Then Hella realized something was wrong.

Even if his brother was stupid, it was absolutely impossible to provoke himself at this time, especially in the thought of the calm gaze at the beginning, Hella frowned.

Turning to look at Thor: “What are you trying to say?” ”

Although patient, his disgust for Thor’s father and son made Hela still cold as frost.

But Thor was not afraid, but slowly walked to Hela.

Even the hammer that fell into the pit was not picked up, which seemed particularly sincere, and this performance was not only Hela’s accident, but even the three warriors Shiv and Loki on the distant wall could not help but raise their hearts.

There is no doubt that Thor’s hammer means a lot to Thor.

Thor’s combat power, which had lost Thor’s hammer, was an absolute plunge.

In the face of such a strong person as Hela, if she really desperately wants Thor to die, Thor will not even have room to fight back.

But the good thing is that Hela didn’t do that, and she cared more about what Sol said.

Looking at Hela with a frown, Thor didn’t delay.

Directly express your premonition.

Hela was dismissive.

“Twilight of the gods? Earthly python? This garbage is nothing to me, and your hunch? What kind of strength can you have and what can you foresee? ”

Thor’s so-called premonition, Hela did not believe at all.

As a foreseeker of the future, this ability actually has the existence of the Heavenly Father, and Hela herself has it, but the current future is in chaos, plus she herself is not proficient in this ability, so it is not appropriate.

But what strength is Thor capable of foreseeing two crises so clearly?

It’s ridiculous.

When Hella heard this, she didn’t want to pay any attention to it and prepared to leave directly, and she almost wanted to laugh in her heart, this stupid brother was afraid that the one-year deadline had expired, and planned to deceive her in this way.

But the next second, Thor’s voice relayed through her mind, causing Hela’s body to shake violently.

“His Royal Highness Karen also confirmed my hunch that this would definitely happen.”

“Time is a year later, and a year later, the dusk of the gods will fall, the revenge of the earthly python will strike, no one will stop it, and Asgard will absolutely perish in disaster.”

The footsteps stopped suddenly.

“Hela, our civil war is a matter for Asgard, but I am sure you absolutely do not want to see Asgard destroyed, which is why I ask His Highness Cullen to mediate the war between us.”

“Asgard is not afraid of war or destruction, but it is definitely not in this way.”

Thor’s words made Hela’s face cloudy.

Thor was not speaking, and if that didn’t convince Hela, then there was nothing he could do.

For a moment, the atmosphere became silent.

I don’t know how long it has been, but a ghostly voice came: “What is your idea?” ”


“I didn’t expect Hella to be persuaded by Thor, and it seems that she still cares a lot about Asgard, although she says she doesn’t care.” Dressed in elaborate casual clothing, Cullen walked slowly on the large lawn of his manor with several big furry cats at his feet.

Lazily walking around his master, from time to time to make a fuss, it seems quite harmonious.

Behind him is Orphe, who has grown up.

Already nearly twenty years old, Orphie looks very handsome, a blue hair shows his temperament, although he often does not go out much because of cultivation, but as a perennial town guard Antonia Orfi is not low on the island.

Not even inferior to that golden sequence at all.

It should be known that the popularity of the Golden Sequence is not only in Antonia, but also in the world, and it is definitely the level of the emperor’s superstar.

Fans are at least in the billions level.

It can be compared to the gold sequence, which shows how popular Orphie is.

However, what bothered Karen a little lately was that this group of grown Saint Fighters had all grown up, but it seemed that none of them had become a family, and it was simply rotten to say that they wanted to cultivate to the realm of the gods.

Fortunately, there are many people in love.

Basically, it is the young girls in the Sacred Domain who fall in love, and there are also many ordinary girls and Saint Seiya teenagers who fall in love because of chance.

The sour smell of love Karen smelled very clearly.

Growing up so big, Karen actually hasn’t been in a relationship once, it’s just amazing.

Just when Karen was sour, a gentle voice suddenly came out of his ear.

Your Highness ~~~”

Hearing this sound, O’Fei behind him couldn’t help but bend his eyes a curve and secretly smiled.

As if sensing that he was laughing at himself behind him, Karen didn’t even have the posture of the Lord of the Sacred Realm at all, and “viciously” glanced at this schadenfreude guy.

Immediately felt some headache and looked not far away.

Not far away, an environmentally friendly passenger car came to the two people’s side, a girl with red hair walked out of the car, and the big cats next to them were very excited to see the girl, and they ran to the girl’s side and rubbed the girl with their big hairy heads.

Of course, I accidentally rubbed somewhere where the girl grew up, so that the girl was ashamed to knock on a stupid big cat.

Looking at the harmony between the girls and the big lions and tigers, Karen’s eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness.

I don’t know if it is the reason why I have been in Antonia for the past two years, coupled with the fact that I pay more attention to girls and teach them personally from time to time, girls seem to have grown up and have different thoughts about themselves.

Karen was not a fool and of course could see the girl’s careful thinking.

It’s just a bit of a headache.

In fact, she is far more than the only one who likes him, but most of them dare not say anything to themselves because of identity problems.

But this girl is different, simply bold, every day in the name of letting him teach, and even blatantly find a room in the manor, looking like she wants to live forever.

It is also known as convenient to be taught.

It also seems to be fortunate to see that Karen does not hate girls, otherwise he would have been thrown out of the manor by the guards long ago.

Of course, whether you can play or not is another matter.

“Inna, you’re about to have the eighth sense, don’t you want to cultivate well?” I heard that Zoro has already stepped into the eighth sense with half a foot~”

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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