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In the void of a galaxy.

A fleet of hundreds of flowers and greens marched slowly.

One of the largest of the main warships.

The leader of the pirate regiment was a purple-skinned man with an ugly face and a full of about two meters and a half, and most importantly, he had four hands, and these four muscular arms were enough for him to easily crush the enemy.

The most crucial thing was that the weapons held in his four hands were trained by him to the extreme.

It can be said that no one under the cold weapon can survive the storm of his four-handed weapons.

This is especially true for thermal weapons.

Because of this, he has made a big name in the universe, of course, this big name is only his face, in fact, his pirate group is just lonely and nameless.

In the dark world of the universe, all pirate organizations are not ranked at all.

But being able to build hundreds of warships with the strength of one person is also absolutely extraordinary, and the most important thing is not only his strength, but also the brutal and ferocious means, and greed.

The means of brutality are like this for almost every cosmic pirate.

But not everyone can become the boss like him, and the most important reason is greed.

Extremely greedy, greedy enough to do anything that benefits him, or robs him.

Also because of the support of greed, he is bolder than the average cosmic pirate, and he can generally not provoke forces that he can provoke for some interests.

But he’s also very sensible, and sanity will make him make a series of the right decisions.

For example, even if some interests are snatched from some forces, but for these big forces are not painful at all, the moment they are searched, he will directly flee, and these big forces are too lazy to hunt down, but only issue a reward.

It was for this reason that he was able to form such a cosmic pirate group of hundreds of battleships in a very short period of time.

There are even tens of thousands of members.

Not a particularly small pirate organization either.

And his name was Greedy Marbury.

Even his men called it that, because Marbury was really greedy, so greedy that they all felt a little afraid, but to be Marbury’s men was certainly not a fuel-saving lamp.

Along the way, the benefits are real.

For this reason, the other subordinates were indeed convinced of Marbury.

This time was no exception, robbing a planet, plundering countless resources, and capturing a large number of slaves, which could definitely sell a large amount of money if it were sold to the black market, which was enough for him to buy many warships again, even for a year or two.

Sure enough, robbing the planet is the most correct.

A wicked smile brushed from the corner of Marbury’s mouth, and his greedy heart swelled up again.

However, several of his lieutenants looked uneasy, completely delighted by the great gains they had gained this time.

In the cockpit, looking at the shooting stars constantly passing outside the window, one of the lieutenants swallowed and smeared, and said to Boss Marbury with an uneasy face: “Boss, boss, have we really done right this time?” You know, the planet we robbed is on the chassis of those people. ”

When he spoke of those people, he seemed to remember something, his face full of panic and fear, and his voice trembled enough to face his mood at the moment.

The same goes for the rest of the lieutenants.

Marbury knew the thoughts of his men, in fact, he was a little scared when he robbed, he was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid of the robbery when he happened to run into those people.

He was actually very afraid of that force.

But this time he’s sure.

Marbury said without looking back: “Rest assured, for this time, our original battleships were directly abandoned, and we spent a lot of money to buy a new batch of dilapidated warships, and when we robbed, we completely deliberately covered up our identity information.” ”

“Even if they were strong, it would be impossible to know about us, let alone find us.”

“And what we are robbing this time is just a backward civilization, a backward planet, which is too inconspicuous compared to the galaxy, and has not even had contact with other planets at all, or even recorded it.”

“As long as they can’t find us, we can be completely safe.”

Marbury was confident.

The rest of the lieutenants thought about it, and it was true, but the uneasiness in their hearts still lingered, knowing that the planet they were robbing was a backward civilization.

But the galaxy is the covering sphere of influence of the Holy Land.

The Sacred Realm established thirteen temples in the galaxy, directly issuing the most domineering declaration, and absolutely not allowing anyone to disturb the order in the galaxy.

There is absolutely no room for war against innocent civilians.

Not only did they do this, they even wiped out a civilization, but also captured a group of natives, which was simply an offense to the Holy Land and to pee and humiliate.

How could such a great shame and humiliation of the Sacred Realm let them go.

“Anyway, how about such a fool being powerful?” Haven’t you been tricked by me? What about Lao Tzu spreading wilderness on their turf? I sold these slaves for a year after selling their resources. ”


“The galaxy is really a good place, but it is a pity that it is occupied by that kind of force, and it is not developed, and it is not robbed, and it is simply occupied by the pit and does not.”

“What a bunch of idiots, and when the storm passes, I’m going to rob them, and I’ll see what they can do.”


Marbury’s rampant laughter spread throughout the battleship, and this arrogant and rampant remark shocked all the other men, who were already unruly and brutal, and they were worshipped under Marbury’s rampant declaration of contempt for the Holy Land, and the fanatical cry of excitement suddenly rang out.

“Hahaha, boss, kill them, what a holy realm, are a bunch of fools.”

“Yes, what if they are robbed, these fools can find us?” We didn’t know who had robbed them for a few years, hahaha. ”



“I’m robbing them once next year, so that these arrogant fools know what a cosmic pirate is, and let a bunch of stinky little devils maintain the so-called order.”

Under the rampant roar, hundreds of warships were like this, but a cold and childish voice did not know when to reach their ears.

“You’re awesome.”

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