A mere 30,000 people facing a huge group of warships densely packed throughout the void was too small.

But no one cares about that.

On the contrary, in front of these thirty thousand Saint Fighters, this group of Chitauri, the Vanguard Guard and the Grandmaster’s battleships were more like a slightly larger and more ant than that.

In the face of this number of warships, others may be frightened and afraid, but the Saint Seiya have only disdain.

“Nine Golden Sequences, thirty-three Primordial Silver, and thirty thousand Saint Seiya who started at least the middle of the Sixth Sense, this scale!!”

The Grandmaster on the observation deck of the Mothership of the Temple was extremely ugly.

He had thought that the Sacred Realm would definitely send legions in a furious manner, but he didn’t expect to attach so much importance to them.

There were only fourteen gold in the Sacred Domain, and the nine that would come from this would start with thirty thousand Sixth Senses, mixed with many Sixth Sense Peaks, and only one step away from being able to realm the Saint Fighters of the Seventh Sense Silver Level.

At this scale, destroying a galaxy is simply not too simple.

One gold can destroy a galaxy, that scale.

If Gao Tianzun hadn’t seen Thanos’s hole card, he wouldn’t have seen the possibility of his side winning now.

But even with that hole card, he always felt that the odds of winning were not crushing.

To tell the truth, now Gao Tianzun had some regrets about his choice, and he completely underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Saint Fighters.

He couldn’t have imagined that a Heavenly Father-level Saint Seiya could have the capital to cross the level challenge, although he was perhaps the weakest Thanos in the single universe.

But that’s tough enough.

One can compete with Thanos, but what about the nine?

He could only hope that Thanos’s hole cards would be as he expected, otherwise maybe today would be their day of fall.

“It’s really funny, he actually fished out nine golden sequences, I don’t know if he will be sad to lose nine very good warriors.” Thanos is as confident as ever, but in fact there is some pressure inside.

It’s like eating each other.

As for Gao Tianzun, he could only secretly slander him.

However, he could only appreciate Thanos’s self-confidence, after all, it was good that the current situation could still maintain self-confidence, and he could not always frown, if this was the case, Gao Tianzun guaranteed that he would directly surrender at the first time he found an opportunity.

At this point a voice is clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears.

“Thanos, high heavens, accept the trial.”

“Destroy the enemy.”

The tone was full of indisputable doubts.

As the sound fell, changing the scalp-tingling atmosphere, with a clear drink, I saw the thirty thousand Saint Fighters behind the nine golden sequences burning around them like flames in an instant.

With one impact after another, meteor-like beauty rushed towards Thanos’s fleet.

There was absolutely no superfluous nonsense.

Sanos and Gao Tianzun were also slightly surprised by this, but seeing that the opposing Saint Fighter Legion had already charged, they naturally would not be angry.

Thanos’s muffled voice spread throughout the fleet with the Temple’s communicator.

“Attack all and destroy them.”


At the order of Thanos, a series of dense gunfire, energy beams, etc. poured out towards the Saint Seiya legions that rushed forward like a torrential rain.

It also lit up the dim void with this fireworks-like cannon fire.

It also lights up the hearts of all those who are watching the direction of this war.

“Here we go.”

“Haha, I can fully see the Saint Seiya shooting again, so helpful.”

“I see this kind of war boiling with blood, and I really want to participate in it.”

“Forget it, a small group like ours will be wiped out almost instantly in a war of this rank.”

“Yes, a large warship is like a drop of water in the sea in this war, and it melts into it and disappears.”

“Don’t argue, look good.”

At the moment of speaking, the combined fleet of artillery fire like a torrential rain almost filled the entire void, and the powerful firepower of this intensity could be blown into cosmic dust in an instant.

Even if the Silver Saint Fighter endured it and did not fall, it would cause some injuries.

In particular, there are a lot of fighter-star firepower in these artillery fires.

The most powerful advantage of the Saint Seiya is not only the strength of the force, but also the ability to fight alone to dominate the entire universe.

The agile speed far exceeds that of some single combat aircraft known for their agility.

In the heavy artillery fire they can also find a way to dodge in an instant.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, they saw that the thirty thousand Saint Fighters were instantly overwhelmed by the dense artillery fire, but what made everyone feel shocked was that these warriors did not stop their steps to resist because of such a dense artillery fire.

Instead, he did not stop the speed of his flight at all, still using supersonic speed and even sub-light speed speed to rush towards the fleet, facing the same speed of terrible artillery fire, the moment of collision between the two was only a slight tilt or an angle.

He completely dodged the oncoming fire.

This was true every time, and every Saint Seiya was able to find a dodging route to dodge in the dense layers of artillery fire.

Then, still at a completely unimpeded speed, he rushed towards the combined fleet.

Even using a few dodging postures, without expending a certain amount of extra physical strength, the covering bombing fire of Thanos was completely ineffective.


Everyone who looked at it could not help but tingle in the scalp, and in this degree of coverage of artillery bombardment, dodging, and most importantly, both were rushing towards each other at an extremely terrifying speed, and that instant of dodging.

This reaction nerves, this flexibility, this decisive computing power.

It’s scary to watch.

“My God, is this the Saint Seiya of the Sacred Realm?”

“It’s horrible, but it’s not just about this powerful computing power, the reaction nerve, and most importantly, the extremely decisive judgment.”

“This group of children who look only teenagers, this determination is more than many warriors who have been trained between life and death.”

“This is worthy of the Saint Seiya cultivated by the Sacred Realm.”

“This will destroy Thanos’ fleet.”

“Sigh, the gold has not yet been shot, these thirty thousand Saint Fighter Legions can destroy the fleet, it seems that the direction of the war is indeed between the Thanos High Heavenly Lord and the nine golds.”

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!) )

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