Barry shook his head.

For their own slightly “lively” teammates are also helpless.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, countless energy beams came like a torrential rain, but Barry was not vigilant or surprised, and at the moment when the energy beams touched, his figure had disappeared.

The surrounding Chitauri were taken aback.

There was some panic in search of Barry, but with a pure white holy radiance.


With an explosion, the large Chitauri warship had already been blown up by Barry.

Ignoring the exploding battleship, Barry floated in mid-air.

Glancing at the fireworks exploding battleships, Barry was about to look for his next target when suddenly powerful perception told him that danger was coming, and a huge shadow stretched out from behind him.

Barry subconsciously looked back and saw a huge warship with two huge tails parked not far from him.

This battleship was far larger than other large warships, more than dozens of times larger.

Especially on this ship, Barry sensed that there were two extremely terrifying and terrifying beings in it.


These two words crossed his mind, a stirring spirit, Barry knew that he was already in a dangerous place, and just when he wanted to leave, he found a majestic breath sweeping over the sky.

It was as heavy as the ancient Olyptic Mountains were suppressed around him.

The space became extremely viscous, and Barry only felt that his body was out of his control, unable to move at all.

His body was covered with blood and qi flowing backwards, and under the influence of this force, his face also became red.

“Damn, this kind of power can’t even make Ye Jie compare, definitely a Heavenly Father-level strongman, is it Thanos or Grandmaster Gao Tianzun?”

Barry scolded in his heart.

“Well, very spiritual little devil, go back and rebuild the bloody gladiatorial arena, I feel you are qualified to be my champion gladiator.”

At this time, a slightly sharp voice was transmitted in his mind.

A name crossed Barry’s mind.

High Heavenly Dignity.

Is this old guy going to take a shot at himself?

Barry realized the seriousness of the matter, but he was now only a Saint Seiya of the middle of the Sixth Sense, and Gao Tianzun was already a Heavenly Father-level strongman, although it was incomparable to the Golden Sequence of the Seventh Sense.

It was still a gentle and easy thing to deal with with his little Sixth Sense Saint Seiya.

Especially now that he is imprisoned by the other party using unknown forces, he cannot move at all.

The air of danger grew thicker, and Barry realized that he could no longer wait.


Decisiveness is also one of Barry’s personality characteristics, without the slightest hesitation, directly burning the small universe, driven by a strong will, the small universe in his body burns like a flame.

Suddenly, a powerful force far beyond the middle of the Sixth Sense burst out of Barry’s body.

The green eyes glowed with a terrifying golden glow.

The divine and powerful breath spreads.


Under the roar.

Barry escaped the confinement, but the danger was still there, his right fist stood at his waist, and the arm under the holy robe saw the green tendons that were extremely vicious.

Lightning Lightspeed Fist!!

Under extreme pressure and burning in the small universe, Barry did not play his own mysteries.

Instead, it is to play the simplest, but powerful enough mysteries.

Shining starlight bloomed from Barry’s swinging fist.

The stars shone in this dim void, and also in front of this huge battleship like a fortress of war.


But now, the realm of Ibari is burning the small universe and cannot do any harm to a heavenly father.

However, this sudden surge in combat power still attracted the attention of Gao Tianzun and Thanos.

Just as the hundreds of millions of star-like shining fists were about to hit this huge mothership, a huge energy barrier emerged.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a muffled sound, under Barry’s gaze, the lightning speed fist that he had struck by burning the small universe only made this energy barrier produce a ripple and ripple.

Didn’t even break the defenses?

Barry gritted his teeth.

“Little devil, you’re really good!!”

At this moment, the voice of Gao Tianzun suddenly came clearly in his ears, and this sound made Barry suddenly feel a stirring, floating in the void of his body stiff.

Damn it.

Barry already realized that Gao Tianzun had personally attacked and wanted to continue to burn the small universe to fight back, but found that an inexplicable powerful force completely imprisoned him.

In how to burn the small universe can not break through this force.

Gao Tianzun looked at this young man with great interest, even if he was imprisoned by himself, and he was even more interested.

“You’re mine.”

He and the Sacred Realm had obviously become mortal enemies, and the other party would definitely not let go of him, so if that was the case, of course, he would not continue to keep his hand.

Even if the Saka Star is destroyed, even if this battle fails, as long as he catches this teenager and studies the secret of this teenager’s strengthening, he will also be able to form an army of Saint Seiya, and when the time comes, he will not be afraid of the Holy Realm.

“Damn it, Barry!!”

“Gao Tianzun, you are looking for death!”

It’s just that Barry burned the small universe, and Gao Tianzun personally shot it has attracted the attention of several other silvers, seeing that Gao Tianzun wants to capture Barry, Ye and a few other silver suddenly changed their faces, and directly burned the small universe and rushed towards Gao Tianzun.

But unfortunately, the distance between Gao Tianzun was too close.

Let Ye and a few other silver speeds be amazing, but also not as fast as Gao Tianzun’s hand.

Barry could only watch as the seemingly dry and boring hand grabbed at him, getting closer and closer, and he wanted to resist but couldn’t do it.

The gap is too big.

Barry is also fully aware of the gap between himself and the truly strong.

Watching this hand approach, and then the moment Gao Tianzun grabbed Barry, a familiar voice came from Barry’s ear.


The monstrous momentum swept through the entire war in an instant, as if the ancient Olympian gods had awakened, dazzling, holy, and powerful forces completely exploded.

“Smash, what do you want to do to my dear brother?”

Out of the corner of his eye, Barry caught a glimpse of a strong and strong body floating beside him, and an arm of dazzling golden armor grabbed Gao Tianzun’s hand fiercely.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys, Mo Mo Da!) )

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