It was learned from the girl named Jean Ye that the Cancer Gold Coin could automatically trigger an attack in a time of crisis.

This Cancer gold coin has triggered changes many times before.

The latter also confirms that the crisis has indeed come.

This triggered this change again, apparently as if it were a harbinger of danger coming.

The other three new recruits were a little unborrowed, but Tony and the others knew in an instant, and Tony and the others quickly stood up and walked toward the cab.

As he walked, Tony’s slightly vicissitudes of face crossed a calm color and said, “Friday~~”

“Sir, no fluctuations in capability or fleet have been detected.”

The gentle girl came.

“Could it be that you think too much?”

Originally, they wanted to say this, but the three of them looked at the serious looks of Tony and other friends, and it was obvious that they were not joking and stopped talking.

After so many days of contact, all three knew that even the most unreliable looking Tony Stark would not joke on the key big things.

The battleship was huge, but it didn’t take long to get to the wheelhouse.

The wheelhouse, as the operating room of the entire battleship, is a top priority, and even this wheelhouse has been modified by Tony to escape the battlefield alone as a small spaceship when the crisis is critical.

When they got to the cab, the rest of the people except Tony sat in the driver’s chair, and Tony was operating on the operating table behind the driver’s chair.

“Energy detection is normal.”

“Magnetic field detection is normal.”

“Check if it’s from a cosmic natural disaster.”

“No cosmic natural disasters were detected.”

After a quick test, Tony frowned, and Tony looked at all the calculated data that appeared on the big screen of the operating table, and suddenly saw a piece of data soaring, and his pupils shrank suddenly.



Rogers and the others, who were already serious about the US team who were ready to face various battles, heard Tony’s dark scolding and turned their heads in confusion.

Hearing Rogers’ voice subconsciously look at the confused faces of the people, Tony said bitterly: “Guys, we are miserable, completely surrounded~”


Honk!! Honk! Honk! Honk!

The red alarm sounded in the ears of everyone in an instant, and the gentle girl of Friday appeared: “Gentlemen and ladies, there are a large number of warships in the rear that open wormholes and jump.” ”

“According to estimates, there are about 10,000 warships~”

At this moment, not to mention the three new people, even the most determined Rogers could not help but have a cold sweat on his forehead.

That’s a scary number.

Tony’s modified medium battleship is far more than half of the medium warships in terms of performance and data, and the firepower is comparable to that of large warships.

As long as you don’t fall into a large number of encirclements, you can break through safely.

But apparently these ten thousand warships have put pressure on them.

If they are only small and medium-sized warships, there is still a chance, but if there are large warships, it is really dangerous.

“On Friday, start the wormhole jump immediately and get ready to leave.”

“Open wormhole jump, nineteen eight seven six….. Five. ”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While everyone was nervously waiting, Friday’s voice slammed in: “Sir, there is power to interfere with the nearby space.” ”

“Forcibly opening the space jump may cause irreversible accidents, do you want to continue to open?” i”

“Damn, give up jumping ~~”

Tony’s face was not very good, he could not put his hopes on accidents, especially for wormhole jumping.

If you are not careful, you may be torn apart by a powerful space.

The consequences weren’t good, and Tony didn’t want to try.

In addition, even if they are surrounded by ten thousand warships, it is definitely not a hopeless situation, after all, with that Cancer gold coin, they are basically invincible in any desperate situation they are in.

The universe now knows the power of the golden sequence.

In addition, the major forces basically know that they have a gold coin specially made by the gold sequence.

Not to mention that this gold coin contains a hand-engraved fist of light in the golden sequence that can destroy anything in an instant.

Just being able to talk about handmade gold coins for Tony and others, as long as you are not a fool, you can know that the relationship between the two sides is definitely not ordinary.

If you really want to kill the Avengers, let’s not say whether you are confident that you can withstand the lightspeed punch from the gold coins.

You also have to consider whether you or the forces behind you can withstand the revenge of a golden sequence and even the entire fertility, which is not generally serious.

The weight of a gold in the universe is basically the highest column.

Who can stand it?

Even the first-class forces in the universe could not hold back, and the three great empires of the galaxy, Ash, Skrull, and Kerry also belonged to the first-class big forces in the universe.

But only three golds were dispatched.

It will be completely destroyed.

It was a complete overthrow, and the entire galaxy was destroyed.

No one in the universe wants to repeat the mistakes of the past.

One might think that the golden sequence and the Avengers are just trading and don’t have much to do with it, but who would bet?

Plus the Avengers don’t have anything worth making them crazy enough to gamble and risk offending a golden sequence.

So the Avengers’ three months of experience in the universe have been extremely smooth.

This time there was no circumvention of the trouble, but it should not be a big problem, so the Tony guys frowned and did not rush too much.

At this time, a large number of sci-fi warships densely penetrated from the wormhole.

At a glance, most of them are medium-sized warships, and there are many large warships, and the most surprising thing is that there is a huge warship surrounded by a number of warships, which is like a war fortress in the universe.

This turned out to be a mothership-class battleship.


The Tony guys watching this picture couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, the medium-sized battle is already very large, but the contrast with this mothership, it is simply the gap between elephants and chicken cubs.

In the dark, Tony and the others had to look up at the special transparent ceiling.

“Wow, it’s actually a mothership, it looks a little unusual.”

“Sigh, having a mothership looks really unusual.”

“It’s terrible, I really haven’t seen a mothership-class battleship before, it’s amazing.”

Several people looked at it and talked about it.

(Happy New Year to everyone, Happy New Year to the big guys ~ ~ ~ I wish everyone a happy Year of the Ox!) )

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