Suppress the shock in your heart.

Thor and Loki didn’t see Karen on this trip.

They were greeted by a bald man, with a muscular stature than the bravest warriors of Asgard, who seemed to be called Sabonis.

However, the most important thing is that this bald man’s body is full of iron blood, which is completely different from other small tigers.

He was more like a soldier and more of a soldier.

Silent and taciturn, but there is a dangerous breath in his eyes all the time.

Thor was fine, but he felt that his war will was constantly soaring, and fighting with those young turnip heads was not his Thor’s style at all.

Let’s not say that he can’t beat or not, beat the child, where does this put his future king face in Asgard?

As for Loki, his heart was cold, and he always felt that this bald man always looked at his own eyes if there was no show./ A dangerous look that would break his neck at any time.

So much so that Loki began to think about when he had offended the guy in front of him.

He suddenly found that the Sacred Domain really seemed to be a magic cave, and there could be a demon king who broke him at any time.

Loki knew very well how particular the Sacred Realm was about order.

He Loki was clearly not a decent person, and he had no doubt that someone would suddenly run out and kill him.

Just as Loki was pondering how to run.

The bald man Sabonis spoke: “Your Highness is now in Antonia, if you want to meet Your Highness, I can help you contact Orfi, and when you have the consent of Your Highness, you can enter Antonia.” ”

It seems very enthusiastic, but the words are full of indisputable.

Thor was fine, but Loki wasn’t a reassuring character in his eyes.

Although weak, the god of trickery and lies still made the Antonian Army instructor and the chief instructor of the Sacred Realm a little more satisfied.

Even if he believed that His Highness could squeeze the ant to death at will, for the loyal and fanatical Sabonis, it was definitely an unforgivable sin to let a fly wander in front of His Highness disturb His Highness’s interest.

The tens of thousands of Saint Fighters in the Sacred Realm were here, and this still had to let the fly-like figure disturb His Highness, what was the difference between that and the waste.

Of course, Loki was completely unaware that the strong man in front of him regarded himself as some kind of disgusting little creature, but he could also feel that the other party seemed to be vaguely unkind to him, so he did not wait for his brother to speak, and immediately replied: “In this case, it will be trouble.” ”


Thor was preemptively answered by his brother, although it felt a little strange, but of course he would not be angry about it, as to whether the unconscious brother would have any conspiracy or something like that.

Thor believed that Loki would never dare to brush any means in front of the behemoth of the Sacred Realm.

After all, the Sacred Realm had always been known for its decisiveness, and the corpses that died in the hands of the Saint Fighters were estimated to be able to forge a realm of skeletal death.

Loki was fine with the others.

Even if you face him, but the Sacred Domain will not be accustomed to Loki, if it angers the Sacred Domain, these terrible guys will not pay any attention to Asgard’s “prestige”.

With Loki’s wisdom would not fail to do this.

So he was relieved.

Of course, Loki’s thoughts, with the first awakening of the small universe is still almost into the first sense of Sabonis how can not feel, but he did not say much.

In fact, the moment the two brothers Thor and Loki stepped into the portal, the guardian saints of the portal began to perceive the two brothers.

If the two dare to show a little malice.

Then there was an attack from hundreds of Saint Gladiator guards.

The two brothers did not know, and Sabonis certainly did not say, but nodded.

“It takes some time to contact, if you are interested, you can walk around the holy land, the scenery here is still very good, of course, some of the main places you can’t go in ~~”

“I know, thank you.”

So Sabonis turned away, and the two wandered around, walking over the connection, and after crossing an arch bridge, they came to a small island, this small island called Peloponnese.

The island’s environment is extremely elegant.

The calm sapphire sea, the warm direct light, the blue-and-white domed houses, the dazzling flowers on the fence.

The majestic sea, the blue sky without sorrow.

A seabird soaring in the wind between small islands.

This is the unique beauty of this small island.

The classically beautiful sight made both Thor and Loki marvel.

There are many young girls living on the island, just like a small country, and when Thor and Loki walk on the island stepped road, they can see many young girls in civilian clothes walking on the street.

There are also many young girls who take care of the flowers and plants on the island.

The atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

Although there were some surprises about the arrival of Thor and Loki, the young girls here were not hostile.

After some inquiry, the two learned that this was probably the house where many of the new children were resting.

So it looks very harmonious here.

The other “predecessors” of the older generation of the awakened small universe have long had houses in other more central points, generally speaking, the houses on the island are free, anyone can live, and they are all distributed houses.

Not big, but cozy.

Many Saints of the previous generation or earlier who were already ready to perform their missions liked the Lord here.

However, it is still a bit far from the athletic training ground.

More Saint Seiya of the older generation who can perform missions to earn money want to get close to the center of the Sacred Realm, and they need to spend their own money to buy it.

Yes, the house in the Sacred Realm also needs to be purchased at a cost.

And the price will not be particularly cheap, after all, it is the center of the Sacred Realm.

Fortunately, the rewards for the Saints’ missions are very generous, of course, there are also internal rewards exchange and the like, and many of them will release tasks for other Saint Fighters to help themselves at a critical moment in cultivation.

Basically the Sanctuary is a small kingdom.

Don’t look at the Sacred Realm floating in the void, but the Sacred Domain is not entirely only Saint Seiya, but also many ordinary people, sweepers, maintenance, cooks, etc., the number of people occupied is not even a minority, there are seven or eight thousand people.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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