
At this moment, suddenly a holographic projection appeared in front of the man, and he saw a beautiful woman with burgundy hair appear on the screen.

The background of the picture seems to be a dining hall.

Bright lights, a lot of vegetation and other decorations hanging on the walls around it, a rectangular dining table is flanked by high chairs, not far away is a huge sofa and glass table, obviously a place to rest and chat.

The whole place seems extra homely.

And when this beautiful woman was smiling, a human head suddenly appeared on the side, and she said wordlessly: “Tony, are you staying up late again?” ”

“Uh… Collecting micro-wormhole technology some time ago really excited me, hey, Barton, Natasha, what’s breakfast today? ”

Stretching out and wiping the corners of his eyes with his hand, Tony yawned and lifted the futon and walked down to wash up the bathroom in the room.

When she was washing with a toothbrush, Natasha over there shrugged, “Today is the Sambi style ~~”


Tony’s brushing hand froze suddenly, remembering the sticky breakfast of the sambi star’s nose./snot, and his face suddenly stiffened.

Three months of breaking into life have allowed them to experience a lot.

After countless battles, I also understood the cruel laws of the dark forest, but I also saw the warm love and so on.

And Sambi is also a relatively neutral planet, biased towards the peaceful kind, and it is also a relatively well-known force in the universe.

Of course, Sambi Star is good at everything, but on the food side, it simply leaves Tony speechless.

Even someone like Tony, who is not particularly picky eaters, can’t stand the dark “food” of Sampi.

Unexpectedly, Natasha, who had been in charge of the food of the big guys, actually learned the “cuisine” of Sampistar.

This day can’t pass.

Looking at Tony’s bitter chirping made Natasha laugh at the table.

“Of course it’s a joke, you seem to be a little on fire these two days, eat something light.”

“Wow, that’s great.”

A few minutes later, the washed Tony casually picked out a white T-shirt and walked to the restaurant, and it had to be said that since the conversion of a captured medium warship, their safety was much stronger.

Generally speaking, basically no one in the universe will directly provoke a medium-sized warship.

Even the cosmic pirates are the same.

Although most of the space pirates in the universe are also a large number of people, most of them are small warships, and medium-sized warships are basically very rare.

Only those pirate organizations of great size would have them in large numbers.

But rarely.

So since Tony and others had this medium-sized battleship, they had been attacked a lot less, and most of the powerful people who had not been to a certain place would be kind to them.

After all, in the past three months, they have fought countless times and created a lot of reputation.

Plus the gold coin in your hand is no joke.

Although they are famous for traveling, they are actually similar to bounty hunters.

Mainly the fuel resources needed by the battleships, etc., also need money consumption, although they were paid a lot of money by the people on the black market last time, mainly buying a lot of weapons materials and some rare technology.

Consume seven seven eight eight.

So they also go to some black markets or intermediaries to intercept some difficult tasks.

The strength of the Avengers is not bad, and it is one of the best of all the bounty teams in the universe.

In the past three months, Tony has developed a lot of technology to make his armor greatly enhanced, and the strength of the rest of Natasha, Barton, and the US team has also been greatly enhanced by technology and other equipment.

Even get some treasures that can enhance your physique.

Regardless of the equipment, Natasha alone can easily defeat the original dozen of herself.

Enhancement is evident.

Of course, the biggest change is Tony, I have to say that Tony has to admit that traveling to the universe is indeed the most correct decision, not only to broaden the horizon, but also to obtain countless advanced technologies far beyond the earth/globe civilization.

There were many techniques that he hadn’t even thought about.

Tony’s wisdom has not been able to fully eat these technologies, but for now, his scientific and technological skills have almost improved several notches.

It was even applied to this battleship.

Don’t look at the Avengers II seems a little shabby, but for single-wheeled medium-sized battleships, functional weapon defense technology and so on are definitely stronger than most of the universe.

The only downside may be that there are fewer than ten people on this huge medium-sized warship.


The electromagnetic door opened, and Tony came to a huge dining room, extremely luxuriously decorated, and not far from the long table you saw several people besides Natasha, Barton, Dr. Banner and the American team.

A strong man who was two meters tall and full of muscles burst like a tank.

If it is not that bright pink skin, it is similar to that of a human.

The other had a beautiful pair of angelic wings and a pair of horns like goat’s horns on her smooth forehead.

There was also a strong guy with a horse’s head on the side.

“Mr. Tony~”

“Hey, Tanzan, Fia, Bill, was it okay to rest yesterday?”

“Very good value for money”

“Another beautiful day.”

The other three raised their glasses to Tony.

Tony shrugged as he watched the three of them eat, Tanzanite is a fighting clan, said to have been wiped out by a big power, and then became a bounty hunter wandering the universe, trying to avenge but found that the big force went to war with another more powerful force, and was wiped out.

The revenge inexplicably repaid his boredom in addition to doing the task is to drink drunk and dream of death.

When doing a mission on a planet with an extremely harsh environment, he met Tony and others who were also doing the task, and after some twists and turns, Tanzania and Tony and others formed a friendship.

Seeing that the other party’s combat strength is good, people are also quite generous, and after entering the internal deliberations of the Avengers, they invite each other to join this group.

As for Fiya, it is the winged people of the Horn Sutra, a race that is extremely popular in the universe, and it is said that every winged human race has incredible abilities, and so does Fiya.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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