The small changes in Godanway certainly did not escape the eyes of several other Silver Saints.

“Huh? What happened? It was able to attract the attention of Lord Godanwi. ”

“It doesn’t look like a small thing, otherwise it wouldn’t be so moving.”

“It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it true that a force that doesn’t know that the dead and alive are slaughtering life on a certain planet?”

“It shouldn’t be like that, otherwise Lord Godanwei would probably have to shoot directly.”

Several other silver looked at each other, and crossed a few eyes and the crowd exchanged moments.

It was obviously not a small thing to be so moved by a Saint Seiya of the Golden Sequence.

“Lord Godanwi? Is there something wrong that we need to move? Jean Ye didn’t think so much and asked directly.

Godanwe did not answer, but the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

“Do you want to shoot directly?” The power of the gold coin engraving was enough for me to open the portal, although the distance was a little far, but the problem was not big, and it took a little space. ”

“His goal of being a Heavenly Father-level strong man is directed at the Avengers, it should not be a whim, it seems that there is something behind it.”


“Well, let’s see what the hell these guys want to do, but before I do that, I’ll have to try what you’re talking about.”

Just for an instant, the huge movement of thinking made Godanwei already consider many factors, and his life level surpassed ordinary people by thousands of times and tens of thousands of times.

And of course there’s thinking.

It can be said that any golden sequence of Saint Seiya brain is not much stronger than the world’s most algorithmic computer.

I don’t know how many thoughts have flowed between breaths.




The momentum exclusive to the Heavenly Father level swept through the entire heaven and earth, almost causing the nearby space to begin to distort, and even tearing out of thin air because of the collision of the two momentums.

The pressure as heavy as mercury is dead pressed on all people.

Including the subordinates brought by Gao Tianzun.

The Avengers are also good to say that even Tony Barton, who was originally weaker in physical fitness than the universe, has increased his physical fitness by about three times because of some things he has recently received.

Coupled with the fact that he is extremely strong as a superhero.

But the High Heavenly Lords’ men were not very good.

Most of them began to stagger, and some of the weaker soldiers fell to their knees.

“Is this the strength of the Grandmaster?” Just the momentum makes us unable to hold on. ”

“It was terrible, as if the sky was about to fall.”

“The other side is more terrible, but a gold coin engraved has such power.”

“Yes, no loss is the mighty power of the universe.”

“Yeah, but the other side is those people, is it really good?”

“Shut up, if you don’t want to die, don’t talk about the master.”

The soldiers were talking about it, and Grandmaster Gao Tianzun naturally didn’t know it, but what he didn’t expect was that just a single gold coin could burst out such a momentum and directly stalemate with him.

I was not only able to counter him with everything I made, but I was still under my own hands.

It was a disgrace, but fortunately, the master who had lived for countless years did not care so much.

But the jealousy of Saint Seiya in his heart grew stronger.

His figure disappeared into the mothership.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the location of the original projection, and the projection disappeared only his figure.

Looking at the medium-sized battleship floating ahead, his eyes crossed the cold light.

The powerful cosmic secret energy burst out in his hand, shining a turquoise light.

Looking at this posture, Tony and everyone else in the Avengers suddenly changed their faces.

“Damn, he’s going to kill us directly.”

Patton yelled out.


But without giving Tony and the others time to react, the vast and terrifying beam of green energy tore through the void and poured toward the Avengers.

The majestic energy made the void vibrate and twist along the way.

This shows how terrible this energy really is.

At least the detection energy data on the Avenger has completely exploded.

The green glow stained everyone’s eyes, reflecting the shocked looks of Tony and the others.

But there is no fear.


The next second, the Cancer gold coin that had been suspended in front of Tony was constantly vibrating, and the golden light suddenly shone with a mighty golden light, as if it had a spirit, and the torn air disappeared into the battleship.

When Tony and a few people saw this and looked down at the golden light, they saw that the Cancer gold coin had appeared in front of the Avengers.

Just as the green energy pillar was about to completely submerge the Avenger, an arm draped in golden armor appeared in the golden light that was not stained with a trace of dust.

The index finger with the golden fist that appeared to be free of fireworks lightly pointed at the void.

Suddenly, a terrifying tremor resounded through the wilderness.


As if in a catastrophe, I saw that the majestic green pillar of light exploded directly under this slight click, as if it had been hit by some force.

The Heavenly Father’s power explosion far exceeded that of ordinary energy weapons.

It can even rival the fluctuations in the capabilities generated by a planet’s explosion.

The void less than a few kilometers in front of the Avenger seemed to collapse, and the space was constantly twisting and tearing, and this terrible force was like a natural disaster, enough to tear anything apart.

And all the warships in the distance were shaking and swinging wildly under this terrible fluctuation, and some of the battleships could not even withstand the fluctuations and were directly torn apart.

When Gao Tianzun and all the other soldiers saw this, they did not hesitate to open the defense system, and one after another energy barriers wrapped around the battleship to resist this fluctuation, so as not to overthrow this natural disaster.

Everything was done, and everyone’s eyes were on the goal again.

The Avenger was drowned in a golden glow that was not stained with a trace of dust, and it was not clear what was going on inside, nor was it possible to see if such a close distance would be destroyed by the power of this comparable natural disaster.

“Must be dead, right?”

“It’s definitely over, so close, it’s just a medium-sized battleship, it certainly can’t resist.”

“How did I hear that if these people were in danger, the Cancer Gold Coin would directly hit the Cancer Golden Sequence’s lightspeed fist?” I don’t see it now. ”

“This… Isn’t it dead? ”

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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