In just two or three days, all kinds of strange phenomena and deaths in the sinkhole have been increasing, and even if a state has taken control of the network, it has been unable to suppress it.

The threat of death has spread all over the world.

Shivering and hugging his family, he hid in his home and listened to a terrible scream and smirk through the long night, but a video screen gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

The picture is the clearest in the video with the highest network hotspots.

The picture was faintly shaking, and it was obvious that the owner of the shoot was also extremely nervous, but no one noticed this, and their eyes were fixed on the mighty wave in the picture that wanted to destroy everything, and the terrible wave rolled up high, as if to drown the entire sky.

The momentum of the black pressure destroying the city was like a natural disaster.

Just seeing this picture is already frightening.

However, the most shocking thing is that these billions of tons of monstrous waves that destroy all the momentum are blocked by a thin layer of light blue energy barriers.

Heavy after heavy, but still standing like a reef hit by the waves.

Just when everyone thought it would continue like this, the tide receded and immediately the next wave was connected, and a terrifying roar could be heard, and the terrible air wave that came from nowhere was bombarded fiercely, and even the huge waves were scattered.

In the atmosphere of great silence, a crisp cracking sound sounded.

Everyone looked at it in horror, and the energy barrier that could have blocked hundreds of millions of giant waves had actually cracked.

The next great wave had already flapped in, and it was clear that the barrier could no longer bear it.

At this moment, holding his breath, emotions suddenly choked in his throat.

“Lushan Hundred Dragon Masters ~~~~”

The next second, a roar between heaven and earth rang out, and one golden divine dragon suddenly appeared and danced wildly, accompanied by a terrifying dragon groan, countless golden dragons danced wildly in the sky, and the terrifying supreme power completely swept the mighty wave upside down and the sky.


With the muffled sound, the hundreds of millions of tons of sea water were blasted and shattered in the air at a height of tens of thousands of meters, turning into a torrential rain pouring down.

Under the torrential rain of the sky, in mid-air, a teenager wearing gorgeous golden armor stood in the void, and the white jade cloak fluttered in the wind, like a god.

Like the standard solution in Hollywood movies, superheroes never let people down.

At this moment, everyone cheered.

“Even buy Karma ~~~~~”

“Great, is this a superhero?”

“Too strong, to hear the cheers in the picture, as if calling out some Saint Seiya??”

“Yes, I have heard the legend of the Sacred Realm, which says that the Saint Seiya is the guardian warrior of Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, in order to guard peace, fight against demons, fight against evil gods, they have power beyond mortals, and when they are granted the holy garment symbolizing the guardian constellation, that person is recognized as an official Saint Seiya.”

“It turns out that, envy, the Sanctuary seems to have been founded on Antonia, the most beautiful island in the world.”

“Well, it is said that the one who founded the Holy Land was the ruler Karen. York created Oh. ”

“Aaah, who likes him so much, is not only young and handsome and rich, but also very kind, has been absorbing those poor orphans, and has established a holy land, really a perfect prince, and can’t help but shed tears (saliva).”

“Cut, flower idiot, this kind of prince must be my husband.”

“Wait, what a terrible sound that.”

Just when a group of sisters were screaming, there was a loud roar in the picture, even if it was just through the picture, the heart could not help but be cold, and the originally relaxed mood was mentioned again.

Before he could say anything, a clear cry came from the picture again: “Warren obeys the orders of His Highness and guards the gates of hell.” ”

As soon as the voice of the young man standing in the sky fell in the picture, the figure turned into a brilliant beam of light and disappeared into the dark night sky.

The picture tracked the direction of the disappearance, only to see that there were many golden figures looming in the night sky.

“????? What do you mean? Hell’s Gates? Is hell really going to invade the human world?? ”

“Just guess, the gates of hell are open, the demons are about to invade the world, and the vision of this time is a sign.”

“The end has come.”

“What the end has come, didn’t you hear the words of the young man, he will guard the gates of hell, and when the picture finally disappears, there are many golden figures, it must be other Saint Seiya.”

“That is, the Sacred Realm has struck?” Are they going to guard the gates of hell? It’s great to have them in the right place to be able to destroy those demons. ”

“Haha, there is salvation, I led the family to die suddenly last night, and the death is very strange, scared me to death, I am going to take the whole family to live in the church.” 」

The video spread almost the entire network, and surprisingly, countries did not take the video down, apparently hoping to give a glimmer of hope to people on the verge of collapse.

Although the leadership of all countries does not want this, if they do not give hope to their own people, then their own countries will collapse.

(Ask the big guys to have a flower, thank you guys.) )

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