind of rainy day.

Whether it’s a rainstorm or not.

Godanwe seemed to feel something, turned his head to look at Hela, who was originally pale and seemed to have a cold sweat on his forehead, and thought of something dumbfounded.

Shaking his head, a faint invisible will was transmitted to the minds of all the Saint Seiya on the island.

Suddenly, the breath receded like a tidal wave.

Hella was secretly relieved, she also knew that it was Godanwei who did it, and whispered with a hint of gratitude: “Thank you.” ”

“You’re welcome, you’re a guest, and we won’t be rude to you.”

Hella couldn’t help but smile bitterly, that careless word was really heart-wrenching.

As the goddess of death, no matter in which country she did not value it, but here, being warned not to say, seemed to be ignored, and did not worry at all about her other thoughts about that being.

The estate is huge.

But neither of them were ordinary people, and the pace of walking was very fast, and it didn’t take much time to reach the main villa in a manor.

The villa is built luxuriously.

As the world’s first mansion evaluated by the world, the mansion manor worth billions is full of romance and solemnity, with a high foyer and a grand gate, circular arches and corner stones, showing grace and luxury.

White stucco walls combine light red roof tiles, continuous arches and cloisters, and a living room with high ceiling windows.

Elegant and exquisite, there is no lack of comfort, the porch, the entrance hall stretches to the north and south, the living room, bedroom and so on are set with low windows and hexagonal viewing bay windows, the dining room is connected from north to south, and the indoor and outdoor scenes are integrated.

Just looking at it makes people feel comfortable.

Even if Hela’s vision was ridiculously high, seeing more of the tall and gorgeous buildings of the Divine Realm in the God Realm, and looking at the villas built by these mortals, she had a hint of appreciation.

Of course, there is also the existence of the dwelling place for part of the reason.

But if Hela had to choose, if it weren’t for the terrible existence here, she wouldn’t mind conquering the planet and then coming on vacation.

Of course, it is still okay now, anyway, she will not come back in the future.

The door of the villa opened automatically, and the two stepped on the expensive and exquisite red carpet to the inside, and Hela was more and more nervous at the moment, and did not even carefully observe the interior decoration.

Poof! Poof!

As she walked up the stairs to the higher floors of the villa, Hela’s nervous heart began to beat.

Godanwe glanced at Hella and smiled darkly.

Finally, stepping onto the top floor of the villa, the two finally saw the main owner.

Hela’s eyes widened even more, the top floor space is very large, and the luxurious wall paintings are full of retro feeling, painting many legendary heroes or gods in ancient mythology, but Hella did not care about these, and her eyes were on the window sill of the villa.

On the edge of the huge window sill, a man in a nylon sweater home costume turned his back on himself and watched the rainstorm outside the window.

He also had a cup in his hand.

It seemed to be just an ordinary back, but in Hela’s eyes, it was like an ancient god, if there was nothing to feel the vastness, the greatness.

“Your Highness ~~~”

At this moment, Godanwei on the side knelt on one knee on the ground and respectfully gave a salute.

“You’ve worked Godanwi, go and rest.”

“Yes, Your Highness~”

After a brief conversation, Godanwe stood up and ignored Hela, turned his head and left.

Hella felt stupid.

So Nyima put the old lady here? The whole villa is only two people, in case the other party has something to do with himself.

What if you make a villain the next day?

Forehead? It seems that it is also possible, the other party seems to be in perfect shape, especially the existence of powerful forces in the universe and their top-notch existence.

If you want to be the man who is her Hela, you must be stronger than her, and so must you.

And isn’t that exactly what you are doing?

Think about it, Hela actually felt a little shyness of loss.

In the midst of his wild thoughts, a helpless voice came from his ear: “If you have such a big disrespectful idea, if you are known by those little girls, it will definitely make you suffer.” ”


Hella was startled and looked back, suddenly sluggish.

Perfect slender figure, that is like the Creator Himself pinching almost perfect and handsome features, that is like a jewel deep and bottomless eyes, ancient, noble, holy temperament, what is this existence?

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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