“The goddess is on top, all this is really a miracle… The old butler John, dressed in a tuxedo and white gloves, stood elegantly, and also looked at the group of young girls below, his face was kind and excited.

In the past five years, the biggest change in Antonia Island is not the population, not the wealth, nor the faith, but this sacred land, from the very beginning of the establishment of the sacred realm, to the training of this group of weak children, in the present has a punch enough to smash the young girls with dozens of tons of boulders, if he did not witness it with his own eyes, he really could not imagine that this world had such a magnificent power.

In recalling what the young master had said, it was full of deep meaning.

Saint Seiya, born to protect the earth and guard peace, has a powerful warrior who splits the sky with his fist and shatters the earth with his feet.

And this group of young girls, just in order to become saints, trained day and night, under heavy pressure in the deep sea, carrying dozens of tons and hundreds of tons of boulders, baptizing under the waterfall, practicing in the extremely cold ice field, and feeling the heat in the volcano.

That kind of cruel training, let alone a child who is only eleven or twelve, even adults can’t bear it.

However, with the divine power given by the young master, these children actually endured, and even became more powerful all the time, until finally feeling the stars and feeling the universe, until now, when he first saw a teenage girl actually wave a delicate little fist to smash a boulder made by tens of tons alive, that shocking scene John can’t forget until now.

He had lived for decades and he had never seen such a picture.

What shocked him the most was that such a powerful warrior who surpassed mortals was actually just a mere replenishment Saint Fighter in the young master’s mouth, not even a Bronze Saint Fighter.

How powerful were the bronze, silver and even gold Saint Seiya after that?

How strong is the demon guarding the zodiac now?

That’s God.

Who could have imagined that these hundreds of children in front of them would have the qualifications to become gods?

John dedicated his life to the York family, and even the old tears of excitement when he saw the family grow and rise in another way.

He had decided that he would try to live, to witness the scene of the House of York, Antonia, and the Sacred Land standing on the top of the earth, if he really did not dare to let go of such a bold statement before, but feeling the majestic vitality in his body, John smiled happily.

Old John’s thoughts, Karen did not know, even if he knew, he would only smile happily, for the old man who had paid for the youth of the loyal family subjects, even if he used divine power to wash the old body, he did not feel the slightest pain.


Suddenly, a golden stream of light in the sky slammed down on the high platform of the Female God Temple, and a wave of air spread in all directions.

When the golden light dissipated, I saw a brown-haired teenager wearing luxurious golden armor and a jade and white cloak kneeling on one knee behind the three people, bowing his proud head, and saying in a congratulatory voice: “Your Highness, according to your orders, those two people are about to sneak into the training ground, and we did not take it.” ”

“Your Highness, when the old master had an accident, there was obviously a shadow of this organization, especially in the past few years, the exploration of the Sacred Domain has not been put down, and the candidates also paid attention when they were practicing in other places, why not give a warning?” The young man who had infiltrated several people obviously knew that His Highness the weak organization had been letting go, which was simply incredible.

Know that as a Golden Saint Seiya, he alone can easily destroy a country, let alone an organization.

Even if this organization is called S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Godanwei, your eyes should not be on the earth, but on the enemy outside the universe, this frog at the bottom of the well can be destroyed at any time, but for the time being I still need them, and your goal now is still cultivation, Drurus Charles, they are almost stepping into the seventh sense, you are a lot behind… Karen smiled softly as he put his hands behind his back and looked down at the vibrant Sanctuary.

Among the young girls who began to beckon five years ago, under the baptism of a lot of divine power, a group of people stood out, thirteen of whom were particularly outstanding.

And Godanway is one of them, Cancer’s Golden Saint Seiya, late Sixth Sense.

Most of the thirteen Golden Saints are on this level, among which Virgo Zoro and Gemini brothers, Sagittarius, have already stepped into the seventh sense.

What is this concept?

The seventh sense is already the existence of the sub-heavenly father, especially for the fully developed warrior of the Saint Seiya, when reaching the peak of the seventh sense, he can even cross the level to challenge the heavenly father.

And the constant asceticism of Karen is the seventh sense.

The results of cultivation were not bad, but Karen thought it was still a little worse, after all, the twelve golden demons who were the last to understand the seventh sense were only ten years old, and like Aeolia, they almost reached the seventh sense when they were seven years old.

But Karen also knew in his heart that there were too few demons like Shagar and Aeolia.

This qualification is simply against the sky, and Godanwei’s qualifications are naturally inferior, even if there is a washing and shaping of divine power, but the generation of divine power is too slow, the accumulation of time, if it were not for the fact that Antonia Island was in the ancient Xi Yue Xi itself had believed in three goddesses, it is estimated that the production would be even slower.

Most of his divine power was almost spent on these thirteen guys, and the rest was to wash the other little ones.

In fact, his original goal has been achieved, but this guy is getting more and more proud, and he must mention it, otherwise he will suffer a big loss in the battle sooner or later because of his pride and conceit.

“Yes, Your Highness, I will continue to work hard to practice…” Godanwi’s slightly arrogant face stagnated, and then he smiled.

“Okay, this time you go ahead with the selection and bring those two guys to me.”



As soon as the words fell, Godanwei’s figure instantly turned into a golden streamer and tore through the air, flying towards the training ground with a whistling sound.

“The prelude to the times has begun, and my plan should be unfolded… Remembering hearing the news of the playboy’s abduction yesterday, Karen wiped a smile from the corner of his mouth, and looked up slightly at the hot sun in the sky, and a golden light flashed through his jewel-like pupils.

(Five times a day, ask for tickets and flowers.) )

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